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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zero disintegrates into dust, and appears behind nenma. "two can play

that game... Huehuehue." all of a sudden, black boiling goop swarms him, as he grows up to 10 feet in length. "let's have some fun... Basically, if this stuff even touches you... It's insta death." he grins, and flings two black balls of boiling goop about 2 feet wide at nenma. (lol princess, just yes. xD )
Nenma grinned and waved his hand sending a wind blowing away the goop. "Oh man it's been so long since I've had to use this power. Your way strong tell me wants your name!"
Layla settled herself upon the bank of a nearby stream. She herself extended her hand downward into the glistening blue waters, examining the reflecting of her matching blue optics, those of which resembled the color of the stream she was currently at. Feeling the tingling, shuddering sensation of the cool water running through her fingers, she slowed her humming run to a nice flow to match that of the stream itself.
Koyuki left the library with a load of books stacked in her small hands. She looked around the mass of buildings in search of the dorms. Sadly, she had forgotten to grab a map and would have to make this search alone. She took a deep breath and started marching blindly across the campus, Nervously having to juggle the tall stack of books with each step.
Nenma opened his eyes he was back at the school and the boy he was fighting was gone. "Damn and just when I was having fun." He walked around he soon saw a girl carrying a tall stack of books he walked over and took the stack with one hand. "Allow me madam." He said giving her a warm smile. ("Man this girl is way too cute alright Nenma play it cool you got this you have got this.") Nenma turned to the girl. "So where you heading."
KoYuki jumped nervously, startled from the books' sudden disappearance. A light pink stained her cheeks once she caught herself and looked at the guy. "Uh, thanks.." She averted her attention to the buildings, trying to calm her heart rate. "I-I'm looking for the dorms."
Nenma saw her reaction and smiled. "Heh cute I think the dorms if I recall correctly are this way." He pointed in the direction a group of building near the school. "Come on um sorry I don't know your name I'm Nenma Nenma Takashi." ("Oh man she seems like the shy type the best type when they open up only to you when the only touch they want and allow is yours.") Nenma snapped back into reality and wiped some drool of his lip.
Yumi walked around and saw a boy and girl talking one look at the boy and she remembered him anger took over and she took off at full speed at him. "NENMA TAKASHI YOU JERK!!!" She jumped up and went flying at him ready to kick.
"I, um..I'm Koyuki.." She looked at the ground for a second, as if embarrassed, "..Hana." looking back up at him and giving a gentle smile, "Koyuki Hana."
Nenma turned his attention to the sound of someone yelling his name. He turned to she a famliar face sending a kick right at him. "OH CRAP YUMI YOUR HERE TO!!" He threw the books in the air and blocked Yumi's kick and catching the books with one hand again. "What the hell is your problem!" Nenma yelled at her.
Yumi jumped in between Nenma and the Koyuki. "My problem I thought I told you to stop trying to steal the hearts of girls you jerk!" She engulfed her hand in fire and threw an uppercut at Nenma.
Koyuki jumped forward on her feet for a moment, scared her books would drop. She knew she wouldn't have enough money to pay the school back if they were destroyed. Her bright round eyes looked from the books to the strange girl and then to the guy named Nenma.
Nenma dodged and moved around Yumi at super speeds that it seemed as if he had disappeared he sat the books down gently and looked to Koyuki then Yumi. "Look Yumi it's like that I was just helping okay I don't want to fight you okay." Nenma held out his hand. "We good."
Yumi looked at the hand and took it. "Very well all is forgiven....NOT!!" She took his hand and gripped it tight her arm once again engufled in flames. "Let's see you dodge when you can't move NENMA!!" Yumi went for a straight punch this time.
Nenma sighed he would have to fight he was hopeing not to he did not want to scare Koyuki. "Fine you want to fight so bad." Nenma body shook for a few seconds and then there were two of him one got punched and the other ran and grabbed hold of Koyuki's hand. "Quick hold on." He grabbed hold of her and put her on his back they took off for the dorms making sure to grab the books to at a super speed.
"What the hey you." Yumi by the time turned around Nenma and the girl were gone. "Damn that Nenma he is just such a jerk I'll kill him one day as pay back for beating me so bad before!"
Koyuki, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden movement, squeezed her arms around Nenma's neck and buried her face into the back of his neck. Violence wasn't something she could handle easily and this caused her to shake a bit.
Nenma felt the girl shake on him and tighten up. "See this is what I was afraid would happen." He sat her down gently and pulled a soda out of his jacket pocket. "Here it's cherry if you don't like cherry then I can give you a diffent one and if I don't have it I'll find it." He said all this while smiling wide. "Sorry for scaring you back there Koyuki can you forgive me?"
It took her a second to snap out of the shaking, but once she did she covered her face, realizing her actions. "Oh, no, I couldn't..it's not your fault" She exclaimed, shaking her head in her hands. "don't worry about me..I-I'll be fine in a mmoment." Koyuki looked up and smiled, though her cheeks were flushed red.
Nenma smiled back and pressed the can against her face. "Your cheeks have gotten red are you hot or..." He stopped letting her own mind finish the sentence for him. ("She reminds me of sis with that smile heh....sis.") Nenma turned away as a tear rolled down his face. "(Don't cry not here not now don't make your self look like a wimp damn it.")
Her heart beat settled and she watched Nenma turn away. KoYuki shifted her attention to the ground and twirled her fingers around one another repeatedly. It had been a second before she spoke, "thank you."
Nenma got a hold of himself and turned to her. "No prob now are you gonna take the soda or not this things freakin cold hahaha." He laughed and was shock by himself that was a real laugh not his fake this girl made him really happy he chuckled to him self. "Just like you Julia." He mumbled under his breath.
"Sorry.." She reached out and grabbed the soda from his hand, and opened it. She rather enjoyed cherries, but has never had a cherry flavored soda. Koyuki cautiously took a sip of the soda and beamed, lightly blushing with excitement on this new discovery. "It's good..!!"
Koyuki looked up at him from her soda and paused. She pulled it into her lap and tapped the sides of it. She wasn't very good at asking questions and had to build up the courage. "Um,.." She wondered if he cared if she called him by his name "Nenma, what is the matter?"
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