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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"I'm afraid I can't." Jessica said. "This wheelchair is part of me, whether I like it or not." She said. "I can't get rid of it. Not until I leave this earth."
"Still... At least give her back her existence as a human... Right now, she's suffering... She could actually die as well... You see, she's a shadow that's made from you right now... Please... I don't want to see her like this..."

Midori's eyes slowly opened, her getting blinded by the sudden blast of light after such darkness. "W-where... am I...?" She tried to sit up, but fell back down. Her body was cold, but she seemed to be at least alive.

Mai walked over to Jessica. "I can help you at least walk for a little while... It would only be fair that somebody forced upon this world be allowed to enjoy it."
The Watcher stays slumped on the ground, using his powers to recreate a human vessel that is exactly like her original body for Nana to go into when she returns. "T...There...T..." He cuts off, going unconscious. Elizabeth hugs Midori even tighter. "Y...You had me scared there Midori." She says, crying even more than before.
Jessica shook her head. "I'd need to learn how to walk first. And that would probably take a long time." She said, frowning at the ground.
Mai walked over to her. She lightly lifted the girl up, setting her on her feet. She hols her up with water that acted like some kind of wings. "I can help you walk a little bit. I can at least give you the enjoyment of walking for a little while."

Midori lightly hugged Elizabeth. "I'm sorry... Forgive me, but...The truth is... I once tried to kill you..." She was crying, regretting everything that's happened before meeting up with The Watcher and Elizabeth in this time.

The girl's body merged with the vessel, the shadowy being that remained flying over and returning to being part of The Watcher like it originally was.
Elizabeth wipes some tears from her eyes and smiles. "That doesn't matter now, all that matters is that we are together." She started glowing dimly, and it was pretty obvious that something was happening. Elizabeth seemed to be having trouble staying awake.

The Watcher stayed unconscious. His wound was slowly healing, but it seemed that he might bleed out if he didn't get medical attention.
Jessica shook her head. "No. I want the first time I walk to be the time I go up there." She gestured to the sky. "...or down there." She said pointing at the ground.
Mai moved her gently back to the chair. "I can have Nanami help you get to which of the places you want to go to, when that time comes... Until then, we can be your friends..."

Midori hugged Elizabeth tightly, now regaining strength. "Please, stop crying... You're making me cry, mother..." She was hugging her as tight as her weakened body would let her. "I love you, mother..."

Kitsune ran over next to The Watcher, taking the blade and stabbing it into the ground, making sure not to hit him with it. She placed a hand over his wound, using her powers to mend the wound as best as she could. "Don't die on me... Please, don't die on me..."
Elizabeth smiles weakly, wiping the tears from her eyes and glowing brighter. "I love you too Midori." She says, kissing Midori on the forehead. The Watcher's wound starts closing, but he is still weak from losing too much blood. He starts regaining consciousness, barely able to open his eyes.
"M-mother... Why are you... glowing...?" She was worried about her, hugging her a little tighter as strength begins to return to her body once more.

Kitsune keeps healing him, setting him on fire with her blue flames, but rather than hurt, they begin to heal, as well as soak up any blood outside of him and start to return it to his body.
"Of course we will. Isn't that right, Nanami?" Nanami lifts her head, giving a light nod to say yes before laying back down and falling asleep. Kimura slowly stands up, her legs almost giving in once more. She walks over to her, a smile upon her face. "Perhaps I could be your friend as well...?"
Elizabeth stared down at her hands as she started to glow even brighter. "I...I have no clue. Weird, I think this happened before...It feels kind of..good..though..." She says, starting to wonder what it meant. The Watcher opens his eyes fully and groans, wondering how he is still alive at this point. "Ughh...Wh..." He notices the blue flames and jolts in alarm.
Kitsune holds him still with some wind pressing down gently, but powerfully on his body. "Don't worry, these spirits won't hurt you unless I tell them to." She keeps healing him lightly, not letting him die on her.

"Just... as long as you're okay... Please let me know... if anything feels off... I don't want anything to happen to you..."
The Watcher stays silent, but shudders when Kitsune says spirits, bad memories flooding his mind. Elizabeth smiles and yawns. "I'll be fine. Kinda tired though...I could use a good nap..." She says, wondering why she was so tired, but her mind pushed away the question every time it came up. She kept glowing, and her wings unfolded on their own.
Kitsune calls the spirits off once she's done everything she could, letting go of him with the wind. "There, you should be fine for now." Just as she says that, Nana runs towards the sword, picking it up while Kitsune wasn't looking and starting to swing it down towards The Watcher. Kitsune looked over at Nana, and she immediately fell back into a sitting position and played innocent, like investigating the sword to see what it was. Kitsune smiled at her, not knowing Nana just tried to kill The Watcher. "You know, you're very cute." Nana blushes, curling up and hiding her face. "T-thank you..." She talked so quietly, Kitsune could barely hear her. "Oh, you're shy... Don't worry, I won't hurt you~" She hugs Nana lightly, the girl calming down and feeling warm and safe.

Kimura smiles at Jessica, then suddenly collapses, her legs having given out. She was sitting with her knees bent inward, legs spread off to the side. Mai knelt down next to her, checking to see if she was okay, which gladly, she was.

Midori just yawns with Elizabeth for whatever reason, getting tired herself. "Same here... You know... Only four of us in this family don't sleep a lot...~ It's like some kind of trait our family shares...~" She cuddles up with Elizabeth, starting to fall asleep in her arms. Yoshino, Nekimi, and Mayumi all get down on the floor with them, starting to fall asleep, curled up as close to them as possible.
"I'm fine. My legs just gave out again, that's all. I should be able to stand again within an hour." Mai decided to sit down next to Kimura. "Well, if you're going to be given no choice but to sit, I'll be sitting with you so you don't get lonely."
"I'd offer to sit with you, but it wouldn't mean much, seeing as I don't have any other option." She joked. She scooted out of her wheelchair and onto the ground. She scooted towards Kimura. She laid down next to her.
(Female Kaguya, Male Kaguya, Female Hiroshi, Male Hiroshi. Male set of Kaguya/Hiroshi won't be introduced for a little.)

Kaguya was spinning her pure black scythe, walking through the grass. She saw a few people, so she tried to decide whether or not she wanted to approach them. She eventually gave up on trying to decide. "Hiroshi, you should take over for this..." Hiroshi took control of the body, thus changing the appearance. The wings folded up on her back, as she was to be walking. She approached the group of people just as Jessica laid down next to Kimura. "Hello... Do you mind if I join you thr- I mean, four...? Almost didn't see the little girl." Mai and Kimura nodded, not minding in the least.
Jessica shook her head. "I don't mind in the least." She said then opened her eyes. "Are you a human?" She asked. "If you are, you shouldn't be able to see me."
"I'm not human. I'm a reaper. A grim reaper, to be exact." She lays down next to Jessica, enjoying the peace while she could. "Hiroshi, you should ask them about that little girl on the other person's back..." Hiroshi ignored Kaguya's request for a moment so she could take in the relaxing atmosphere. She then proceeded to look towards Mai. "So, who's the girl on your back...?" Mai was spacing out while staring at her right palm again, so she didn't hear Hiroshi's question.
"Well, in a sense, it is... We take wandering spirits to their rightful place. It's been over a thousand years since me or my friend Kaguya have done that though. Don't worry, we won't take you away unless you want to be taken, seeing as there's still some reason for you to be here." Hiroshi stays laying down, looking nothing at all like a reaper, especially the moment her angelic wings unfold themselves and lightly hug Jessica and Kimura.
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