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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Soren studied him for a moment, shaking his head. "why?" he sighed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to a nearby tree and pushing him to sit down. "nevermind that, lets talk." he demanded, wanting a distraction from his thoughts. he sat and leaned against the tree, watching the sky.
"I knew it was the truth." he said, the image of a woman popping into his head; the only person he had ever held affections for. There was a sadness in his eyes though his expression was stern, "He has wanted her since the day he found out about my emotions." Soren picked up a rock and crushed it in his hand only to make it reform into a crystal-like shape. "I guess he got what he wanted."
He shrugged, brushing the bark from his head. "That is easier said than done when you have to see him every year." Soren was beginning to get irritated at Vex's constant moving and gave his shoulders a hard tug so that he would fall. "Besides, I haven't changed." he stretched his arms out, popping them. "We just haven't talked since the accident."
Soren froze at the name 'Azazel" and glared down at Vex. "Azazel is the reason we have to live like this." he calmed his sudden spike of frustration, "just remember that before you blame her." He averted his attention back to the sky, looking for a certain star. "I wonder if you can see it from here.."
Surprised that vex had grabbed his ankle, he looked down to him and gave him a half smile, "He is giving you a hard time now, hm?" Soren knew the moment that he said that, that Cerin probably knew because of Vex's thoughts. "I can't say I blame you, honestly, its been much too long since I have had fresh blood." he paused and looked at his hand,"I've just been feeding off of the emotions of these humans around me. oh, and those bottles of blood."
"A club?" Sorens eyebrows raised and he shook his head in disgust thinking about Vex in a club. He decided he would rather not reply and looked away from his brothers direction completely. He yawned, stretching his legs out so that he could stand and go back to the dorm. "I'm going to bed." he made his way through the dorms and to his room faster than usual, and had no hesitation to lay down and sleep. (I have to go. see ya'.)
Zero grins, and then turns around quickly, pulling her to the ground beneath him, his hands supporting him on the grass next to her head. "Gotcha." His eyes are pink, and he then says "Ya' know... You're probably the most dangerous thing to me in this world." He sighs, and rests his forehead on hers.

@The Dark Princess
John walks out of Elizabeth's house, in a mechanical fashion. He couldn't control the body, the original person was... fighting back. He had to escape. He had to get out before he would just vanish. The body walked to the small base, and searched around for a bit. It found some oil, and began to douse the entire base. No... He's trying to destroy my work! Let me out! He was helpless.
She blinked, tilting her head sideways against the rustling grass. "I am?" She straightened her head, raising her right index finger to tap his nose before finishing her sentence. "How so?"
"Because if I lost you... I'd lose myself." He chuckled, then plopped over to the grass next to her, grabbing her hand. "And I always think about you, which can backfire sometimes..." He pauses, then adds "not to mention... if someone mind controlled you or something, i'd be in a heap of trouble. let alone yourself." His eyes are a cold grey.
She was quiet for a few moments, turning on her side to remain in eye contact with him. "Zero....you really care about me.....don't you?" Layla knew what was being said, and she could tell by the look his eyes gave her, he was being ultimately serious.
Nenma yawned as he walked out of the office he took one look at his classes and threw the paper to the side he was in no interest in going to class all he wanted to do the whole reason he joined this school 1.find strong people and beat them up 2.become king of school and finally 3.get all the girls
"Of course I do." he smiled, the stood up. "I'll be right back... I need to use the bathroom." he walked off into the school, his eyes glowing yellow. "I sense a little bird who fell from his nest..." he continues walking, and then finds nenma, who had tossed his class schedule away. "bingo."
Nenma stopped and looked at Zero and grinned. "And what might I ask are you looking a?" Nenma could feel it this guy was no joke and that's just how he liked it.

Nenma stopped and looked at Zero and grinned. "And what might I ask are you looking a?" Nenma could feel it this guy was no joke and that's just how he liked it.
"oh... Ya' know... I've just been a bit bored lately." a grin developed, and he added, "what bout' you? You been bored lately?" he summons a double bladed scythe, his eyes replaced with flame, nearby shadows being sucked from their places and swirling around Zero in a ring.
Nenma chuckled. "First day here and already I've found a strong person this must be lucky day. And to answer your question." Nenma got in his fighting stance which was a muay thai stance. "I've been dead bored!"
Layla sat patiently where he left her, turning her attention to the beauty surrounding her. Oh, how she loved nature. It's essences being the outstanding thing to always calm her soul. She giggled while observing a nearby squirrel, inching close to an acorn of which rested by her leg. "Cute little squirrel." She found so much joy in nature itself, the only thing able to bring out her true self other than the barrier-enhanced front she puts on.
Zero laughs, and yells "that's just the way I like it!" he slams his scythe into the ground, at first it does nothing, but then black cracks appear in the floor, then the walls, and then the ceiling. After that, everything shatters, and they're in a strange place, barren and plain, all black. What looks like ghosts, except entirely black, occasionally fly around, giant mountains in the distance. "now let's dance buddy." his skin melts, only bone left, he pulls back his hood, revealing a skull. Insects crawl in any open space on his skeleton, and a dark aura surrounds him.
Nenma looks around and gives an impressed whistle. "Nice battleground looks straight out of a fighting game." He looks at Zero and his new face. "Hmmm I've seen worse." Nenma dashed forward moving at speeds so fast it looked as if he had disappeared he moved himself behind zero and sent a kick for his skull.
Layla continued her admiration of the plants. Eventually, she grew bored, deciding it wouldn't be much trouble if she roamed the campus and continued her exploration of nature as long as he was away. Thus, she stood up from her grassy seating area, dusting her clothing off as she did so. She huffed, blowing multiple strands of hair away from her crimson hues before she started on her journey.
Zero grinned. "too slow." he disappears, before the kick lands, and then appears behind him, and says "ya know... I could've taken that hit if I wanted... Actually, I do have a bit of an itch on my head.." he chuckles, and goes to sweep his legs at a very slow pace.
Nenma jumps the sweep. "You know I can tell if your going easy and just so you know that was a test of your speed." He throws a knee at Zero's chest.
A scorpion symbol appears on his neck bone, and he laughs, and grabs the knee mid air. "just as planned." the shadows that were swarming him suddenly flow into him, and he goes to throw him into the ground with extreme force, about equal to about 100 hippos. (hippos are really strong... Let alone 100.)
Nenma gives him a smile as he gets smashed but a voice comes from behind. "Man why's you have to go and smash that handsome devil like that." It was Nenma. "Surprised to see me?"
Layla hummed to herself as she roamed throughout the perimeter of the campus. She had no destination in mind, but simply the thought of enjoying what she loved most. Although she was content, she was concerned as to Zero's whereabouts. Surely he wasn't off fighting again. Right? She shook her head at the thought, knowing he wasn't the type to do such an idiotic thing for any reason at all. Even so, she did have a few thoughts of doubt. Still, she enjoyed the beautiful flowers, carefully picking a daisy from the earth, only to place it in her hair.
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