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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Elizabeth puts her head in her hands and starts crying. "P...P...Please...I...I'm sorry!" A shadowy clone of Jax appears behind Ookami, floating in midair with a knife against her neck. "Fix this or I kill you, you have two options."
Jax is trapped inside a copy of Ookami's metal case, no way out. "This wasn't my doing. This was all her fault. Besides, you really thought you could win inside of my case? This realm here is the very case on my back itself. Entering means I can manipulate your every fear, as well as each and every thing you see, feel, hear, smell, and even what you taste. For instance..." The shadowy clone of Jax starts to taste unbearable amounts of blood in their mouth, which forcefully sends the feeling to the real Jax, causing him to feel like choking on a ton of blood. "I only brought to light what was being hidden in shadows. This isn't my doing, but rather, the inner feelings of Midori."
Jax stays silent, used to the taste of blood, but it was overwhelming and he was having trouble coping with it. The clone smiles, immune to such things. "That won't work on me, I have no fear, no soul, none of that stuff. Since I am a clone your stupid scare tactics don't affect me....although Jax is probably feeling it through me..."
Midori curled up in a ball, trying to keep her frozen body warm, though the fear was too much for her. Ookami knew that the clone was immune to such things, which is exactly the weapon she needed. "Being immune to fear is in itself, a fear. A clone is immune to fear not because it doesn't have fear, but because it only fears one thing; fear itself." An immense amount of fear suddenly installed itself in the clone, giving what claimed to have no fear, fear. The fear didn't go to Jax himself, but rather, stayed within the clone, filling it with fear itself, then using that to shape the fear into the form of Midori killing Elizabeth out of fear, just adding even more to the fear inside the clone, and copying the same fear to Jax, just barely enough to shut down his control of the clone without causing the clone to disappear.
The clone screamed, the fear overwhelming him. Jax gasped and started breathing heavily, losing his control over his clone, causing the clone to go inert and motionless out of shock and fear combined.
"Everything has fear, no matter how hard it tries to hide it. My task in this world is to ensure that those fears stay ever present. A world without fear is impossible to have, and thus, I am here to ensure that fear stays in place, as a way to keep this world alive. The world was created by fear, just like this realm is fear itself. Do you understand now? This realm is one of the three realms of truth, and nothing here can happen, without a reason behind it. For instance, this scene in front of us. This is the truth of how Midori feels. Midori was forcing herself to hide the truth, the fact that she has unbearable amounts of fear within her." Some kind of dark energy slowly began to flow out of Midori's body, fear itself in Midori's powers. Midori was scared of what her powers could truly cause. Her powers had made her try to kill Elizabeth several times since she first showed up in this time, more so back in her own time.
The clone starts to move on it's own, breaking free of the fear. "Yes, everyone has fear, but fear must be overcome!" He exclaims, dispersing the illusion of fear that had been causing him distress. "That image that caused me so much fear is nothing more than a mere illusion, a parlor trick. It isn't real." He closes his eyes and clears his mind, somehow able to think and act of his own volition.
"Fear is no mere illusion. The thought that fear is nothing but an illusion, is the illusion itself. Without fear, everybody in this world would be dead right now." Fear started flooding into the clone once more, as though the dimension itself was fear. Midori's powers were still building up around her, the fear of hurting Elizabeth just making it harder to keep her powers from doing such.
The clone overcame the fear and stared upwards. "I don't have time to deal with you! Elizabeth needs to be helped to overcome her fears!" He yells before sprinting off towards Elizabeth, who was quietly sobbing.
The clone flies straight into another metal case, which closes on it and locks up tight, unable to be broken out of. "It's not Elizabeth's fears you should be worried about. Midori's fears are what caused this situation before us." The metal case flies over to Ookami's hand, then a slot opens up so the clone can watch. "Interfering now would only cause Midori to kill herself to keep her fears from being realized. I'd rather not have her kiling herself before I can have some fun."
"I'm only torturing her as much as she tortured me!" The metal case begins to squeeze on the clone, and quite hard at that. "I don't find this amusing... Though I bet you found it amusing when I was nearly killed..." A single tear rolled down Ookami's face, which was just barely able to be seen through the metal case. Midori was struggling to hold her powers back, but the fear was overwhelming, causing her powers to start to take control of her once more. She stood up, walking towards Elizabeth with a blank and lifeless expression, though her face still reflected fear at the same time.

(Inside of a realm cut off from all else. They're inside of Ookami's metal case, making access to the realm nearly impossible.)
The clone let out another yell of rage and started struggling. "What the hell are you even talking about?! You're torturing Elizabeth for something that hasn't even happened yet?! And you're angry at me for something THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET?!" Elizabeth lays on the ground, curled up into a silent and unmoving ball.
"Are you assuming that Elizabeth's my mother? You're far off the mark... This happened six years ago. This very situation. The only problem is, I was in Elizabeth's spot, while she was in Midori's. Watch what comes next..." Midori stopped right in front of Elizabeth, kneeling down and placing a hand on her shoulder. Her voice was vibrated with both fear, and evil. "Don't cry... It'll only make things worse...!" She lifst Elizabeth up, punching her in the gut and sending her flying across the grassy field for what felt like miles, though due to the construction of the dimension, was only about twenty feet. "You Jax, were sitting here where I sit, while I was in Elizabeth's position, and Elizabeth, in Midori's. This isn't something of the future. This is something of the past that you two chose to just forget ever happened."
Jax regains control over the clone, the clone going silent for a second before saying, "There is no way that is true, you are lying." Calmly, all anger gone from it's voice. Elizabeth lays still and silent on the ground, not caring about anything anymore.
John pulls out the notebook, and writes some more. They have abandoned me. I still hear the voices in my head, coming closer every second. Why did I have to infect myself... it is taking a toll on me. The earlier stages have not been very harmful, just night terrors every now and then. And the rewards were amazing, increased intelligence, the ability to command, and, the ability to build. But I might not even be here in one year or two. In a few weeks, there will be not more of this. Not even my memory. I'll be like any other 16 year old boy, and run from this place, like any other human. People will come after me, and I'll be truly defenseless. I might end it here. No one should see me in pain. No one. But someone has to learn the systems, to help my little group. They need a leader. I need someone to help me.

He puts the notebook away again, and walks to the forest, enjoying the breeze.

"To be killed by her own child... Seems like a fitting end for somebody who nearly killed several people who had people that would kill themselves to find out they were dead... Had she killed any of us of which were nearly killed by her six years ago, there would've been hundreds, if not thousands, of suicides. Thus is the way the emotions of those connected to those who nearly died alongside me." During their talk, Midori was reluctantly hitting Elizabeth over and over with trmendous strength, barely holding the powers from controlling her to the point Elizabeth would die. She didn't want her mother dead, which was just barely enough to keep such from happening.

(Haiiro or somebody's been up to some work on this one. I actually haven't planned out how this situation truly came to be, though it's neither Elizabeth's or Ookami's fault.)
Jax sighed and the clone somehow gained control of itself. "YOU ARE A LYING BASTARD, LET ME GO SO I CAN SAVE HER DAMN IT!" It exclaims, biting Ookami's hand with razor sharp teeth in an attempt to make her let go.
Ookami doesn't even feel the bite, even though the teeth piercing her hand and making it bleed. She keeps a strong grip on the metal case though, not letting the clone move to change the situation. "If it were meant to end differently, Elizabeth would either get up and kill Midori, or Midori would kill herself. Such is the nature of a situation like thi-" She was cut off by the most unexpected of situations. Midori was holding Elizabeth's neck, almost crushing it, but rather than Elizabeth being the one getting killed, Midori had pierced her back with a giant blade, one that made the blade barely small enough to not be tearing her body in half as it stuck inside of her. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she let go of Elizabeth. "God blade... Mugen no... Taka-sa..." She coughed up some blood. The blade was definitely a god blade, but how she managed to get hold of it was a mystery, let alone lodge it in her own back.

(Pretty much this, but with a thicker blade. Note the size of it compared to the trees.)

Elizabeth struggled to stand up, deprived of oxygen and unable to breath, trying to stumble over to Midori but unable to even stand up. The clone bites Ookami's hand as hard as it can, digging the teeth in and using a ball of flames to set Ookami's hand on fire. "LET GO, I NEED TO HELP ELIZABETH STAND UP SO SHE CAN SAVE MIDORI!"
"That blade..." Ookami stood there in utter amazement. It was impossible. "Not a single soul... has ever been able to use that blade... That blade... The legendary Mugen no Taka-sa... B-but how..." Ookami's grip went loose, causing the metal case to drop to the ground and open up. The blade wasn't moving a single inch from Midori's body, and nothing could move it but her, as she'd become the master of the god blade.
Elizabeth collapsed, giving up the struggle to stand and her will to live, just wanting to lay there until she dies. The clone slips out of the case and pulls the knife back out. "I'm tempted to kill you right now, but unfortunately my creator won't allow that since he has partially regained control, you are lucky this time..."
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