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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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He handed her the leather-bound book and eyed her with a blank stare. Soren could feel his claws beginning to form and cleared his throat. "Let's see."
Layla jumped, simply staring at him as he rambled on. She wanted to simply burst out and admit it, she wanted to shout to the world, just how she much she liked him. "Z-Zero...." She paused , contemplating whether to say something or whether to remain quiet. Since she couldn't decide, she simply lowered her tone to a mumble. "I...love....you....only...you."
Yumi took the book in her hands and whispered. "Alright Jigoku work your magic." A small blue flame formed on the ripped page and instead of burn it it instead seemed to seal the rip after a few minutes Yumi handed the book back. "See when the great Yumi makes a promise she keeps it hahaha." Yumi began to giggle.
Soren gave an impressed smile as he took the book back. Though it was small as if he were hiding something in his mouth. "Fire, nice." The smile faded gently and he looked at her. "Did you learn that yourself?"
"Well in a way you could "he" was the one who thought me that. Oh sorry you don't know about Jigoku . Well he's a demon that lives inside me he's the only thing keeping me alive and I keep him alive." Yumi stumbled back. "Man that takes alot out of me but have no fear this is nothing for Yumi the great." As soon as the words left her mouth she feel face first on her face.
His face looked somewhat shocked for a moment, then he couldn't hold back anymore, he pulled her into an embrace, and kissed her, his eyes completely pink now.
He caught her, but stood there unsure what to do. Soren had just gotten to the school and didn't know where the infirmary was. He looked blankly at her limp form, pulling her up so that she wasn't at an angle.
Layla allowed him to do as he wished, throwing whatever remaining thought in her mind away. She only wanted him to hold her for as long as possible. She didn't care what her father had to say about it. As he kissed her, a twinkling tear fell down the right side of her face.
He drew back for only a moment, "I might be greedy, but I won't let anyone else have you. -" he continued his kiss, feeling so weak to love, having entirely surrendered.
Layla couldn't help but allow herself to cry. She had never have anyone show this much expression of love for her. So much to an extent that it frightened her. Even so, she knew she was okay as long as he was the one she fell into fear with. As he continued to kiss her, she broke away slowly, a slight smile wiping upon her face. "Stay?"
"for as long as you like." Zero smiled, looking truly happy. His eyes glowed half yellow and pink. He never fell for anyone this hard, and it was almost to the point that it frightened him, however he knew that as long as it was her, it was okay, and that he could trust her.
Yumi woke up and looked up at the boy. "Well aren't we so nice." She said poking his nose she motioned for him to pick her up. "I know where the nurse is but it seems my aren't working right now so would be so kind to help me out." She put her hand over her stomach. "Shhh Jigoku."
Layla rested her forehead against his. Contemplating just how long she wanted him to be around. Even so, she simply knew that she wanted her around for a long period of time. "Forever?" Being the only word she could come up with, so she supposed it was acceptable.
"I don't think forever is long enough..." he smiled, his eyes a pure pink now. "can we stay.. Forever and ever? It's like forever, but with the extra ever." he chuckles, and pulls her even closer on their embrace, eliminating all air between them.
"Sure." He said bluntly, looking at her. "Just point the way." He was careful not to let his claws touch her, and hadn't noticed that his eyes began to fade a different color.
Yumi stared at the Soren's eyes. "Pretty I mean uhh just take a left at the office and keep going straight till you reach a sign that says infirmary." She said with her cheeks red.
She gigged, poking at his sides as he spoke." Well aren't you the poetic one?" She slowly placed a gentle kiss upon his cheek. "Forever, and ever it is."
Zero now sighed, and the scorpion symbol on his neck started to glow purple. "is there any way to get that... 'fiance'" he says fiance with extreme sarcasm, "out into his original form? I'm sorry to spoil the moment but the sooner this happens the better." his eyes are now a matching purple with the mark on his neck, his face determined. "I want to challenge him to a duel."
Soren nodded and followed her directions to the infirmary. Once they entered he was greeted by a nurse. "What happened to her?" She asked looking at Soren and Yumi. Soren looked at Yumi as he couldn't explain it.
"A duel?..." She paused, averting her gaze elsewhere. "Like I said. He can't return to his own form until the quest is complete." She then sighed, taking a step back away from him. "Sorry to disappoint you....and anger you."
"hmm..." he thought then said, "until you fall in love with him? I have an easier solution..." he pulls a vial from a nearby shadow, the vial giving off green smoke. "drink this, it will separate all of your different beings currently inside you. It's used in the shadow realm for tearing shadows that got blended together apart." he holds out the vial, "you won't feel a thing, except two different people coming out of you." he chuckles, and waited to see her reaction.
"I over did it on the whole healing thing again." The nurse frowned at her. "How many times have I told you to watch it with the hole healing power your not even meant to have the powers you do the power may still be demon but your body is kinda still human it can't take the strain of healing." Yumi just mocked the nurse and told Soren to lay her down on the bed.
She gazed at the said vial before averting her gaze back to him." Why do you want him dead so badly?" She tapped at the said vial he held out, examining the vial and his facial expression of which he currently held.
He set her down and sat in the chair beside the bed, pulling his pack from his back onto his lap. Soren then proceeded to watch her, his eyes settling into an amber hue. He let out a yawn that flashed a row of sharp teeth, only to be hidden again behind his lips. " so you have a demon inside of you?"
"Huh oh yeah his names Jigoku I can hear him all the time he just doesn't know how to shut up. He's always blah blah demon hunters this demon hunters that. He's always telling me how dumb I am and when someone strong is near and it feels like a stomach ache kinda like when I met you he told me you were strong." Yumi sat up and got a small smile on her face. "I found him running from some demon hunters I tried to stop them but was too weak I was left a bloody mess left to die with Jigoku but he formed a contract with me and we fused." She put her hand over her stomach. "That's why I want to be stronger so that when I do want to protect someone or save them in the end they don't have to be the one to save me hahaha." Yumi let out an awkward laugh.
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