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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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He pulled out a thick glass bottle full of red liquid as he listened and popped it open with his thumb. "That's different." He took a swallow of the liquid that looked like it could be soda, but the scent said otherwise.
"Dude if your going to start drinking during my story time give me some." She reached out her hand for the bottle. "Gimme." She said in a small cute voice she used this voice when she wanted something.
He eyed her as he took another swallow. Savoring the thick yet running liquid. The inner part of his lips were stained red and he looked at her blankly. "Do you like blood?" Soren asked, licking his lips as a drop escaped.
Yumi blinked. "Like is a very very very very very weak word to use now gimme." She was reaching father now any father and she would fall off the bed.
"Well.." He looked off in thought, then said "I don't know... he just irritates me. Horribly." He sighs, and then adds "He didn't just irritate me once... he did it twice... and he'll pay for both times." His eyes twitch at the memory, but he takes 3 deep breaths and calms himself.
"Elaborate." She tilted her head in a clockwise manner, poking at the air between them as he spoke. Having that thought, she simply contemplated his situation and feelings. "Unless it'll make you angry."
He gave her the bottle, his senses tingling as an after effect of the liquid. "Is that the demon in you?" He asked, watching her closely.
Yumi took a drink. "This is the only thing that will shut Jigoku up and trust me I'll any amount of silence from him as I can get." Yumi looked at the boy. "Hey stop staring I know I'm pretty but geez it's embarrassing when you stare." She said giving the boy a flick to the forehead.
He and his features when rigid, averting his blunt eyes away from Yumi. "You can have the rest." He said before standing and twisting his pack onto his back. Soren walked out of the infirmary and into the courtyard where two people sat waiting. They were both boys, and both older than Soren. He recognized them immediately even in their human forms. The Two of His brothers smiled at him as he approached and greeted them. It was only a matter of moments before they left, leaving an array of flames that dwindled away quickly. Soren sighed and twirled the package they gave him between his index fingers.
Yumi got out of the bed and ran after Soren she saw him messing with something in his hands. "Hey watcha got there is it a present who gave it to you?" She gave him a devilish smile. "Is it for me hahahaha don't worry I'm just messing with you."
He looked at her and put the package into his backpack. "It's nothing." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. Unknowingly he had scratched to deep and blood lightly escaped. " I see you are better." He said, a bored expression sewing through his pale features
Yumi gave a smile look. "Well you don't sound to happy about it now do you." She saw the blood on his neck. "Oh here let me get that for you." she reached her hand out to touch the wound.

(Sorry got to go)
He pulled away, pushing her hand down with a cold finger. He brought his other hand up to to touch the wound. Soren looked at the blood on his fingers and licked one of them, placing it back onto his neck where it healed.

(Ok see ya)
"Well... first he mocked me in combat, then he said that you belong to him, let alone find out he's your fiance... so he must be punished for his actions... accordingly." Zero chuckles, his eyes a slight shade of crimson.
"Well....Zero. Its not his fault he's my fiance, and I'm quite sure he simply wanted to test you. Christopher and I are like brother and sister." As she spoke, her irises turned to a pale greyish shade, a look of both worry and disappointment filling her face.
"test me? He didn't seem like that kind of person to me. He had a snobby attitude the whole time..." his eyes turn to his normal grey color, "if he really was, I give him props in being such a good actor... However, before I went and talked to him, my long ranged hearing captured some things, and he said multiple things.. 'what idiots my precious luna has surrounded herself around,' stuff like 'I was sick of that disgusting lovey-dovey period.' I'm sorry Layla, but I can't see him as a decent person." his eyes turn jet black, hard as stone.
She sighed. "I understand. But he is. A great person once you get to know him." She paused for a moment before bursting into giggles. "He said that again?" She burst into laughter, holding her sides as she did so. Eventually she caught her breath, regaining he composure. "He's said that before, when I was crushing on an old friend during elementary school. He's always been that way around other people." She shook her head, a brightened smile spreading through her face. "He's so odd."
Zero gave out a dramatic moan, and penguin waddled over five feet and plopped face first into the grass. Muffled he said "I don't get you Layla. I thought I did, but I guess I don't." he sat up, looking the opposite direction of Layla. He thought to himself, "I really can't compare to Christopher can I..." a tear fell down his cheek, but before it could fall he wiped it off, and made it look like he was wiping his nose.
Layla sighed, dropping to her hands and knees, simply to crawl over to him. "You're better than him....that's what I'm trying to say...." She paused, examining his facial appearance. "You can't understand me that quickly you know. "
Kaguya was watching the two from afar, and at how much they could talk. all she'd ever been able to do thus far, was make people hate her and think that she hated them. Watching such a scene made her feel like she had no purpose in the world. "Hiroshi... Why is it... that I can't be as friendly with people as those two are with each other...?" A single tear ran down her face, not even able to talk to Hiroshi at the moment due to certain circumstances. "This is the only thing I've ever wanted, yet... it's the one thing, I've never been allowed to have..."
Soren, after sitting in the court yard all night, decided to head back to his dorm where He hurriedly walked to his room. 'This place is so small,' he thought, looking around boredly at the furniture. He sat on the bed and pulled out his book and the package. Soren opened the box package and hid the object inside away from view before opening the leather book to read. To his surprise, he was already nearly done with the old story and had begun to lose interest in it. Even so, he continued to read it until finished.

He sighed, looking sullenly down at the now closed book. All he could do now was sit and wait for the alarm to go off for his first class. So he sat watching out of the window from his bed, hoping that a storm would come.
Yumi finished punching the thug in the face and looked at her hand it was stained red from his blood she licked it clean and looked around seeing a boy who looked lost she walked over and tapped on his mask. "Yo names Yumi and you look a little lost need help."
Yumi smiled to herself at the sight of the boy attempting to imitate Soren's height. "Yeah I know Soren I think he's in his room I can hmm." Yumi realized she didn't know where Soren's room was so she got an idea. "Come on I think I have an Idea." She grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him along where they were heading the place where she first met Soren right outside his window she figured the window was to his room.
Yumi continued to make her way to Soren's window. "Huh no he seems nice oh stop it Jigoku you say that about everyone of course he's not a demon hunter what two? no way not possible you must be crazy." Yumi began to talk to Jigoku completely forgetting about the boy she was dragging as they were a few steps from making it to the location.
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