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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira smiled happily and took a taco before taking a big bite of it then another and another

Atrio blushed and looked at ruthy with his eyes she was beautiful more beautiful than any thing he's ever seen


She kissed his nose and giggles as they looked at eachother.
Ari walked around the seemingly empty school grounds, as she walked past a bunch of almost dead tulips, she flexed her fingers and pointed them at the flowers, causing water to pour down on them. She then used her earth manipulation to replace the old, dry soil with new, damp soil. She smiled as she looked at the tulips she had helped.
Lumina said:
Violetta's eyes widened exaggeratedly.
"God eater, eh? Does your mouth like, unhinge or something?" Her eyes wandered as she tried to imagine how someone could eat a god. "And this friend of yours... might he be Add?"


Lumina's face gained a few shades of red as Suzano's lips met with her forehead. As she was about to respond the smoke detector went off, the soup was smoking and burning.

"Oh noooooooo!" She scrambled to try and save her food.

@Himeragi Seiker
''well no...their different ways...not really literally eating a god whole. more like killing it and obtain their power through our weapons...or i can kiss you and drain your energy that way which i prefer''

*Ciella said while she placed the tip of her finger on her lip*

''and yeah Add haha. guess you known him already. he has like god know how many jobs he has. his main job is at a cosplay coffee shop''


*Suzano soon put a lid over Lumina's soup and held it there for a second making sure none of the smoke came out. after 10 seconds he lifted the lid away and gets his hand out of the steam's way as the steam finally escaped the soup and the soup looks okay and new as if nothing happened*

''well it seems fine now haha'' ^_^
Daniel reaver]Shira nodded "I know" she said before grabing another taco and taking a bite @AsongOfIceandFire [/QUOTE] Ansom laughed. "And confident." He shrugged his shoulders. "So....why Al?" He asked. Sivex nodded his thanks and walked into the dorm. He immediately lied down on the couch and closed his eyes. "Thanks." He mumbled sleepily. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14736-shyland/ said:
The woman stopped laughing and in an instant was in front of Al and whispered in his ear "I will kill you with my own hands" She said softly before Al threw her off and she vanished and Al was alone again in pure darkness
shyland said:
shade nods ya know you dont have to sleep on the couch right she said sleeply @AsongOfIceandFire
Sivex shrugged. "The couch is fine. I wouldn't want to take up too much space." He smiled and halfway opened his eyes.
Sora wakes up slowly "Well that was a good sleep." He stretches and snaps himself to the school courtyard "Ah. There we go!" He sits down on a bench and lies back "Hm... I wonder if there is anyone to talk to..."
Roman said:
Han pointed to Kio, "Your a Death God, take their souls." He said pointing to the corpses asa they rotted. "You got this. By the way, send them to hell. They deserve it."

Kio made a sword appear and walked over to the bodies, "Who did this?" Kio asked, when Han told him what happened he shook his head, "Well you did good." Kio stabbed the bodies in the chests and sent their souls to hell.

Ally followed Dylan to the backdoor, "Sis, why do you and brother treat me like a child? I think I'm old enough to know somethings now." She said looking at Dylan.

" they were rotting corpses, not even i want to see that " she said with a slight smile " Han killed my parents my sister commited suiside " she walked up the stairs to her bedroom , it was large and nice but you could tell she spent alot of time in there


Roman said:
Han pointed to Kio, "Your a Death God, take their souls." He said pointing to the corpses asa they rotted. "You got this. By the way, send them to hell. They deserve it."

Kio made a sword appear and walked over to the bodies, "Who did this?" Kio asked, when Han told him what happened he shook his head, "Well you did good." Kio stabbed the bodies in the chests and sent their souls to hell.

Ally followed Dylan to the backdoor, "Sis, why do you and brother treat me like a child? I think I'm old enough to know somethings now." She said looking at Dylan.

" they were rotting corpses, not even i want to see that " she said with a slight smile " Han killed my parents my sister commited suiside " she walked up the stairs to her bedroom , it was large and nice but you could tell she spent alot of time in there
you wouldnt its fine but if you want to sleep on the couch thats fine too shade said as she went into the bathroom to put pjs on @AsongOfIceandFire
shyland said:
you wouldnt its fine but if you want to sleep on the couch thats fine too shade said as she went into the bathroom to put pjs on @AsongOfIceandFire
Sivex nodded. "Yeah, the couch is perfect. Better than concrete." He closed his eyes again and slowly fell asleep.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom laughed. "And confident." He shrugged his shoulders. "So....why Al?" He asked.
Sivex nodded his thanks and walked into the dorm. He immediately lied down on the couch and closed his eyes. "Thanks." He mumbled sleepily.



AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom laughed. "And confident." He shrugged his shoulders. "So....why Al?" He asked.
Sivex nodded his thanks and walked into the dorm. He immediately lied down on the couch and closed his eyes. "Thanks." He mumbled sleepily.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"He was the first one to ever say that he loved me" she said as she took another bite


"He was the first one to ever say that he loved me" she said as she took another bite


Ansom nodded his head. "Ah, I see...." He leaned forward. "Do you love him. Like really love? Or is it just infatuation?" He asked. "Because he may not be the only available choice."
Violetta noticed a boy teleport into the courtyard.

"Hello!" She called, still floating in the air. Earth really was cool. She wished she would have visited sooner.

Lumina said:
Violetta jumped back, floating upright in the air.
"That's actually pretty interesting. Death is pretty cool, but the violence... not so much."

She crossed her arms, looking around.

"Where is Add anyways? Haven't seen the guy in a long time. Heh, time." She giggled at her own (stupid) joke.


Lumina pouted, puffing her cheeks.

"Howd you do that?"

@Himeragi Seiker
''hes at a cosplay coffee shop. want me to show you there?''


*Suzano shrugs*

''idk...Himeragi never explained it to me exactly hahaha''
"Everyone has their quirks, its what makes you, you" she said as she looked at him, tilting her head "and I accept your quirks."

@Kalin Scarlet
Han led Kio upstairs to Dylan's bedroom, "Got everything you want?" He asked walking into the room, Kio followed behind.

Ally looked at Han with a frown, "You killed her parents?!" She asked angrily. Ally was starting to feel she misjudged Han.

Lumina said:
Violetta noticed a boy teleport into the courtyard.
"Hello!" She called, still floating in the air. Earth really was cool. She wished she would have visited sooner.

Sora turns towards Violetta "Errr... Hi?" He shrugs and smiles "She's actually pretty cute." He says quietly.
shade fell asleep not long after sivex mummbling in her sleep shade screamed dreaming of her familys death @AsongOfIceandFire
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