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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Nana pulls the blade out of Kitsune's body, blood dripping everywhere, creating an evil smile upon her/Kitsune's face. "This girl's heart's been destroyed, just like mine and my sister's. Now she's just an empty shell, under my control~" The blade glows, shooting up into the air then flying back down, cutting the body in half. The blade was now a large red blade, and the body that was cut in half didn't bleed. Rather than blood, darkness was dripping from the body. Right next to The Watcher was Kitsune in Huntress form; the real Kitsune, who'd split her soul in two just for the sake of destroying the being that took her over. She was on one knee though, and looked quite weak. "I suppose... it's worth it... I'll end up destroying my real body, but I'll at least keep my real heart, mind, and half of my soul... I just hope that the form I split in addition was-" The body that was split in two re-formed itself, then shifted into God Form. "Damn... I was hoping... I was the one that had that form... It seems I split away Nine-Tails form..."

Midori pet Oshoku on the head lightly, making sure to rub her ears gently to get her to purr or make some kind of meow noise. "Don't worry, this is my family. They won't hurt you, Oshoku." She set Yoshino and Elizabeth down, her back hurting a little from carrying more than she's used to carrying.
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The Watcher stops repeating the phrase and stares at Tao angrily. "Congratulations you bastard, I hope you're happy. There is something you forget though, you are peice of me, and now that I am almost whole I can control you however I wish. I, Watcher, the deity of Time, Balance, and Shadows order you to release Tao and return to me at once." He turns his attention to Kitsune for a second. "You may not remember me, but I can easily defeat your god form. I will banish this forsaken soul and return you to normal." He turns his attention to Nana. "You have committed a horrible crime, taking over the daughter of a deity. Elizabeth's daughter Kitsune... You have also angered me beyond my limit, and I will banish you to the depths of hell." He says angrily.

Oshuku purrs a little bit and nervously steps out from behind Midori. "Uhh...Hi...My name is Oshoku..." She says shyly, not making eye contact with anyone.
Tao's body begins to tremble. "I told you, if I go she dies!" Tao clawed her body releasing a shadow, until her entire body dissolved into a shadowy smoke and dissipated into the air.

(She isn't dead, but she will return later.)
The Watcher gives a look of alarm, appalled at the fact that he had just done that. He had killed a friend by trying to save her, and Jax was going to kill him for this if he ever regained his full power. The Watcher absorbed the shadow angrily and started to glow brightly, filling the room with a light blue light. He started to cry. "Tao, please forgive me..." He says, thinking that he had just killed Tao.
Nana looks at The Watcher. "So a deity has the right to kill me and my sister for no reason, and then I can't do anything at all to them? You're the one who should be banished to the depths of hell. Besides, you forget that Kitsune's also a deity, and on top of that, this God Form is literally, the embodiment of a god. I hold as much power in my hands as you have, and more. You're the one who committed an unforgivable crime, and for that, I'll be the one to bring justice, not you." Kitsune puts an arm in front of The Watcher, as though to tell him to stay back. "He's not the one who killed you and your sister. The one you're looking for, is me...!" She flies straight at Nana, pulling the red blade out of the ground, now wielding two. She spins around, slashing both blades at Nana. Nana just stands there, a barrier of dark matter blocking the attack, then sending her flying back into the wall. Somehow, the dark matter didn't react to touching matter, normally the two substances utterly destroying each other instantly. "Being in control of both the powers of a god and a deity make for quite the impossible feats, to become possible." Kitsune got up from the wall, coughing up a little bit of blood before starting to walk back towards Nana.

"Nice to meet you, Oshoku. My name is Nekimi, the one on mom's back is Yoshino, and the one that's half-asleep while standing up is Mayumi." Nekimi hugs Oshoku lightly, petting her in a way it would make anybody, even somebody who isn't a kitty, meow lightly a few times before curling up and purring.
The Watcher holds his arm in front of Kitsune to stop her. "No, I remember everything, I need to solve this. Listen, Nana, the thing that killed you wasn't me, it was a rouge shadow. I take full responsibility for it, even though it wasn't one of mine. I can go back in time and right the wrong, just say the word. Or, if you wish, I will let you kill me, but be forewarned, by killing me you will gain powers that will drive you to the edge of insanity, and my mind will live on inside of you forever, guilt and pain clawing at your very soul."

Oshoku smiles, meowing lightly for a little while before curling up, purring. Elizabeth giggles at the sight of Oshoku, thinking it funny and cute.
Midori appears next to John, a claw pressed firmly to his neck. "Call her your creation one more time, and I'll tear your throat out." Nekimi and Mayumi look at everybody. "Her, we made some food, so... Would everybody like to eat?" Nekimi was the one that talked, while Mayumi was still half-asleep. They led everybody to the table, where there was so much food, that one wouldn't have to leave the house for weeks. The food also looked like it were made by the world's greatest chef, which in reality, were made by two girls who can barely keep their heads on in the kitchen, but make excellent food. (Yes, I'm still on. Just a little tired, so my reply was late.)

Kitsune ran at Nana when Nana gave a look as though to say 'like hell I'd ever let you screw with time.' Nana steps off just an inch, Kitsune's blades missing. Nana grabs Kitsune by the throat, turning her around and placing her own blades to the girl's neck. She emits a powerful energy that prevents any escape of the area, including the manipulation of time. "Say goodbye to your cousin's daughter. Unless, of course, you're willing to kill yourself, right here and now."

"A wheelchair...? That would simply get in my way... I'd rather be laying on the grass then be in a wheelchair, unable to place my feet upon the ground. You know, I could probably... help you with getting out of that chair... Even if I can't, I'm pretty sure that our fellow god in the area could help."
"Looks like I have no choice. Already stronger than me." John smiles and backs away. She could help me lead the organization...
Elizabeth stared at all of the food in amazement and her stomach growled, just looking at the food made her hungry. Oshoku smiled, waiting for everyone else to start eating first. The Watcher nods. "Fine, I agree to killing myself right here and now." He says, sad that this would be the end for him. "Kitsune, have a good life." He says, summoning a clock hand shaped sword and stabbing himself straight through the heart as hard as he could, slumping to the ground as time resumed it's normal speed. His body started fading away slowly.
Midori pulls her hand back, then heads for a seat. Just as she's about to sit, her body gives out on her again. Everything went dark and cold, and next thing she knew, she was out of it. She hit the floor hard, and was now in the midst of a dream. She was in the middle of a snowstorm, ice all over. The only colors she could recognize were blue, white, and black. She remembered it now; why she abandoned her family and their love in the first place. The real reason she abandoned them, not the reason she believed was why she abandoned them. A large, metal case. That's all she could see. A large metal case, and two glowing red eyes looking at her from inside it. She blinked, and next thing she knew, it was utter darkness. Her body felt weak, like it were about to die or something.

Kitsune growled angrily at Nana. Energy just started to burst from her body. "I won't... let him... die...!" Her body started to transform, taking on her NineTails form, Nana bursting into blue flames. Kitsune appeared, crouching on The Watcher's stomach. She pulled the blade out forcefully. "Don't you dare die on me now...! You know, I had to nearly kill Shiori and Yuki just to get here, and I even just about killed Ookami, just to get back here and stop this, so don't your dare die on me...!" She leaped towards Nana, almost teleporting. She stabbed The Watcher's blade in, kicking off of it with her foot, which sent the blade flying right through Nana's body, completely tearing her apart. She reappeared behind Nana, catching her with one hand.

"You're such a pain Nana... You should have just accepted the offer. Then, we'd be able to be friends!" She forcefully sucked out every drop of her own existence out of Nana, leaving just the little girl with pink hair and purple eyes. (I'll post a CS for her later on, possibly not until tomorrow. For now, I'll just have her a side-character.)
Elizabeth and Oshoku both rushed over to Midori, scared that she was dying. Elizabeth hugged Midori tightly. The Watcher stopped fading and returned to normal, gasping for air. "W,,,Wh,,,ere is,,,my...bl...ade..." He says weakly, the blade being the only thing that can truly kill him.
Nana falls down on her knees, the blade pierced through her heart. Kitsune kneels next to Nana, pulling the blade out and gently laying the girl down on her back. She kisses the girl on the forehead, a tear running down Kitsune's cheek. "Poor girl... It makes me sad to see her die like this..." Kitsune looks over at The Watcher. "Please... do something to save this girl... She doesn't deserve to die like this..."

Midori's dream continues. The darkness around her became her home, back when she was with everybody. They all seemed to be normal, then next thing she knew, she was full of rage, sadness, and fear. She could feel an energy building up in her body, her getting the urge to kill them. Rather than kill her family, she started to run away, going as far as she could from them, eventually reaching the point where she skipped through time to protect them. The dream cuts off there, all she could hear was her name being called, but she couldn't respond to it, or see where it came from.
The Watcher weakly stood up, not able to stay standing for very long due to his blade wound. "S...She will be fine... T...The blade can only truly kill me...Sh...She will come back." He says before collapsing again, unable to get up, Elizabeth starts crying, still hugging Midori tightly. "M...Midori, wake up, please wake up!"
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