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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"I see but as I told you the soul can feel the power whiten you who know maybe soon you will come for it until then." She sat next to Warren see pointed at the screen. "Who are these from your sister?"
Yumi showed up to gym late and got yelled at by the teacher she saw Zero and Luna and waved. "Yo hoodie little one how's it going."
She giggles. "Dodgeball? Can't we do something more...exciting?" She observed his facial expression, her now marbled blue irises pleading for him to allow her to do what she wanted.
Yumi picked up a ball and threw it at a student it was set on fire knocking them out and burning them she sighed. "Man no fun why can't any of you guys be good at this."
She rolled her irises, turning a firing gaze to the girl. "Zero. Let me play with her?" She extended her arms, making grabby hands towards the girl.
Yumi saw Luna making grabby hands at her and she waved. "Hey little one come play with me." She said as she dodged a ball thrown at her and returned it in one motion.
"What do you mean I told you guys I went to go skip class but I got bored so I came back so no I won't run come on let's play it will be fun trust me hahahahahah!" Yumi began to let out a crazy laugh.
"...I wish I could. But Zero would be upset with me if I did so." She shrugged her shoulders, brushing off her tempting offer.
(I don't know what happened. Last time it was around 80-100+ pages. Can someone explain what has happened so far? Thanks.)
Kaguya started to walk through the school building, wondering what she should do. She was starting to get a little bored, unsure if she wants to play with somebody, or let Hiroshi take front seat and do her work with other people. Suddenly, Kaguya was met with this very strange feeling, as well as a very familiar gaze. The male Kaguya was staring at her silently at the other end of the dark, mostly unlit hall. The two both summoned their scythes as they flew at each other, now face to face, their scythes locked together. Meanwhile, both male and female Hiroshi were talking to each other somehow, despite being inside of separate bodies. The two Kaguya jump away from each other, spinning their scythes and making them disappear. They both began to utilize their manipulation of space to try and destroy each other, their powers colliding and reversing, causing them to merge somehow, making the two Kaguya become one, and the two Hiroshi become one.

The single being, which was four people inside of one body, could now change between either of the four, becoming male or female on both Kaguya and Hiroshi, including attaining the appearance, voice, and specific weapon of the different person, though now had four minds inside of one body, seeming to cooperate just perfectly like they did when it was just one Kaguya and one Hiroshi per body, as they now understand the thoughts of each other, and realize they're the same as their other-gender selves. They only give off the scent, personality, and any other kind of gender tell of the current gender and person that's out, which happens to be female Hiroshi, with her angelic wings folded up on her back.

(Now this is going to be a fun character to play. Also, forgive me for the long post.)
(Well it would be incredibly hard to explain EVERYTHING or even SUMMAREIZE EVERYTHNG. Sooo basically I can tell you there are two newcomers, there's been drama with Tao, Elizabeth, The Watcher, Jax, Ookami, and Midori. Zero and Layla are well acquainted, and male Hiroshi ran into Layla earlier. Also, the new guy, Warren had a moment with the new girl, Yumi. )
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Kaguya turned around and grabbed Yumi's throat, starting to crush it. "Never touch me..." She threw Yumi to the floor lightly, starting to walk away, the hallway turning into some mysterious space as she walks.

(Refer to appearance picture. Here it is, just in case. Area around Kaguya is the space the hallway turns into.)

Luna remained in the gym, having a debate take place within her deepest thoughts. She figured she had nothing better to do, and thus she changed her form to that of the deepest soul resting inside her. Nobody but herself and her father knew about this third personnel she had hidden within herself. Since she was alone, she decided to allow him time to get used to his newfound surroundings by letting him loose. A Zero was gone, and so was Yumi. So coast clear.

Thus, a darkened crimson aura surrounded her entire body like a cloud of smoke, engulfing her entire being. Moments later, it disappeared. Leaving behind Christopher Alexander Morgan.

Jax threw the sword to the ground and walked off towards the school, draining the clone of all power and causing it to collapse into a heap, slowly dissolving into a shadowy mist.
(So... The lcone doesn't even react to Ookami next to it...? Unless I missed you responding to it, that is...)
Yumi puts her hands up to her own throat "hahaha I like her." Yumi followed Kaguya and called out. "Hey you didn't tell me your name friend oh and sorry about kicking you before I'll make a note not to touch
"Why should I tell you my name? We're not friends. I don't need things like friends." She appears behind Yumi, her scythe up to the girl's neck. "Now, if you want to be taken from this world by a reaper, I'd be more than happy to do it. Oh, look at the time... I must be off." She vanishes to another realm, gone for a good while.

(Have to go again.)
Christopher groaned as his stomach began to rumble. "Aghhh. Its about time she released me. I was sick of that disgusting lovey-dovey period." He rolled his crimson irise just as he tucked his hands deep within his front pockets while beginning his stroll throughout the school building. "Let's see what idiots my precious Luna has surrounded herself around." He grimaced, a devilish chuckle vibrating at his lips.
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