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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"My host....?" Layla's irises reflected the confusion and fear she felt towards the situation Zero described. "....It happened...didn't it?" Layla scrambled to her feet, separating herself from Zero.
"Layla, I'm not mad at you, or hate you in any way..." he recovered the distance Layla made from him, "I only despise that host.. And he's going to die alright..." his eyes glow red, but then change to purple. "Okay.. Layla, explain something to me. How come like 3 people are sharing a body?"
Layla sighed, settling back onto the ground beside him. "W-Wouldnt you rather Luna tell you?" Layla's words trailed off to mumbles as she continued on. "She's the brave one." She then took a moment to take a breath, enclosing her hues within her eyelids. "Even though I'm the main soul, she knows more than I do. So does Christopher."
The Watcher nods, taking an envolope out of his pocket and setting it on the couch as he stands up. "I don't expect forgiveness after what I have caused." He says before walking outside and heading back towards the school. Elizabeth sighs, unsure of what to do, and goes to open up a window and get some fresh air.
Zero sighed, and pulled her into a side hug. "nope. I want to hear every last single detail from you. I don't get to hear from you every day you know." Zero smiled gently, his eyes a deep pink.
Yumi's boredom was reaching a peak she saw a soccer ball and kicked it sending it on fire high in the air. "Oops hope that doesn't hit anyone."
Layla shrugged her shoulders, playing at the hem of her skirt with her hands. "Well. At birth, Luna and I were meant to be two separate bodies. But in our mother womb, there was only one body. You see? So its like were two different sisters in a single body. It couldn't be avoided. As for Christopher. He's just a servant. Although he tends to cause plenty of trouble for me when it comes to friends." She sighed, poking at the grass. "Weird. I know. Its just how things are for me. I'm used to him though. And he protected me in Luna's absence when I was young."
Suzu closes the door. "Tao, time for school!" Tao walks out the door. "Fine, Bye!" She waves and runs towards the school. Tao walks through the front doors. "Where is Elizabeth?"
"hmm.. I understand Luna's, part.. However how does Christopher get involved?" Zero looked slightly confused, his eyes a mix between purple and green.
Soren sat in the window off the dorm with his legs hanging out of the window ceil, and his nose stuck in a book. He didn't have much else to do and rather enjoyed the time consuming act. Though, he couldn't help but look around outside every now and then.
Yumi walked around the dorms and saw a kid reading a book sitting on his window ceil she was bored enough to play a little prank. She found the nearest soccer ball and kicked it while not on fire it was still a hard kick.
"Christopher was a supposed gift from my father." Layla took a deep breath. Preparing herself to say the hardest part. "He's my arranged husband...." She took a moment to allow him to let it sink in before she continued. "Supposedly I'm to marry him after I complete the quest of falling in love with him." She stopped again, this time to blow her breath. "Once completed, he will return to his own body and of course, we will be wed."
"This is.. Very... Very... VERY... Interesting information..." his eyes twitch slightly, his fist turning red from gripping so hard. "first he mocks me.. Then he wants to Wed you..." Zero let's out a broken laugh, and says in a very broken matter "you can't offend me twice and expect to get away with it Christopher.." his eyes turn into fire, however his normal form stays.
Soren looked up at the sound of swishing air, noticing the flying object. He twisted to dodge it with success, but the movement caused him to slip from the window. Soren began to fall, but caught himself on the ceil. He looked blankly around for his book only to find that it had fallen below. He forgot his effort put into not falling and let go, after his book. He landed on his feet and picked up his book. One of the pages were tore in half and he frowned, breaking his blank stare. "My book.." Soren muttered in a deep tone.
Layla retsted her head carefully upon his shoulder. "Don't get so worked up Zero..." She had a worried tone in her voice, knowing she herself was the cause of all of this. "Its my fault..not his." She then sat up, removing her head from his shoulder moments after placing it there.
"No.. Don't touch to me please.. I might accidently hurt you.." his eyes turn back to normal, but turn a deep crimson red. "WHY didn't you tell me you had a fiance? If you could've just told me off I wouldn't have fallen for you! I may be a shadow king, I may do evil things, however I do not make people cheat on there fiance!" Zero looks obviously peeved, and crosses his arms, waiting for an answer.
"I-....."Layla shuddered, pulling her knees to her chest as he began to scream at her. She knew he would be angry, she knew he would show distaste for her. She simply knew it was all bound to happen. Layla buried her head deep within her knees, afraid to answer, knowing it would only make matters worse. Shed rather be alone then have him hate her forever. Realizing this, she clutched her knees in her arms, balling herself up tightly together. While doing so, she allowed slow tears to stream down her face while she listened to the tone of rage in his voice.
Yumi ran over. "Sorry really I am I can pay for a new one and if it's not replaceable I know someone who can fix it!" Yumi said in a worried tone but she was very impressed with how well the boy dodged the ball. "I'm Yumi and may I ask who are you."
Zero feels a rear slide down his cheek, and then he quickly bends down and hugs her. "Sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you.." he then punched himself in the face, and blood dripped from his mouth, he grinned, and said "that's to make up for you crying... Now answer this one question..." his eyes turned green, "who do you and luna like more? Christopher or me?" he went back to hugging her after punching himself.
Layla refused to lift her head, keeping herself in a tight ball even after he apologized. She knew he couldn't forgive her over such a huge secret. She knew he would eventually turn his back on her. So why keep him around? She didn't want him hurt. After contemplating, she stood up, wiping her runny nose and fluffed eyes. After catching a moment to speak, she took a deep breath, turning her back to him before answering. She knew she would most likely regret the answer she was going to give him, but it was for his own good. "Christopher." She then pulled away from him, shaking her head as she ran off towards a wooded area, hoping she did the right thing.
Zero sighed, and shadow traveled in front of her, and walked backwards, looking at her. "Layla... I don't hate you... I know you didn't want me to hate you, and I never will. I will never betray you. If you say 'let's go blow up the earth!' I'd go 'why just earth?'" he smiles and then says "don't be such a wreck... If you love Christopher, then that's none of my business.. But I'd at least like to still be friends." he holds out his hand, to shake. "so, whadya say?" his eyes a yellow faint.
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