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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Atrio smiled then sat up and looked around "so are we the only ones that aren't human here" he asked as he looked back at ruthy

"no they are other nonhumans like angel is a vampire, Castiel is also an archangel, shira is a succubus and so on" she said looking at him.
"Its alright ~" she gave a small smile and petted peaches on the head as he slept "the past is in the past..."

@Kalin Scarlet

((Lol, I was just offering because I saw you ask before and no one had offered ))
Daniel reaver]Atrio smiled "hmm are there gods" he asked as he layed back down facing ruthy then pulled on her hips to bring her closer to him [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
She giggled as he pulled her hips and she laid close to him "i think so, I think areobus is a god" she said.
Daniel reaver]"Oh" he said before smiling and nuzzling one of ruthys cheeks with his nose before smiling and kissing her cheek nervously while still blushing slightly [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
She giggled as he nuzzled her cheek, she smiled and snuggled close to him.
Atrio smiled and looked of into the distance 'Atrio I hate this peacefulness just go out one persons into the state then I'll be fine' nightmare said into atrios mind before he just shook his head then softly put his chin on ruthys head

Madoka sat up, hugging Mariko in an attempt to comfort her. "It still hurts though, doesn't it?"



@Daniel reaver

(I'd like to talk with...what was their name again? ^_^ ")
She frowned "Well, I mean im not going to lie,..it always will" she said, accepting the hug "but I keep happy, after all, that's what she would want" she smiled a little.

@Kalin Scarlet
Daniel reaver]Shira sat down next to ansom then leaned back into him wanting him to hold her comfortingly ignoring the other girl that was there as she did what ansom did and layed her head on his chest @AsongOfIceandFire [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13377-himeragi-seiker/ said:
@Himeragi Seiker[/URL]
Ansom put his arm around Shira and rested his head against hers. "I am sorry." He said as he kissed the top of her head.
Shira just sat there silently and nuzzled him more as her tail dropped to the floor and her little wings hung from her back "please don't leave me ansom" she said softly @AsongOfIceandFire
( xD I see. Well then, yes, I'd like to have Luce interact with her, if that's still possible.)

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira just sat there silently and nuzzled him more as her tail dropped to the floor and her little wings hung from her back "please don't leave me ansom" she said softly @AsongOfIceandFire

"Leave you?" Ansom chuckled and shook his head. "Why would I do that?" He asked. "The only time that I would ever leave you is if you are tired of me....and even then, I will not quit on you." He smiled.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira just sat there silent and griped ansom tightly while nuzzling his chest more for comfort

Ansom smiled and lied down on the couch, bringing Shira with him. "Do you just want to stay here or what?" He asked, pressing his chin to the top of her head.
Moriko laughed a little. She took out her phone and looked at the time before putting it back in the pocket of her skirt "Hey, wanna go for a walk or something?"

@Kalin Scarlet
Shira slightly nodded into his chest before sliding up so she was nuzzling his neck "thank you" she wispered softly as she nuzzled his neck while bringing her arms around his neck also

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira slightly nodded into his chest before sliding up so she was nuzzling his neck "thank you" she wispered softly as she nuzzled his neck while bringing her arms around his neck also

Ansom shrugged and laughed. "Alright, no problem." He wrapped his arms around Shira's torso and pulled her even closer.
Shira hesitated before sloghtly bringing her legs to the sides of ansom and softly squeezing his torso with her knees as she hugged him still nuzzling the side of his neck

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