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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"You fell asleep in the grass again, so I carried you to somewhere warm, and seeing as I had friends here, this was my choice of place...~" She slowly stood up, holding Oshoku in a hug, like a baby sleeping in their mother's arms. "You're cute as always~"

Kimura was walking around the grassy field. She was in her physical form, which made her easily mistaken for a human. She quietly walked over toward Jessica, looking as though about to bump into her, as though she couldn't see her. Rather than bump into her, she stopped, looking at Jessica with a calm and light smile. "Hello... I like your wheelchair..."
Jessica's eyes flew opened. She looked at the person who had approached her. "GAAH!" She said, practically throwing herself in the opposite direction of Kimura. This resulted in her sprawled on the grassy ground with her wheelchair on its side. Jessica looked up at Kimura. "You must not be a human." She said. "Humans can't see me."
Oshuku giggled and looked over at Elizabeth, who was now sitting up and looking at her. Oshuku felt an odd sense of familiarity from Elizabeth, but couldn't quite figure it out.
Kimura knelt down next to Jessica, smiling lightly. "Well, I am human...? Seeing as humans can't see you, it makes me wonder... if I really am human...? I did take some kind of 'scientific test' that can tell if somebody is human or not, and it did tell me I was human..."

Midori lightly pet Oshoku on the head, setting her down gently. "Oshoku, this here is Elizabeth. She's well... my mother~ It's a long story as to why my mother is only a few years older than me right now, but it doesn't really matter that much."

(I was going to move it to after, but oh well ;p)
Jessica looked at Kimura with a curious expression on her face. "Are you sure you're a human? Because humans can't see me." She said. "And you appear to have no problem seeing me." She said. She struggled to crawl back to her wheelchair with her only her arms.

(Well, people who see it and Jessica can touch it, but Jessica can't move it with her mind like she can with physical objects.)
Oshuku smiles and says, "It's nice to meet you Elizabeth," Elizabeth politely says, "It's a pleasure to meet you too Oshoku." Elizabeth seems a little bit confused, but just decides to go with the flow. Oshuku stares at Elizabeth's wings, too shy to ask about them.
Mai appeared next to Jessica, lifting her up and the wheelchair as well, setting her down in it. On her back was Nanami, who was sleeping like usual. "You should be more careful... I'm Mai, by the way... This girl here is Nanami, or as you might know her by the name she's referred to by those who know her status as a god, Mizukōrikami..." Mai looks over at Kimura. "So you're human, you say...? I find that quite interesting... Most humans despise us supernatural beings... Judging by your appearance and the way your body's made... I have no choice but to conclude that you, are in fact human..." Kimura stood up, looking at Nanami and Mai. "So, the girl on your back is a god...? Perhaps that god could give me supernatural powers so I can get out of having to get up from my bed to get something to eat...?"

(Good night. The Kawaii Moe Neko-Chan must rest with her kitties for the night~ I may post once or twice more though.)
Jessica smiled at Mai. "Why thank you!" She said. She extended a hand for her to shake. "I'm Jessica. A recently diseased poltergeist!" She said. She then looked at Nanami. "So you're a god? Could you by any chance put in a good word for me?" She joked.
The Watcher backsteps, not wanting to hurt Tao. "Leave Tao, now, or I will destroy you. I am giving you one chance."

Nanami lifted her head, a little tired. "Most people don't believe... that a little girl like me is a god... Let me guess, you don't... either..." She seemed like she didn't care if she believed Nanami to be a god, just curious as to if she believes her or not. (Everybody knows of her blade form, as it's a legendary blade with power greater than most gods, so she's considered a god~ She can just prove she's a god with that form, which holds a strange power that makes copying its' design impossible ^^)
Jessica smiled kindly at Nanami. "Actually, I think that gods come in the form of young children due to their purity. At least, that's what most literature says." She said. "So, yeah, it's easy to believe you're a god!"
"Do you want to see my god blade form...?" She stays hanging from Mai's back. Mai's right palm was facing Jessica, showing a small black dot in the center, that looked like it were a hole of non-existence, and gave off this feeling of unimaginable dark power when looked at. Kimura looked at Nanami. "She's too cute to be a god. Just, too cute...~" Kimura walks over and starts petting Nanami's head gently, Nanami just seeming to be taken out of the world by happiness or something.
Jessica looked at the dot. "What is that?" She asked. She then looked back at Nanami. She giggled. "That's slightly true. She is quite adorable."
Mai looks at her palm. "This? It's pure darkness. Enough darkness to swallow up everything in existence." She said it calmly, like she had control over the amount of darkness that shouldn't even be possible to even store inside of something. Nanami lost focus so much that she transformed to her blade form, dropping into the ground slightly. This makes it impossible for anybody but Elizabeth and Mai to pick her up, as those are the only two compatible in all the world with the god blade. Kimura smiles, walking over to Jessica, trying to put a hand on Jessica's shoulder, but her hand just goes through the girl. "Oh, well it seems I can't touch you..." She sits down on the ground, laying in the grass. "Oh well, I suppose I can't hug you then..."
Jessica looked at the dot. "What? That makes no sense. Explain more." She said. She looked at Nanami, now a blade. "She's still kind of adorable." She then nodded at Kimura. "Yep. One of the sucky things about being a ghost is you can't feel a normal person's touch."
Tao doesn't stop swinging. "You think you can stop me this time, Watcher? You couldn't keep me locked up forever. Now, I am going to kill you and release the rest of your shadows!"
The Watcher keeps walking backwards and eventually disappears, reappearing behind Tao with a long chain. "I won't let you do that, give Tao up and I will give you a new body of your own. Otherwise I will just separate you from her and contain you again." Shadowy chains start swirling around Tao.
Tao grabs the chain. "You try to separate me from her, I take her life. This body is great to use because I can use her powers and mine.'
"I don't think you understand, the body I am offering you is my own, and as you should already know my powers are far more...well...powerful." He says, appearing and the other side of Tao with another chain.
Zero wakes up, and finds himself tired as always, restless from the nightmares he gets every night, and from the special necklace he spent all night making for Luna. I hope Luna had a better nights sleep than I did... He then shadow travels to the front of the girl dorms and waits for Luna to wake up.

@The Dark Princess
Layla sat in her desk in complete and utter silence, contemplating the situation taking place from within herself. She then crossed her arms over the top of her desk, resting her head on her arms.
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