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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Jax appears behind John, he had been following him and listening this whole time. "How could you John, she trusted you, she LOVED YOU! AND YET YOU ARE GOING TO BETRAY HER!" He yells angrily, tempted to burn John into a pile of ashes. The Watcher stands up, grabbing the sword and wanting to just end it all. He stops right before he is about to stab himself, seeing a vision of John and what he is going to do. "No...No...NO! Suzukaka, don't ask how I know your name, you must get your children to safety, an onslaught is coming, and I fear that no one will be safe."

Suzu heard him and ran to Tao's house. She took them to a friend of hers near the city. "Take care of them, Jubei." She ran back to to the bunker to the Watcher. "What is going on and how can I help?"


"I haven't seen Luna in a while... Been too preoccupied dealing with this mess..." Zero removes his pointed black spear from the shadows head, the shadow then instantly dispersed into the unknown, he then kept walking, not bothering to stop now. Another shadow went to attack him from behind, yet Zero gave no mind to this as the shadow tried to cut him in half. However, the sword just went straight through zero, his skin parting before the blade could sever it, then reconnecting once the blade went through. After that, he simply did a strong jab behind him, the shadow instantly fading. "I can't stand not seeing her anymore... but first things first... I need to get back to earth in general." He looked around him, seeing mobs of shadows with pitchforks and torches chasing him. Zero sighs, and sends what would look to be a giant wave made of water, except the liquid was black. After the wave crushed the mob, they all slowly melted in screams of agony.

In the distance, he saw the tower he was heading for, it was about a mile away. "Why did Mingx have to be smart for once?" He flung his spear at an approaching shadow, the spear transforming into a whip and lashing the shadow across the chest, it then shrunk in agony. "Can't summon a portal... Can't shadow travel... I'll take his head if it's the last thing I do."

Then, from behind a rock, a pack of shadow beasts appear. Three of them appear to have taken the form of a wolf, while the other three took the form of a bear. "Looks like someone wants a bit of fun..." Zero's grin turns into a wicked grimace, his eyes turning into a bright crimson red. "Die... Die... DIE." He looks the bear beast in the eye, his eye then suddenly revealing a flame burning inside his crimson hue. The beast then looks frightened, and backs up slightly. "You messed with the wrong pack today bud. Better luck next time." Shadows from the ground slowly rise up, and take firm grasp of the bear, slowly melting it's legs. The bear screams in agony, from the extreme pain it's going through. Then finally, it dissolves and starts to retreat back into the ground, but before it can do so Zero grabs the shadow, and reforms it into a bear which is now controlled by his own will. "Gideup."

He jumps onto the bear, and he starts running towards the tower which was now coming faster and sooner into view. Until finally after lots of killing, and lots of painful bumps, he arrives at the tower, which possesses the portal he needs to go back home. "Knowing Mingx... He probably has the whole thing trapped." He would then bust the doors open, with a shadow that looks like a fist, and walk in. Much to his surprise though, all the shadows would be drunk, and all asleep.

"Who's there? Come out or i'll bring this place to the ground." 'L-l-l-l-lord! It's me!" Yan comes out from behind a wall, spinning around what looked to be a set of keys. "I-I knew you'd want to escape... so I-I felt like being... helpful..." He raises a brow, but then laughs "Yan! This is why you're my favorite. Thanks." he begins to walk over to the now opened portal, but then strikes Yan with a shadow lance he whipped up at the last moment. Then, Yan dissolves and Mingx is sitting there, bleeding with a lance that has struck him in the middle of his chest. "How... How did you know..." "Hiding behind a wall and waiting for me? If that wasn't obvious enough I don't know what would've been." He then starts walking to the upstairs portion of the tower. "Oh, and thanks for the little adventure. I really appreciate it." Once he is all the way up stairs, he opens up the real portal, and walks through, appearing at the high school entrance. "Well... I should probably find Luna, I have a lot to make up for these past two days." His eyes turn pink, and he walks into the school, starting his search for Luna.

@The Dark Princess
The Watcher stares at a wall, the vision still running through his head. "A man who goes by the name John, who happens to be in love with my cousin, is about to betray all of us for a so called 'human empire' The vision is a bit foggy, which means that this can be changed, but we do not have much time, we must stop his forces at all costs. Currently a friend of mine, Jax, is trying to dissuade him, but he may fail." He says, holding his sword as he normally would. "There is going to be a dropship, that is what we should take out first. Follow." He says, walking towards door 56.
Ookami walked up next to John, putting a hand on his shoulder, and squeezing it hard enough to cause pain. She talks in a voice that shows no emotion. "You shouldn't do this... Don't you care for your children...? In the future, not only do you have fifty children, but they all have great lives. There's peace between everybody. Humans and beings like me know and care for each other." She pauses for a moment, taking mere seconds to figure it out. "You're scared. You're afraid of what'll truly happen if you're together with her, aren't you? You're scared that she might change and try to get back at you for everything, aren't you?" She turns him around, kneeing him in the gut. "I know for a fact now, that you're not my father. My father would never take such a coward's way out."
The Watcher nods, opening door 56, which lead to an enormous armory filled with every weapon imaginable. "He is able to be trusted, he is Elizabeth's brother. Welcome to the armory, choose whatever weapons you wish." Jax backs away from John, clutching his staff and preparing to set John on fire. Elizabeth started to wake up, having been unnoticed this whole time even though she was glowing brightly. "W...When did I fall asleep?" She asks to herself, rubbing her eyes then looking a bit shocked. "JOHN!" She rushes over to John and pulls him away from Ookami, trying to defend him.
Suzu looks at the weapons. "What would I need these for when I have claws?" As she said this her claws came out of her paws.
The Watcher chuckles, inspecting a row of weapons. "No offense, but that won't do you much good against something hundreds of feet in the air." He pulls a grenade launcher out from under a pile of knives and sets it back down, trying to find a good anti air weapon.
Ookami drops the metal case down, literally breaking the ground by merely hitting it lightly. "Do not get in my way. If you do, I'll have no choice but to use this on you." She refers to the case, which was now partially open, revealing a pair of glowing red eyes staring into Elizabeth's soul, giving her this utter feeling of fear, like the creature inside were fear itself. "I can't accept such a pathetic and cowardly man for a father. He plans to betray you."
Elizabeth stares at the case nervously, trying to stay resilient. "J...John would never betray me!" She yells, starting to wonder whether she really even believed that after he had betrayed her twice. The Watcher smiled and shrugged, deciding to stick with his sword. "I don't know, I personally doubt that you can get high enough to even hit it."
"This case shows the worst fears of whoever it targets. His worst fear right now, is what would happen if he were to go through with the plan currently in his head. He's afraid of what he'll be forced to do to you when he goes along with his own plan of betrayal. He's such a coward that I couldn't possibly accept him as my father." She swings the metal case open, the creature inside taking the form of what Elizabeth hates most at current time, the original shape of the creature unknown.

(In other words, what does Elizabeth fear most right now? ^^)
The creature looked just like John, but held this evil aura to him. The creature looked at Elizabeth. "Sorry, but me, be with a creature like you? Like I'd be with filth like you." The creature starts to walk towards her, spinning a gun in its' hand.
The Watcher stares at the ground. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean for it to happen." He says, slamming his sword into the ground and starting to feel saddened just by thinking about it. Elizabeth starts backing up, a look of fear on her face. "J...John...What's gotten into you?!" She says, her glow starting to get dimmer. Jax looked a bit surprised and started muttering an incantation to stop whatever it was that was scaring Elizabeth.
"Well, you can be sorry, and I don't forgive and probably never will, but I am doing this to protect my other daughters and my mother." Suzu states.
The creature just kept moving. It looked over at Jax, a separate shadow splitting out from it and engulfing him, making him only to see the one thing he feared the most. (I'm guessing Jax's worst fear would be Elizabeth dead, wouldn't it?) All Jax was able to see was Elizabeth laying on the ground in an area of absolute darkness, the girl before him dead. The creature that had the form of John pointed the gun at Elizabeth, pulling the trigger. A loud sound vibrated throughout the area, something hitting Elizabeth in the head, though nothing caused physical harm. In her mind, she could only see herself laying in place of the dead her that Jax was seeing, unable to move or blink.
Jax started crying covering his face with his hands. "No...no...no...NO!" Elizabeth started crying as well, she couldn't believe that John had betrayed her, and then she saw Jax. She tried to reach out to him and stop his crying, but couldn't move. The Watcher starts crying, memories of his past flooding over him. "I know what it is like to lose loved ones as well, it's a wound you can never recover from... " He says solemnly, disappearing for a second and reappearing when he has stopped crying. "I am sorry for my outburst just then. It w...should... not happen again."
Ookami appears sitting on Jax's back, like there were some kind of platform between Jax's shoulder blades. "This is what would happen if we were to leave John to be how he is. He plans to betray you, and with how much of a coward he is, he'll end up killing Elizabeth out of fear of what'll happen to himself for betraying his loved one, then kill himself. If you don't want such an event to happen, either we kill John now, or we do something to change his thoughts entirely." The darkness around them disappeared, and they were all back to where they were just at, except the being was back in the giant metal case, peering out once more with the glowing red eyes.
Jax nodded, not wanting to hurt Elizabeth even further by killing John. "Changing his thoughts...well...that will work." He says before starting to mutter a very long incantation, planning to literally alter John's mind. Elizabeth stared at John silently, her glow becoming even dimmer and angry thoughts rushing through her head. She felt an odd wave of calmness rush over her and collapsed to the ground, an odd aura surrounding her. The Watcher nods solemnly. "Yes, let's." He pulls his sword back out of the ground and runs the blade edge along his hand, drawing blood by accident and wincing, just the feeling of the sword touching his flesh just the tinniest bit was overwhelming him with agonizing pain.
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