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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Layla begin to roam the halls, once again, having to be alone. Although she was alone, all she could think about was just how close Zero and hweswld had gotten over such a short period of time. Having not sewn him in two days, she continued to refuse to swow any type of feeling towards him. Realizing this, she kweptr walking, focusing her crimson gaze upon the hallway floor below her small, bare feet.

She didn't care much for being around others, although she did somewhat enjoy the company of others around her. Sadly, it couldn't be helped. It was obviously her own fault, having only been in contact with Zero, regardless of the fact that he approached her without her even saying anything, she was still at fault for being raised the way she had been.
Elizabeth stands up seeming a bit tired still, and walks over to the door, opening it halfway. "Hello." Jax watches everyone from the top of the stairs, not wanting to be noticed. The Watcher summons his sword back to him, using it to prop himself up.
Elizabeth nods and opens the door fully. "Sure, umm... I don't mind." She says, sounding a bit tired. She grabs a map of the city and draws a line leading from her house to Taokaka's, which she circles on the map before she hands it to Suzukaka. "The line leads from here to Taokaka's house, I drew the quickest route."
"Thanks." Suzukaka began to walk in the direction of Tao's house. She arrived at the door and knocked. "Hello?" Toto answered the door. "Suzu?"

"Hi, mom." Suzu said.

"You must find Tao! I felt a dark presence inside her. She said something about a bunker at the school." As soon as she said that Suzu ran to the school and found the bunker. She ran down the stairs and into the hallway. "Tao?"
The Watcher stares down the hallway as soon as he hears someone call Tao's name, mumbling to himself, "Nononono, not now!" He tries to stand up on his own but falls over, still a bit disoriented. He becomes completely silent and shuts his eyes, faking that he has passed out. (@Samus)
Suzukaka looks at the Watcher's body. She walks over to him and using her sixth sense detecting that his presence was at full alertness. She picked him up. "Where's my daughter?!"
The Watcher stays silent but opens his eyes, his guilt obviously noticeable in his expression. The sword he had been holding was stuck into the ground next to where he was laying before he was picked up. He stares at the ground silently.

(I'm gonna have Jessica meet her roommate, Alyssa. She's just gonna go.)

Jessica looked at the sun. It was in the middle of the sun. "Aw, crap. I gotta go! It was nice meeting all of you!" She said. She dragged herself back to her wheelchair and used all her might to pull herself onto the wheelchair. She started rolling away.
The Watcher didn't even flinch as he hit the wall. "If you set me down I will tell you." He says to Suzukaka reluctantly. "I will explain everything if you would just set me down."
John wakes up, and looks around, with a new attitude. May everyone be damned to hell... "Guys! I am heading out!" John gets dresses and walks outside, going to the forest. "Damn life. I hate this."
John arrives at the old base, some soldiers there. "I'm glad you guys could make it. We continue operations, NOW!!!" He walks over, and fixes a device, one of the communication system. "In the glory of the human empire, we fight."
The Watcher sword appeared in his hand and he held it out for Suzukaka. "This is the only thing that can truly kill me. If I try anything or you don't like what I say then you can kill me." He says calmly.
"I-I thought I was fine everyone and I am sorry. But not anymore. We have to fight back, or be taken over. The other organization, the one with the others. They are just cannon fodder. We will succeed. We will be leaving tomorrow."
The Watcher took in a deep breath and recapped everything that had happened involving Tao since she had met Jax, not leaving out a single detail. At the end of it he was struggling to catch his breath. "That is...everything." He says to Suzukaka, thinking that he is probably going to be killed anyway.
Everyone in the room salutes, and gets to work. They start to burn down the base.

John: "Excellent. Once you guys are done, meet me on the other side of the lake. Please." John climbs out, looking around. He thinks about Elizabeth for a second, and hesitates. No, he must not do this. But what will he be if he stays? He will not submit. He tries to forget about Elizabeth on the way to the lake, but can't. "Damn it! When is the drop ship coming?" He looks at his watch. About 5 minutes.
Suzu drops the sword and looks at the ground. Her body begins to tremble in rage. She looked up and swung her fist at the Watcher's face, turning her claws into wide, but small pointed spikes, to make him feel major pain with minimum damage. She wanted to make him hurt for a while.
The Watcher sighs as the claws go into his face. "I wish that hurt, but it doesn't...the only thing hurting me is my guilt. The only thing that can hurt or kill me anymore is that sword. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." He says, a tear rolling down the front of his mask.
"I am going to miss this place..." John looked around, smiling. He was going home... "I want to record something for Elizabeth." He takes out a small phone, and presses the record button. "Hi Elizabeth... I am sorry that I have to do this. I-I wish I was exactly like you-but-but we can't be together. We are separate creatures and... I am sorry." A tear plops onto the phone.
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