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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Yumi still on the ground looked at Soren. "I thought I could use my flames to heal Vex and maybe get his body back but then Jigoku said I would have to enter them through the mouth to get them inside.... Um Soren I uh kinda can't move even though it didn't work I healed something and it sapped alot out of me."
Soren huffed, his expression was bleak but you could practically feel the irritation emitting from his stare. "Is there something you eat or drink that gives you your energy back?" he asked placing his hands into his pockets.

"I don't wish to go back to the infirmary."
"This is human." he said, pointing at the bottle he gave Cerin. "the only one of us with enough demon blood to make a bottle is Vex, if he doesn't have a bottle himself." he eyed Cerin when he giggled, "I doubt he would be willing to participate."
A mischievous grin crosses his face, and he quickly turns around, pouncing her and landing over top of her, his hands supporting him on either side of her head. "Gotcha." he chuckles, and plops onto the ground next to her. "I vote we take a nap." He puts a grin on his face, his eyes a slight shade of yellow, but mainly pink.

@The Dark Princess
Soren watched as Cerin transformed into Vex, not looking forward to seeing him once more. He eyed his twin once it had finished, and held out a hand in greeting. "Hello, Vex," Soren didn't like the silence around them and was curious of a few things,"Have you seen or heard of anything for a vessel, or are you really looking?" This was something he'd been wondering a while.
Soren rubbed his temples in exhaustion,"I can't say I blame him for not wanting you to roam around." he suddenly remembered what he was going to do and held out his hand at Vex. "The Vial." he demanded Vex, not in the mood play play games.
DragonStorm said:
"You okay Aqua your pacing?" I asked a bit worried
Aqua said smiling at him,"I'm so full that it feel unnatural just to sit there doing nothing. Beside it help disgest the food."

Her ears lean forward a she jokingly started marching,"One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four..."
Soren gripped the vial and placed it into his bag, not making an attempt to catch Vex. instead, he turned and made his way to the dorms whilst talking to himself. "so what if he roams around a bit. the worst he could do in his condition is hurt a few people." he paused at that for a second and shook his head,"its not the worst he's done." this carried on the entire way to his room, even as a few people stared at him for his rants. Soren finally went into his room, not bothering to turn the light on. He pulled his jacket off and plopped into bed where he slowly fell into a deep sleep.
She blinked, tilting her head at him. When he jumped on her a sharp feeling of fear and nervousness ran through her body. She squeezed her eyelids tightly over her hues, just as they made contact with the ground. Once on the ground she slowly opened her eyes, peering at him. "Meanie." She then rolled over on her stomach."A nap sounds good. "
I chuckle "Your cute you know that" I smile "I bet everyone says that to you, Am I right or am I wrong" I give a slight chuckle as I continue to watch her pace around my home
Aqua nodded as her ears twitched,"Your right, mostly everyone does."

She kept on pacing with her tail swishing around a bit.

//True story
Aqua shook her head,"Not really, to be honest I don't really have any plans for anything. It just happens on it's own."

She stopped pacing and looked at him with curiosity burning in her eyes,"Why you ask?"
Aqua tilted her head confused then quickly followed,"What are you planning?"

She sat down after all that pacing and sigh.
I sit down with her "Nothing, There hasnt been much going on around here" I smile for a moment "wanna here something I was told when I was young?"
Aqua's ears twitched as she looked at him,"Sure what is it?"

She smiled back as her tail swished.
Soren jerked awake upon hearing a loud sound and sat up, immediately darting his attention to the window. After a moment he realized nothing was there, which left him wondering where the sound came from. He got up and got dressed, no longer able to fall back to sleep for now. It was then that he found a chocolate bar sitting on his desk and he gave no hesitation to eat it as he thought. The sky was dark and he sighed happily once he noticed he had slept through his birthday. It was pointless to celebrate such things in his opinion, ad he often hated the gifts people gave him from the village. Soren grabbed his jacket and left his room the right way for once, a look of dreadful exhaust clinging to his angular features. Considering Cerin wasn't with him, or even outside, Soren could tell Vex was still in control. This came as no surprise to him and he simply began his search for vex.
After scoping the entire area, Soren came to the conclusion that Vex was not going to be found outside, and he was beginning to regret letting him roam around. It was awfully quiet outside, and he could smell the faint scent of blood coming from the school. He hurriedly followed the smell into the school and down a hallways until he was met by the sound of a piano playing. "you have got to be kidding me." he groaned, keeping up his fast pace to the music room where he saw Vex playing, covered in blood. Soren stepped into the room, trying to ignore the fact Vex was playing something he'd loved since a child. "Do you always have to do this?" he asked, tapping his claws against the piano.
A stressed look covered his features and he walked around the piano to check the girls pulse. To Soren's surprise, she was still alive, and, unlike Vex, was not covered in blood. he looked over to his brother, thoughts running through his head. Had he gotten soft? he questioned while lifting the girl from up from the seat and placing her onto a cushioned one at the edge of the room. Soren waited until he was finished playing, for his own pleasure, before dragging him by the hair out of the school.
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