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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Ookami just stood there. "W-what is this feeling...? I-I can't move... Just... what is this feeling...? It's like... No, there's no way..." She was starting to shake a little. "T-there's no way... H-how could I... possibly... feel fear... T-this is..." Midori put her hand on the blade that was in her back, forcibly pulling it out. She tossed it up gently, causing it to spin and the hilt to land in her hand, the blade landing off to the side and completely destroying the ground where it hits. She coughs up a little blood, then kneels down, her body still shaking from the pain of the blade stabbing into her. She puts a hand on Elizabeth' shoulder. "S-sorry... I tried... to kill you again..." She pulls her into a hug with one arm, still holding her god blade.

Ookami had images starting to run through her head. She held her head as though in pain, her eyes wide open. She wanted to scream, but just couldn't. "That's right... The reason... I haven't felt fear... was because I shut it away... I'm not the embodiment of fear... I'm fear's greatest victim... If only... If only I... had seen that love... before it was too late..." Ookami fell backwards slowly, dropping head-first from the light post towards the ground. She floated slowly towards a small, dark portal, big enough for just one person. It was a portal to where she could lock herself away for all she's done, and cause herself unbearable torture like she'd so done to Elizabeth and Midori, and one could tell that was where the portal lead to just by looking at it.
Jax fully regains control of the clone and uses it to block Ookami's path, simply saying "Don't." Elizabeth looked upwards at Midori and hugged her tightly, staring at the ground again at the same time, unable to keep her head up for very long because of how much her neck hurt.
"After all I've done, I deserve the suffering, so get out of my path and let my suffering begin..." Ookami had regret, fear, sadness, and slight confusion in her voice. "I tried to bring fear to those I thought hid their fear... I was the only one that was truly hiding it... They were all just fighting against it..." Midori's blade vanishes, and she picks up Elizabeth's head, staring into her eyes. Midori had regret and sadness in her eyes, as well as slight fear. Most of all though, her eyes were filled with happiness. Not because she over came the fear, but because she managed to keep Elizabeth from dying. Her body went weak as the powers drain out of her once more, this time, the wound on her back being the reason for her weak body, while otherwise, she was just fine.
Elizabeth smiles weakly, a bright glow surrounding her and Midori, starting to heal Midori's wound. The clone shook his head and stood his ground.
Ookami looks at the clone, a little lifeless. "There's no place in this world for somebody like me... Not until I've cleansed myself of my wrongdoings by punishing myself... Tell me why you refuse to allow me to do such..." Midori held Elizabeth with both arms, not letting go. "I'm sorry for all the times... I've tried to kill you..." She was crying lightly, though out of happiness that she can finally be with her mother for real.

(Good night.)
Elizabeth nodded and said weakly, "I forg..I've you..." as the glow became brighter. The clone stays silent for a second before saying, "Because it isn't your fault, there is something bigger than all of us, more powerful than all of us combined, dancing us around like puppets on strings. You aren't to blame, it is."
"Jubei do you have any ideas how to wake Tao up?"Suzu asks. Jubei nods and gets a potion from his cabinet and puts it in Tao's mouth. "She should wake up any moment." Jubei said as Tao begins to stir.
The Watcher turns his head in the direction of Tao, starting to recover from using the sword slowly. He smiled weakly, glad that Tao would be alright.
Midori relaxes her body, turning Elizabeth as Midori gently falls to the side of her, smiling lightly and hugging as they lay in the grass. "If only it were always like it is right now...~" Ookami moves off to the side a bit like she were teleporting, the portal following with her. She starts to float down into it again. "I was the one pulling the strings on this one. Besides... I have to confirm my existence with my own eyes... Confirm it, with my own body... IF I don't, I'll just wither away like the nothingness I currently am."
Tao gets up. "Holy crap! What a rush." Tao said. Tao looked at Suzu. "Mother?"

"Hi, baby girl." Suzu hugged Tao.

"I thought you were dead." Tao stated.

"That was to protect you from your father." Suzu said. "He was a dangerous man, but he is gone now."
Elizabeth smiled. "Minus the whole almost crushing my neck part." She says jokingly, obviously just trying to make light of what happened earlier. The Watcher weakly said to Tao, "I am sorry for all of the trouble I have caused you... I..." He goes completely limp, seemingly dying as his sword starts becoming shrouded by shadows, draining The Watcher's energy and life force on it's own even though The Watcher hadn't used it's powers. The clone decides to let Ookami go, stopping her seemed like it would do more harm than good.
Just as Ookami's about to enter the portal, nine tails made of shadows pierce her back and stomach after coming out of the portal, holding her mid-air, her eyes full of pain, a single drop of blood running down her face. She wasn't breathing, her heart beating so slowly, seeming as though not beating at all. Midori was asleep by the time Elizabeth talked, seeming at peace. Midori and Elizabeth teleport back to the house, laying on the floor. Kitsune floats up from the dark portal, seeming full of hatred. "I give you your chance to kill her, and you just let her live...? You may be my sister, but you're definitely not worthy of living." The tails start to pierce through Ookami even more, causing her to bleed quite a bit.

(I have to go soon. Also, Kitsune's going evil now~)
The sword stops draining The Watcher but stays unbroken. The Watcher is completely passed out, barely alive. The clone quickly jumps to action and shot bolts of lightning at Kitsune.
Suzu looks at the sword and then throws it across the room. "Come on kids we are going home. You too, Mom. Thanks Jubei." she picks up the Watcher and walks to Tao's house and places him on Tao's couch.
The lightning turns black mid-way to Kitsune, then flies right back at the clone, now made purely of dark matter. "Get out of her, you pitiful clone. Unless you want me to kill the real you along with Ookami, that is...?" Kitsune pulled Ookami close, kissing her on the lips before punching her hard enough to send her flying, appearing behind her with a giant sword of dark matter, which pierces through Ookami's back and goes out several feet in front. (She's in God Form, by the way. Also, I have to go now. Might be back soon.)
The real Jax silently follows Suzu, wondering how the sword had acted on it's own. The sword appeared next to The Watcher as soon as he was set down, although it seemed completely inactive this time. The clone does a quick backstep and surrounds himself with armor made out of ice, pulling out a dagger and preparing to sprint at Kitsune.
"Ugh, I have a headache. I am going to go take a little Tylenol." She says and then walks to the counter and takes Tylenol.
Jax decides to ask something. "Hey Tao, do you remember what happened? How did you get stuck in that weird energy sphere thing?"
"I remember seeing someone try to kill my family and I think the shadow took over. From there I am not sure." Tao said. Suzu looks at them and looks away quickly.
Jax takes a quick glance at Suzu before returning his attention to Tao, he had noticed her looking at him and Tao. "Well, at least you and your family are fine..." The Watcher starts to regain consciousness, barely even breathing at all.
Jax walks over to The Watcher as he opens his eyes, weakly smiling. Jax asks him what happened and he explains everything to Jax too quietly for anyone else to hear. Jax stands back up, resisting the temptation to punch The Watcher in the face since that might kill him considering how weak The Watcher is at the moment.
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