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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Soren grew weary of waiting for the sky to change and sat up to took a look around his room for something to amuse him. He paused when he came upon a soccer-ball resting in the corner. He'd never taken a liking in sports such as these, so this obviously didn't belong there. He got up and grabbed it, taking it to the window to throw out.
Yumi stopped as they reached there destination. "There." She pointed to the window that belonged to Soren. "Sorry I don't know which room the only reason I know his window is cause I kicked a soccer ball through it." She paused. "Fine fine I'll ask get off my back geez. Hey kid do you have some sort of person or what not in you crazy question I know just tell me."
Yumi not expecting this reply simply just giggle. "Well I hope your's is less of a pain then mine is Jigoku's always demon hunters this demon hunters that. It gets old way to fast." As she spoke she walked over and threw a rock at Soren's window hard. "YO SOREN!!"
Yeah bunch of jerks tried to kill Jigoku he met me I tried to help got beat almost died so did he but he saved me by ing now we are just two peas in a pod literally can't be without the other."
He dropped the soccer-ball out of the window and looked down at the two figures. "Yumi, and Cerin..?" he looked closer and flinched. "Yup, Cerin," he groaned " and where there is Cerin there is Vex." after a moment of sulking, Soren slid into view of the window and waved down at them. "hey."
he watched the rock fly at him and flicked it away once it reached him. "Don't throw crap at me." he said, his face still blank.
Soren locked his sight on Cerin choking himself and sighed, his brows furrowing. "Vex, stop it." he yelled as he jumped from the window and onto the ground below. he hurried over to them and grabbed Cerin's wrists, pulling them from his neck. he didn't dare let go, knowing vex would go back to choking Cerin. "I see not much has changed."
"too long." He smiled back at Cerin and rustled his white hair with his free hand. Soren looked at Yumi and gave a slight gentle smile," Well, Jigoku is a Demon you contracted with. Vex is mine and Cerin's brother." He studied her for a moment.
Yumi gasped. "Woah you two are brothers cool well if I may I'd like to introduce myself nice and well. "Names Yumi Yumi Flameheart nice to met you Cerin right." She paused. "Hmmm really maybe I don't know let me ask. If I may did something happen to vex to make him have to be inside of Cerin." She looked at Soren studying her and she turned away and blushed. "I told you that's embarrassing."
His features melted down to their usual expressionless canvas at her comment and he cleared his throat.

"Vex has always had the power to possess people, even when were little. Well, a few months ago he was playing a prank on Cerin and possessed him, but something happened to the house and it burned down in witch-fire. Unable to find his body, Vex has been stuck in Cerin ever since, at least until he can find a vessel that doesn't die when he possess it." Soren was glaring down Cerin, but it was meant for vex.
Yumi nodded. "I get it pretty bad stuff.... hmm why would I do that that'd just be weird I told you before it wouldn't work quit bugging me about it!" Yumi began talking to Jigoku in a loudly they were beginning to argue. But to everyone they only heard Yumi's side of the fight.
Soren reached in his bag and grabbed a bottle of blood, handing it to Cerin. "if you're going to sleep, don't do it hungry." he knew Vex would use any excuse to drink someones blood when he was hungry, and found that Cerin doesn't eat much at all. his attention was caught by the girl arguing with herself, and a curious look painted onto his face.
"No no no no not doing it no nononononnonononononon how many times do I have to say no for you to get it no means no that's stupid it won't work and..... I don't care if I haven't tested it yet I'm not going to!"
"do what?" he interrupted, acting on his curiosity for once. he looked from her to Cerin and back to her, his eyes fading fading amber.
Yumi looked at Soren. "Umm ho nothing ju-just um J-Jigoku wants me to practice my backflips but I say I do them well enough.....shut up Jigoku."
"oh." he said, looking back at cerin. "are you alright?" he asked, popping his knuckles against his hip. Soren was beginning to miss the rain, and the dark forests of the mountains. He would often venture there, and met many wolves and vampires in the wood there.
Soren glanced at Yumi before averting his gaze rapidly to Cherin. "No." he muttered, his hands folding into fists against his sides. It was only a moment before they released and his arms went rigid, "why does that concern you, Vex?" he asked, his voice edged.
Yumi walked over to Cerin/Vex and put her finger over his mouth. "Don't talk let me try something. She brought him close and kiss him and held it like that for a while and finally let go. "S-s-s-s-s-see it din't work you were wrong and I was right hah." Yumi then fell down with a trail of blue flames running down her mouth."
"A blood pact..?" he slowed, trying to wrap his mind around what vex was saying. He knew he was trying to get to him, and it was working. He could feel the fire beginning to emerge from his claw-tipped fingers as he stared at Cerin with widening eyes.
the flames subsided and Soren looked at Yumi who laid there. "are you alright?" he asked, leaning down and poking her shoe. he glanced up at Cerin, curious of which one had control over his mouth for the moment. his anger hadn't left yet, and he didn't wish to let Vex know his words had an effect on him.
DragonStorm said:
"Your welcome" I smile at her and start eating
A few minutes later Aqua had finish and looked happy. She sigh as she got up pacing a bit, looking uncomfortable to sit down.
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