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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daniel reaver]Atrio blushed bright red then hesitated for a sec before slowly leaning in and kissing her awkwardly seeing as how it was the first time he had tryed to kiss a girl [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
She kissed him back and smiled and snuggled in his arms.
available Interactable Characters:

Ciella - Courtyard

Add / Himeragi - Cosplay Coffee shop

Natsumi / Natsuru - School gate
Daniel reaver]Atrio blushed and held onto her tighter 'nice going dick head you suck at kissing you know that' nightmare said into atrios mind as he held onto ruthy [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
Smiles and relaxed in his arms.
Atrio nervously smiled as he turned and looked out the window at the sun then looked away from it "so when do classes usually start" he asked nervously hoping that didn't ruin the moment

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Natsumi in her favorite top and school uniform skirt and Natsuru in his red tux jacket with a white button-up shirt that is almost buttoned up with a loose tie arrive at the school in a limo and they stand infront of the gate as the limo drives away. Natsumi looks back to then see the limo driving away*
''time to see our good and loyal friends...while we enjoy our time spending with the humans here at this school''

*Natsuru then looks back at Natsumi*

''lets not destroy this place...shall we not? after all we shall see the ruler of Euphoria''

''we'll only kick the teachers' and the gangsters' asses''

''you act like a human already...then...lets go''


*Natsumi then has a slight grin*

im coming for you...Akira...''

''i only came for Serenity...been a long time since i saw her...''

View attachment 117845


((( Akira and Serenity are at the McDonalds around the corner xD )))
Daniel reaver]Atrio just shrugged lightly "I don't know maybe go meet some people" he said nervously while thinking of his powers [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
"i dont know when classes start, and I know two people we can meet (angel and castiel)" she said and streched.
Daniel reaver]Atrio just nodded sloghtly and sat up "ok then" he said quietly as he pulled the hood of his shirt up over his head [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
She nodded and looked at him.
Violetta walked through the school grounds, humming some sort of ancient Nordic hymn. she felt rain hit her head and frowned. She looked up at the rain clouds above her head and snapped her fingers, the clouds dispersed and sky became clear.
Fukushima Akira]((( Akira and Serenity are at the McDonalds around the corner xD ))) [/QUOTE] okay lol))) [COLOR=#ff0080][B]*Natsumi's eyes widened as her stomach growled for a bit*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300]''you didnt eat yet?'' [/COLOR] ^_^ [COLOR=#00b300];;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''n-no...'' >~<[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300]''aish...well...come on. i think theres a mcdonalds here somehwere''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''ok''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300][B]*Natsuru takes Natsumi's hand and leads her to the McDonalds until he sees Akira and Serenity*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300] ''hey i dont think we have to look for Akira or Serenity in the school...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''why?''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300][B]*Points*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''oh...Akira!!''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080][B]*Natsumi said aloud calling at him*[/B][/COLOR] @AsongOfIceandFire [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]


Lumina said:
Violetta walked through the school grounds, humming some sort of ancient Nordic hymn. she felt rain hit her head and frowned. She looked up at the rain clouds above her head and snapped her fingers, the clouds dispersed and sky became clear.
''nice power you have there...''

*Ciella says walking up to Violetta*

''i was wondering when the rain would stop'' ^.^
Violetta turned, her bright pink locks swaying in the now-dry air.

"Oh, that. Nah, it was nothing really."

She twirled a lock in her hair and frowned, realizing it was wet. She snapped her fingers and it wad dry. a smile grew on her face again.

"Are you a student here?"

@Himeragi Seiker
Daniel reaver]Atrio looked at ruthy and smiled as his cheeks became a light rose color before he scratched the back of her head [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
She giggled and looked at him as he scatratched her head.
Himeragi Seiker]okay lol))) [COLOR=#ff0080][B]*Natsumi's eyes widened as her stomach growled for a bit*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300]''you didnt eat yet?'' [/COLOR] ^_^ [COLOR=#00b300];;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''n-no...'' >~<[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300]''aish...well...come on. i think theres a mcdonalds here somehwere''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''ok''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300][B]*Natsuru takes Natsumi's hand and leads her to the McDonalds until he sees Akira and Serenity*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300] ''hey i dont think we have to look for Akira or Serenity in the school...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''why?''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b300][B]*Points*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080]''oh...Akira!!''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080][B]*Natsumi said aloud calling at him*[/B][/COLOR] @AsongOfIceandFire [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]
((( I have to go off for around three hours. I'll reply when I return :D )))
Lumina said:
Violetta turned, her bright pink locks swaying in the now-dry air.
"Oh, that. Nah, it was nothing really."

She twirled a lock in her hair and frowned, realizing it was wet. She snapped her fingers and it wad dry. a smile grew on her face again.

"Are you a student here?"

@Himeragi Seiker
''yup. im actually the president of an elective which is Stunt Man and Woman. Basically same elective as movie productions and all...but yeah just being specific haha''

Lumina said:
Lumina rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, looking for something to eat. She was starving.
"Hey Suzano, want anything?"

@Himeragi Seiker
''nah im fine...you want me to make you something?''

*Suzano said with a smile*
Ally looked at Dylan as she hopped off Han's back, "What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

Han sighed and looked at Ally as she climbed into the seat. "She meant a bad place. That's all there is too it." He said making his sword appear on his back as he placed an elbow on his window.

Kio climbed in the back next to Ally, "How OLD are you guys? You have a kid!" He said looking at Han.

Ally looked at Kio, "I'm his sister. Not a blood relative, I'm adopted." She said with a smile.

Lumina said:
Violetta looked at Ciella, noticing a bruise on her arm.
"Oh, sweetie, here, let me help with that."

She snapped her fingers and the bruise faded away in seconds. She looked at Ciella, grinning.


Lumina had a can of soup in her hand.

"I mean, I'm capable of making some soup." She laughed, turning to turn on the stove.

@Himeragi Seiker
''o-oh..thanks ^.^''

''a-alright' xD

''oh by the way, wanna go out sometime Lumina?''

*Suzano asked looking back at the kitchen*

''so...well...since you healed that annoying bruise on my arm...want me to show ya around school? and...dont mind my eyes being like this...their naturally this way''

*Ciella said with a soft smile*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25842e85_BraveFrontierFeeva.png.fe89f21a929f6ec01dd54981030f6dca.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25842e85_BraveFrontierFeeva.png.fe89f21a929f6ec01dd54981030f6dca.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • Brave Frontier Feeva.png
    Brave Frontier Feeva.png
    132.4 KB · Views: 17
Violetta put her hands on her hips, grinning.

"You're welcome. What's your name?"


"I'm still gonna make you some. It's tomato bisq-."

Lumina stopped, mid pouring the soup into the pan.


@Himeragi Seiker
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