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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Heh if your sure princess I'll leave her to you kid later!" He yelled taking off at high speed. "Later princess!" Nenma dashed around till he found the kid he was fighting before talking to a girl. "Yo you in the hood remember me!"
Koyuki's eyes widened, "wow that was cool.." She whispered to herself before telling the clay figure where she needed to go: the girls dorms. "Thank you."
Cypher smiled at the girl and said "Once your finished with it just say objective reached and it will come back to me." He turned around to go back into his house but became semi interested in where the guy was going. He closed his good eye and followed the heat signature left by him to eventually find where he was at. Slightly slower of course but still he reached his destination.
Nenma turned around and saw the boy. "Yo how's it goin say you look strong care to fight me?" Nenma moved fast and was in range of the boy. "What do you say kid?"
Yumi walked around the dorms and saw the girl Nenma was with and a little girl with her she ran over. "You where is that jerk that womanizer, that monster, that pervert!?"
Cypher looked behind himself to check if someone else was there "Me?" He scoffed "Oh no, how would I even be able to keep up with you who are so fast. I mean compared to you I'm slower than the tar pits...in fact." He walked over to a tree and transmuted the natural material into tar and then combined it with himself. The tar seemed to be sliding up his body but it was actually him becoming black tar. "Do you know why tar killed so many dinosaurs died in the tar pits? It was so hot they often boiled from the inside before being drug bellow." Steam rose from his body and tar bubbles popped every now and then. "So I would fight you but I really don't want to."
she waved and followed the clay figure to the dorms before she was stopped at the sound of a familiar girl's voice. "Nenma ran off s-someone where over there." she stuttered, but pointed in the direction of the boy.
Koyuki couldn't help but feel like they were being watched, and started to back away to the entrance of the dorms. she stood there for a minute, fumbling something in between her fingers. She slowly began to become more aware of the dark and reached her limit. Koyuki gave the clay person a flower before whispering, "objective reached," and went inside to find her dorm room.
Layla jumped backwards, tumbling off her position upon the lifted wall beside the stream. Being it was somewhat of a hill, she tumbled into the water, remaining still for a few moments before lifting her drenched head from the water. She allowed her eyelids to flutter open, taking a few moments to retrieve her vision. "Zero? That's you?" Once gathering her thoughts, she adjusted her position inside the stream. "Now I'm soaked thanks to you."
Zero laughed. "that kid made me remember one of my powers, check this out!" he closed his eyes, and then Layla was lifted out of the water, then all the water shot out from her, she no longer was soaked.
Nenma sighed. "Well as much as I want to fight you I can't you did help me out with Koyuki but." He pointed to Zero. "I still wish to fight you come let's pick up from last time!"
"where the heck did you come from?" he turned to nenma, and says "boy, you will have no chance against me if you try to fight me this time."
Nenma shrugged. "Hey I never did get your name. I also happen to like those those odds you'd be surprised how many times I've heard someone say that and lose to me." He held out a can of cherry soda. "Soda?"
Zero sighs, and says "the name is Zero. And I have my own soda, but thank you." a soda can launches out of a nearby shadow, and Zero catches it, opens it, and starts drinking it. "also, you have zero chance of winning... See what I did there? Huehuehue." he continues drinking his soda, then adds "but seriously... I could teleport you into a volcano and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Of course I have plenty more ways to kill... But that is amongst the least painful." his eyes glow a gentle green.
"Hahaha zero chances that's good but it may surprise you but I could get out of there." Nenma starts drinking his soda. "Oh and in case you forgot I'm Nenma Takashi. So Zero your a pretty strong dude what do you say you and I become friends?" He stuck out his hand.
Zero looks down at his hand, and says "I don't know... I only make friends with those I trust. And I only have..." he pauses, and thinks, then says "I think two friends? Then my lover layla/luna." he gestures over to the extremely hot Layla sitting on the bank. "anyways.. I can't trust you yet. The only other way to become friends with me is to beat me in a fight, which only reapers, shadow users, or gods can do. So better luck next time."
Cypher sat off to the side of the petty argument back and forth and decided to lay down on his side supporting his head with one arm. A tar bubble exploded near where his eyeball would be and he spoke bored, "Well some one do...something." And sighed briefly "I'm becoming bored with your bickering."
Layla peered around at the stranger from her position behind Zero. She didn't know what exactly to think of him, but it did seem she was correct with her assumption from earlier. Once Zero mentioned her as his lover, her eyes widened, a slight blush spread in a t her cheeks . It took a few seconds, but the color change went away just as another male spoke. "Hm?" This surprisingly interesting guy utterly and carelessly spoke his opinion. Something of which she was also likely to do herself.
Zero laughed, and says to Layla "I'll be right back dear... I warned him, so I wish to teach a lesson." he pauses, then his eyes turn a void black, and he mutters "darkness emporium." the nearby sky turns black, the nearby trees wither away into dead remnants of its past self, and all nearby people turn to dust and blow away. Everything is twisted and turned into a scarier version, the school has the faces of people in agony carved on the front, all animals are moving skeletons, and insects made entirely of black infest everything. Zero himself then melts and turns into a 10 foot tall skeleton, his eyes replaced with a flame, his bones tint black. Snakes wiggle through all his joints and have a black flame sticking to them. Zero then summons his scythe, and slams it into the ground, causing the nearby area to shake at a 7.5 on the Richter scale. "Let's dance little man." the flames color is a bright yellow, dancing in his eye socket.
Nenma frowns. "Is this suppose to be scary?" Nenma looks up at him with a serious look in his eyes. "Cause you don't know scary till you've seen the hell on earth that I've seen. And the names Nenma not little man!" Nenma jumped up at the skeleton and sent a kick at his head.
"Nah it's not suppose to be scary... It's just to prepare you for when I send you to hell." he easily blocks the kick to the side, and goes to flick his forehead.
Nenma twist his body to move out of the way and lands on the ground. "Like I've said I've already been to hell so sorry if your threat doesn't scare me!" He got in a running position and took of breaking the sound barrier as soon as he takes off. Disappearing from sight. "Come on keep up." His voice comes from all sides.
Zero sighs, and replies with "you obviously haven't learned have you? Physical attacks don't hurt me, I'm a man of darkness." he then appears next to nenma, running backwards in front of him. "however... I can do physical attacks." he goes to grab him by the skull, and slam him into the ground.
Layla rolled her irises, knowing it was bound to happen. With the boys disappearance, there was only the one that wished to see something happened left to entertain her. "I suppose you want to fight too?" She crossed her arms over her chest, turning her gaze to the stream of which she fell into earlier. She had no clue what to do while she waited. Playing with the water again would most likely result in him causing her to fall in once again. So what now? Nothing. She shrugged her shoulders, just as she let out an annoyed breath of air.
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