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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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After fiddling with his laptop for far too long, Warren finally decided to head for the dorms; he needed to get acquainted with his new roommates, and now was a great opportunity.
She shook her head, as a slight smile forced her lips once seeing him chuckle. Realizing he was in grave pain, she whispered small phrases to herself while still holding her hand over his heart. By doing so, she relieved him of the majority of his pain, only to have that same pain placed inside herself. As the process progressed, she clentched her left fist as it dug into the grass. Refusing to stray from her duty of caring for Zero.
The pain Zero was baring is immense, feeling like the sky is crushing you, and every ounce of your strength is drained. Zero held up better than almost anyone would, but anyone else who would dare to try such a stunt as he did would die, or be seriously injured from the effects.

Zero feels his pain starting to leave. "Luna, what are you doing?" his eyes turn a deep, lime green. "Luna, tell me now!"
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She smiled, giggling. "Relax. I'm fine." She removed her hand, placing them both behind her back, hiding her tightly balling fists. "I'm strong too you know." She gently kissed his forehead, before turning her gaze skyward. "Now rest and stop worrying."
Zero's eyes fill with panic, as he starts chanting something under his breath, then his body goes a complete pale white, his body not moving, his heart not beating, not a scent of life left in him.
Luna froze, slowly turning her gaze back towards him. "Zero....?....You can get up now....right?....Zero?" As she spoke, her irises turned a pale greyish color, dark storm clouds filling the pupils of her eyes. "Don't die too.....don't leave me too..." She fiercely shook her head as the weather began to change, clouds purely made of darkness gathering within the sky as time progressed. "I killed him....I killed them...I...killed." Large claps of thunder rang through the sky as each word slipped from her mouth. Lightening struck each time a tear fell from her eye. Not clear, pure tears. But red, impure tears fell from the corners of her eyes. Nothing but hatred, darkness, uncertainty, and regret filled her heart. The thought of vengeance repeatedly coursing through her mind. "Must....kill..." Strands of her hair began to turn a dark shade of black as she stood up, her irises holding a raging, bloody storm within them as lightening struck directly into her hand, leaving behind a large, red rubies sword in its wake. She left Zeros side, halting at the very edge of the cliff.
"So... you do have some emotion." Zero's voice appears from behind Luna, however his body still lays limp, not moving an inch. "I was wondering why you keep neglecting me... Well, it looks like I found the answer." Zero still isn't anywhere near Luna, yet his voice is still very clear.
"Kill...." Her anger only intensified with each passing moment, as her voice became more so demonic, yet still an angelic whisper. She heard each and every word, but neglected to address them. She had no consciousness while in this state of mind. The simple thought of death being her only sense of wording or vocabulary. "Must.....kill.... Vengeance..."
"Luna.... LUNA... LUUUUNNNNAAAA..." He pauses, then continues. "I am the ghost of Zero's past! Come with me, and I shall show you his misery as a child!" he then starts laughing. "Okay, but seriously, I feel flattered that you feel this strongly about me, but it's okay... I'm not dead." Now, what appeared to be a shadow is behind Luna, one that looks exactly like Zero. "I'm letting my mortal body have the effects wear off, then I'll go back into my body." He then exaggerates "So I'm not dead. Not D-E-A-D. Got it?"
She simply gazed at what she now saw as beautiful. The darkness swirling within the sky. She paid no attention to Zeros words, being lost in her own type of consciousness. She couldn't think, move, or respond with her own will any longer. She had surpassed that point once her form changed. As time progressed, a dark set of deviled wings began to disperst from her mid-back area. Slightly flapping themselves against the wind as they spread out to about 5 feet wide beyond her arms. Afterwards, her gaze fell downward to the endlessly ragining body of water below, causing a wondrous grimace to cast itself upon her lips.
Zero sighs. "I didn't want to do this... but you leave me no choice." Zero's shadow dashes over to His body, and dives into it. His body now comes back alive, looking fully healthy, blood flowing again, color returning to his eyes, the color being green still. He would then run over to Luna, and grab her in a bear hug over her wings. He whispers into her ear, "It's okay now."
Luna froze, each and everything she created coming to a sudden halt. The sea stopped moving, the winds stopped howling and whispering, the sky went quiet, and the lightening refused to show itself. Her irises remained the same, but she herself went silent. She said nothing, moved nothing, and attempted to look at nothing. Simply froze momentarily. Given a few seconds, everything shut itself down, all except her form. One of which kept its current image, only for her heart to completely stop, creating a domino effect for her entire body to fall limp with no sign of consciousness nor the possibility of what exactly happened harmed her.
"If you don't wake up, can I add your skull to my collection?- I mean, OH NO," his face then filled with panic "Come back Luna! Please!" Tears fell down his cheeks, he collapses, holding her limp body. "Whatever I did I'm sorry..." He was sobbing, and after a while, just stopped, let go of her, and laid back in the grass. "I suppose you really aren't awake right now... Oh well, I'll wait. Oh, and by the way, I know you aren't dead..." He pauses, and then says "If you were, I would have gotten a message from the shadow realm saying they received your shadow." He then gets comfortable, and waits.
Luna laid for a few moments, catching her regular heartbeat jut as her irises returned to normal. She was fine of course. No matter how much she hated it, she couldn't get hurt in such a manner. Eventually, she sat up, gritting her teeth in his direction. "You're an absolute idiot." She stood up on her feet, dusting herself off. "Make me think you're dead , then ask for my skull." She shook her head, turning on her heels, before walking away from him. She threw her hands up as she walked, letting out an enlarged breath of frustrated air before allowing her hands to slap back down at her sides.
"I was teasing you because you commented earlier about how you're a... 'tough girl'..." Zero starts laughing, and says "You've proved it to me." He walks up to her and kisses her on the head. "I love you Luna, and if I ever did die.." He pauses, then says "I'd come back... because I'll never leave you alone. Ever." He grins, his eyes turning into a light shade of pink. "Oh, and if /YOU/ ever died..." He grins widely, "I'd go through heaven and hell to get you back."
Luna's gaze trailed upward to his pinkish eyes, a slight glimmer of light shining in her own. "...You're an idiot....you can't say things like that...its idiotic false hope." She turned her back to his, shaking her head to prevent a light shade of blush from appearing on her cheeks. "And I am tough..."
"Idiotic false hope?" Zero for one of the first times starts full out laughing, and then says, "Luna... I've led the shadow realm for 4000 years, I single handedly killed mingx when I was not able to shadow travel, OR summon a portal, I crossed half the world and killed a class A shadow beast, then using a drug that would kill 100 grown men, and have killed more things than I could count stars." He looks down at her, and then says "I don't think it's idiotic false hope... I think it's Idiotic true hope." He grins widely, as he then adds, "And yes.. you are tough little Luna." He starts laughing again.
She sighed, hugging herself as he spoke. "Don't laugh...I'm serious." She turned her gaze towards the once again moving body of water below them. "I know I'm odd."
Zero sighs, his eyes now a deep pink, and walks up to her and hugs her, resting his head on her shoulders. "If you're odd, I must be an entirely different category." Zero just stays still, feeling at peace.
She couldn't help but smile as he did so. "Why do you ease me so well?" She whispered each word questionably as she rubbed her cheek against his.
"Hmmm... I don't know... It just happens." Zero's eyes are a gentle shade of grey, as he gently pulls her down to the ground, and puts her head in his lap, and looks down at her. "Now sleep, I'll wake you up when we have to go." He has a gentle smile on his face.
She curled her legs up to her chest as he laid her down. "You're not my father...idiot." She mumbled after making her statement, carefully turning over in his lap. Once fully over, she brushed her hair behind her ear and closed her eyes.
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