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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"People are dying. Not just humans. I see them. Their souls. Take a look." John takes out a phone, and it plays some videos. Fighter pilots, being shot down. Soldiers, killed by their friends. Life, held onto one string. "I have to stop this. Please, let me go!"
The Watcher waves the hand that hadn't touched the blade edge dismissively and tried to ignore the pain from the other hand, saying through gritted teeth, "I'm sure, I'm rea..." He pauses, creating a quick time bubble around him and healing the wound, getting rid of the time bubble before anyone could notice that any time had passed. "dy..." Elizabeth stares at John, angry, "I...I don't believe you anymore... you were going to betray me... I..." She went unconscious before she could finish her statement.
"I know of your plan... You're going to leave Elizabeth behind. You're going to betray her... You leaving now would not only make you a coward, but would also make you the cause of fifty people to lose their existence." The case flings open again, infiltrating John's mind and taking form of his worst fear. He was seeing nothing but darkness, in his mind being forced to point a gun at what looks like Elizabeth, pulling the trigger and killing her. It was all just in his mind from the creature Ookami was in control of, but it felt too real to John. Nobody but Ookami and John actually knew it had just happened in his mind, and John couldn't hear a single word said by anybody else, nor could he see them.
"Wha-" John couldn't move. He was suck in a single moment, not even breathing. No one should get hurt. He would never want to hurt her... but... what should he do? People were dying. Many people. He couldn't save both. He had to choose. Tears came out, for the people that would die.
Ookami was sitting on John's back in his mind, once again floating like there were a platform there. "You have two choices... Stay with Elizabeth and quit being a coward, or leave her there for your stupid ideas of justice, and throw away fifty-one lives for the sake of a small war over nothing."
"And save hundreds more. But they are my family... I don't know. I have lost too many people before..." John's mind races, trying to come up with an answer.
Jax smiles, almost finished with his incantation that would allow him to enter and alter John's mind. Elizabeth started becoming freezing cold, her own personality changing drastically as she was unconscious and a voice popped into her head. "Looks like it's time for me to take over once again Elizabeth. Don't worry, I will get you your revenge." Elizabeth starts regaining consciousness, her eyes shut though, and something felt a bit...off... about her, as if she wasn't really herself anymore. Jax tries his hardest to focus, feeling an odd chill run down his spine.
"You're a coward. You'd bother considering saving hundreds of lives, when the real matter of which needs attending to is the very fifty-one people of which you'd be intentionally throwing away, for something that's not even guaranteed to change if you help it? Save fifty-one lives with guaranteed success, or give up those fifty-one lives in the hopes of saving hundreds of lives, when in reality, that path would only result in you saving three lives before your death. Midori's already gone through every possible timeline between now and our time, and not a single one involves you saving more than twenty lives of those hundreds you're claiming you'd be able to save." Ookami returned John to his proper state where he could see everybody, her case once again mostly closed, aside from the two glowing red eyes peering out once more. "Make your choice, John... Elizabeth, or the grave? Those are your only two paths."
"Jax... I see what you are trying to do. My friends... they are going to die. Because I wasn't by their sides. I'm sorry... Looks like I have no choice... It's either underworld or hell... Fine. You have what you want. You succesfuly forced a human to make his decision." John buries his head in his hands. "I hope they survive..."
Jax stops halfway through his incantation, the fear running through his mind being too much for him to continue. He turns around and sees Elizabeth standing up, but she is giving off a menacing, otherworldly aura and her eyes are still shut. "E...Elizabeth? Are you okay?" He asks, walking over to her. She knocks him across the room with a palm strike and he slams into the wall behind him and Elizabeth starts laughing, obviously not in control of herself.
John looks at her, tears in eyes. He picks up the phone and some gunfire can be heard. "I am not coming. Sorry." He slams the phone down.
Elizabeth opens her eyes and they are a dark, almost blood red shade instead of normal. "Well well well, it sure has been a while since I was awake... Oh, how impolite of me to not introduce myself. I am Haiiro, the goddess of Chaos, insanity, and destruction. Elizabeth is currently resting right now, so I'll be taking the reigns for a while." She says before laughing like a maniac. Jax pulls himself off of the wall and stares at Elizabeth in confusion, having no idea what is going on or how Haiiro managed to possess Elizabeth. "Not good...not good...not good..."
John starts to walk away, thinking. He cannot see anything right now, eyes blurred. He still holds the phone. "I don't care if you guys have to fly, just come here..."
"Lady Haiiro... You probably don't remember me, as I'm from the future, but... It's an honor to be meeting you once more." She bows in respect on one knee, then stands back up, still holding her hand against the metal case. Ookami's closest sister, Kitsune, appeared next to Ookami, currently in her Huntress Form. "Ah, I see that Haiiro must have come out once more... I'm not sure if I should be honored, or if I should not care in terms of respect towards being graced with Haiiro's presence... Either way, it seems the very reason behind my being here in this time has almost been fulfilled." Ookami and Kitsune looked as though completely on the side of Haiiro, no way whatsoever to tell if it were just an act, as it was so believable, both in their actions, words, and in their own thoughts, though their minds were pretty much sealed off from anything getting inside.
Haiiro-Elizabeth appears in front of John, blocking him from walking away. "Where do you think you are going? Ah, yes, you must be the traitor John, the one who broke Elizabeth's heart. If I'm correct then you are in deep trouble...with me..." She turns her attention to Ookami and Kitsune. "You two seem familiar, but no memory, mine or Elizabeth's, contains you. Do you mind telling me who you two are?"
Ookami and Kitsune talk together. "We're two of Elizabeth's daughters of the future. The two of us grew up with you, Haiiro. We're your... We believe the proper term for our position compared to you would be, servants...?"
Haiiro-Elizabeth let's the idea cross her mind before saying. "Not happening! If I do it will drastically change the outcome of the future, and not only would The Watcher give me a hell of a lecture for that, but I would end up causing LESS chaos. You'll stay here for a while John, unless you have a deathwish." And grabbing John, holding him up by his neck. She turns her attention to Ookami and Kitsune again. "Well then, I have a question, answer it if you know it. Do I end up recreating my own body eventually? I really don't like the idea of being stuck inside of someone else..." She looks down at Elizabeth's body, seeming a bit displeased.
"I do in fact. Aren't humans stubborn? And don't ask me for anything. Just don't." John's phone pings, and he picks it up. "No..."
"We believe so, though our memories have been clouded by something, preventing us from seeing the true answer to that question." Just as they finish speaking, Midori makes her presence known, having been sat upon John's shoulder the entire time. "Haiiro, the one of which you should ask that question's right here. You see, there isn't a single soul besides me that knows of anything happening outside this frame in time and space. Not a single being can leave or enter our frame in time and space without my allowing so. In fact, memories of any further than half a year ago, or of in the future from now, are completely clouded. The only way I'll remove this frame is if you return Elizabeth to her control, and allow her heart to see the truth. You, as well as everybody else here, have been trying to cloud Elizabeth's mind, and keep her from seeing the truth, in any way, shape, or form. I'd like to say this right now; John couldn't possibly be our father. At least, not the one standing before us. He's not even the John that Elizabeth truly falls in love with. He's a mere shell of what was once supposed to be with Elizabeth."
John: "You really think this about me. You really..." John's phone starts to pick up radio chatter.

Mobius One: He tuned the instrument to pick up John's phone. "John? Are you there? I am coming to get you, just hold on." His fighter launched a missile, toward the base.
Haiiro-Elizabeth glares at Midori, seeming very displeased that she had appeared. "You, I do remember though... And what do you mean allow her heart to see the truth? And what would happen if you removed this frame in time and space?" She asks, seeming more than a bit confused.
Mobius One: He watches the missile hit the base, not really having any affect. "Damn it... have to get closer."

John: He feels the explosion, above the surface. "Mobius! Don't shoot!"
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