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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Elizabeth laughs a bit, seeming like she was deep in thought about something. Elizabeth jumps as she hears something hits the door and rushes downstairs, slowly opening the door. She gasps in shock and picks Nanami up, bringing Nanami to her room and laying her down on the bed, wondering what to do.
Nanami's eyes weakly open up. "Ngh... M-Mai... She's... ngh..." She looked as though in extreme pain, her entire body unable to move more than a little bit. She closes her eyes again, letting herself slip unconscious once more.
"What happened?" He looks at Nanami, and realizes that people need him here. Maybe his military could come here... just to stay.
Elizabeth shrugs, looking really nervous and wondering what to do, she had to help Nanami. "I don't know, I don't know!" She says hurriedly, wishing that she still had her deity powers, then she would be able to help Nanami, but she didn't, and she had no clue how to help Nanami.
Hiroshi appears next to John, her wings currently folded, sword also hidden. "A girl came and attacked us... The girl was a fox, and had four tails... Two giant red swords..." Hiroshi was pretty beaten up as well, her wings that she's hiding having been torn up a bit. Hiroshi fell down, her torn up wings spreading out and trying to catch her, her landing on top of the wings.
John catches her, and sets her on the bed. "Who the hell would do this to you? Tell me. Now." His face is twisted in rage, upset that people would do this. He picks up a phone and calls Mobius One. "We might have a job for you."

Mobius One: He picks up the phone, and hears the first words. "Okay. Waiting for orders."
All the torturing caused Midori to let out a painful scream, which echoed throughout all time and space, eventually reaching Elizabeth's ears, though nobody else's. Hiroshi transformed into Kaguya, who was uninjured. "Hiroshi..." Kaguya stood up, looking around at them. "I didn't get to see the face of the one who attacked Hiroshi... Tell me, who attacked Hiroshi...? I'll kill them."
Elizabeth gives a look of surprise and wonders what is going on, but then she hears Midori's scream and literally jumps in alarm. "M...Midori?" She exclaims, looking around the room. "M...Midori is hurt..." She mutters to herself, feeling nervous and scared. "B...but where is she?"
"I don't know who attacked us... I'll kill them though..." Kaguya's voice was full of anger and hatred, though kept a calm feel to it. "All I saw was four fox tails and two giant, red blades. Hiroshi saw their face, but she's to weak to even wake up..." Midori let out another scream, somehow, her voice also carrying 'Ookami' with it as a thought that forces itself into Elizabeth's head as the scream resonates in her ears.
Elizabeth clutches her hand in one hand and tries to reach out to Midori's mind, hoping that it works. "Midori?! Where are you?!"
John: "Mobius One, look for a girl name Midori. I'll send for her picture." John sends it, and hangs up.

Mobius One: "Roger. I'll get there in no time." He runs to his F-22A Raptor and takes off, looking for Midori.
"I-I don't...! Ngh...!" She let out another horrid scream of pain, almost like she were dying.
Elizabeth gasps. "Midori, hang in there! What is going on?!" Elizabeth feels a surge of energy, and some of her former powers started returning to her.
John: He runs outside, looking for Midori. "Tell me where are you?!"

Mobius One: He flies over Elizabeth's house looking for a girl...
Warren stepped out of the bus, marveling at the size of the building that would be his new home.

"Oh goody," he sighed, clutching his laptop case in one hand and his mediocre Novice-level scythe in his left. He began to walk towards the entrance.
(Only Elizabeth could hear Midori... In other words, how does John know Midori's in pain, or anything, for that matter...?)

Midori was with Kitsune, Ookami, and Mai in an alternate realm, making for finding Midori impossible. Midori was still screaming in pain, suddenly a blue light surrounding Elizabeth, and when it vanished, Elizabeth was gone, now in some strange area of complete darkness, but she could hear Midori's screams like they were actually from in the area, but a bit far away.
Elizabeth eyes became blood red as she was overwhelmed with enough rage to kill whoever was hurting Midori. She sprinted in the direction of Midori's screams, leaving behind an odd trail of white light. "MIDORI!" She calls, prepared for a fight with whatever or whoever was hurting MIdori.
The screams were coming from right there in the area, but all that was there was Ookami, Kitsune, and Mai, who looked like she was being physically tortured, but it was uncertain if she actually was. Ookami looks over at Elizabeth. "Ah, so you're finally here..." Her case was standing next to her, those red eyes peering out once more, inducing as much fear as always. Kitsune was still in her Huntress Form, matching the description given by Kaguya and Hiroshi a little bit ago. "If you need me Ookami, I'll be in the next realm with our friend Mai." With that, she drags Mai through a portal that floated in the middle of the infinite darkness, the portal closing once the two were through. "You have something I very much want, Elizabeth... I intend to get it from you." Her voice kept a calm tone, and sounded like she were about to take something by force, while at the same time, being gentle as to not hurt her in the process of stealing whatever it was.
Luna sighed, lifting herself up off the ground. She wasn't as much angry as she was disappointed in herself. Perhaps she wasn't what he thought she was. She shrugged her shoulders, turning her back to the cliff before slowly walking off to explore while he handled his business. She did have concern for how he would turn out, but all she could do was think about how it wasn't her place to say, or do anything. Realizing this, she continued her walk, peering upward at the beautifully swaying trees. The wind whispering in her ears to relax and smile, causing just that to happen.
Elizabeth glared angrily at Ookami. "I don't care what you want from me, you wont get it! Where is Midori?!" She yells, angry enough to kill Ookami without a second thought about doing so.
Zero would fight the big beast, using a shadow whip to strike it, when the large shadow makes a large swing with his claw, and makes contact with Zero. He goes flying into a nearby rock wall, leaving a large indent of his body in it. Then his eyes glow a dark, red crimson.

"You dun' goofed."

Zero's eyes turn back into a void black, and he starts chanting, "Uthran Confolx Athros Solf!" All of a sudden, A tsunami of darkness emits from Zero, washing over the shadow beast. Sounds of agony and pain, and all fearful creatures is sound. For the creature, all his worst fears of his previous life was being shown to him in the most extreme, the beasts entire body going through immense agony. Then at last, the creature collapses and falls to the ocean, then dissolving. Zero takes the mist that was about to dissapear, and encases it into a dark sphere, then throwing it against the ground, as it slowly sinks into the shadow.

Zero then brings himself back up to the blanket of food, and the effects of the vial wear off. His skin goes back to normal, the bones back in place, his skin then turns to a light green shade, and he vomits on the grass, then collapses in a sick mess, heat radiating from him.

Ookami put a hand on the metal case. "Then like I said, I'll have to take it by force." She stood there, seeming as though about to do something horribly evil or something.
Elizabeth started walking towards Ookami, clenching her hands into fists. "Go ahead and try, the case won't help you."
"Then go ahead, kill me." She just stood there, keeping her hand on the case, but not moving it.
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