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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Yumi chuckles. "It's cool I don't just fall in love with anyone only strong people who have beaten me and don't worry little one I won't take Zero from you ether. Yumi let out a small giggle and quickly covered her mouth. "I mean you guys did't hear that laugh okay.
Luna rested her head on Zeros shoulder, roughly thwacking him on the head. "That's not fair. You always get skulls and I get nothing." She rolled her now crimson irises, turning her gaze to the girl."Spicy? Sure. Give me a few seconds alone with you and I promise I will make it as painful as possible." She took a brief no!sent to decided the girls last comment. "Don't fret. I'm not insecure. I won't panic and call 'cheating' or anything of the sort. I'm not what you think, girl."
Hahaha "well then you don't get anything you say hold on" Yumi reached in to her back pack and showed them the inside it was filled to the brim with skulls. "These all belong to demon hunters that have tried to slay me and at the bottom some still have flesh take it." She held out the backpack to Luna.
"Ladies, Ladies, it's okay. We need no arguing. luna, I'll give you a present later, okay?" Zero chuckles, and kisses her on the head.
She took a moment to examine the backpack before gritting her teeth. "I don't want your stupid skulls. That's his thing." She glared at the girl, clearly disliking her way of approach. " Zero. Stop giving me what I want." She couldn't help but giggle, giving him props for attempting to please her. "And I'm not arguing dear. I'm simply....having fun."
"So do you want the skull or do you not want the skulls cause I know a guy who's pay good money for demon hunter skulls."

"I's cool don't take em I'll keep em." She flicked Zero in the forehead "So hoodie I gave a skull so show me around a deals a deal."
" I see.. " he then looks at the girl, "Sorry, I only take fresh skulls that I kill." he takes luna by the hand. "we're gonna be late for class again luna! Come on!" he drags her for a few feet, then shadow travels into the building, only a trail of darkness left behind him.
Warren sat at the entrance to the dorms, flipping through his emails from his parents; it was nice that they cared enough to write him, and he smiled when he heard about the antics his family was up to.
"Hey hoodie you were suppose to show me around for that thugs skull I gave you." Yumi runs after them and cathes up she takes out her scheduled. "hmm hey look at this do we have classes together?"
Zero sighs, and looks at the paper, "you have two classes with me, and one of them is next period, P.E." he gestures to follow him, his eyes a dark grey.
Yumi stopped runnig seeing a someone in front of the dorms reading email "I'll catch up later." She walked over to the person "Hey kid what's this?" Yumi took a look. "Aww that's cute look who's family really cares." She pokes the guy in the face and runs off to catch up with Zero. "Yo wait up Hoodie."
She blinked as she was being dragged, waving a quick goodbye to the girl before they disappeared.

Once they were into the building, she tugged at his arm, slowing to a walk as they headed for their class. "How come you didn't take the other skulls?" She threw her custom-made bag of which he gave her over her shoulder as she continued walking with him holding her hand. Eventually she turned her gaze to the girl. "You know its rude not to give us your name. Idiot."
Warren flinched at the sudden contact by the girl, but before he could say something in reply, she was already off with two other students. Well, that was...interesting? He thought to himself, before going back to his emails. He hadn't seen her around before; maybe she was new?
"because those weren't demon skulls, they were Lyram skulls.." zero chuckles, and continues walking. When that annoying girl appears next to him again. "I have a few rules for this tour. #1, stay out of my 5 foot radius. #2, don't touch me in any shape/way/form.

#3, if you do either 1 or 2..." zeros eyes turn a deep red, and he becomes 10 feet tall, his face morphing between screaming faces of people he's killed, "you will be removed from the premises." he says in a very, deep authoritive voice, and then turns back into the form he was in before, a hooded teenager.
"Holy crap that was cool hey sorry hoodie and little one I'm going to acuttly skip class and the tour see ya" Yumi ran back to were the boy was she snuck up behind him. "HEY HOW'S IT GOING I'm Yumi but you may call me Devil's Wrath if you wish or boss or simply master. and you are?" Yumi asked the kid while pointing at him.
Once again surprised, Warren jumped, nearly causing the laptop on his lap to fall. "Oh, uh, hello. I'm Warren. Are you new here too?"
"and I can be a mean person... To anyone except you." he chuckles, and then stands in front of the door for P.E and opens them. "let's go do something fun." his eyes glow a green.
Luna rolled her irises, gently kissing his cheek. "Promise its fun?" She then tilted her head sideways, before straightening it once again.
"Why yes I am so Warren tell me what makes you special your gift so to speak." Yumi gave the boy a sly smile for some reason Yumi felt a power from the boy the Demon inside her was telling her to talk to this boy but why she did not know.
"Well.. It should be fun. Hopefully they're doing something like Dodge ball.. I like Dodge ball." his eyes glow a yellow, and a slight pink.
Yumi blinked and then busted out laughing. "Hear that Jigoku his uncles the grim reaper HAHAHAHA so that's why my chest hurts like this around you. tell me Warren I harbor a lost soul inside me and it fears you will you try and take it?"
"Well, that's kinda the thing; I can't. I'm not really good at it, that's why I'm attending the school. My SISTER, on the other hand, wouldn't hesitate."
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