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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Tao gets home and walks through the front door. "Girls, I'm home." There was no answer. Tao walked into the living room and saw they were being held at gun point. "Hello, Taokaka. You don't know me, but my brother was the man you killed. Now I am going to take everyone away from you."

Tao panicked, causing the corruption to spread further and consume her body. She looked at the man with an evil look. "You don't know what you've unleashed." Tao's mouth moved, but another creature's words came out.
Elizabeth's body is limp, and she is still crying, but as soon as she hears John talk she mumbles "J...John..." Jax shakes his head. "Won't work, it's keeping her asleep. Need to reach out to her."
Midori appeared inside of Elizabeth's dream, becoming the motherly figure in order to comfort her mother. She hugs her lightly, a gentle smile upon her face. "Everything's fine mother... I can see where I got the nightmares from... We should wake up before everybody thinks something's terribly wrong..." She was laying there, hugging Elizabeth outside of the dream as well, lightly stroking through her fur.
Tao walks out of the living room covered in blood, leaving the disfigured body of the man behind. Her family looked at her in fear as she walked out the door. She wiped the blood of her with ease. Tao walked towards the Watcher's bunker.
Elizabeth smiled and nodded inside of her dream before being attacked by another Elizabeth, this one just a mere copy made out of the corruption. "No, I won't let her wake up, I won't stay stuck in here any longer!" Outside of the dream Elizabeth starts twitching again, crying and seeming in pain. The alarms in The Watcher's bunker go off and the place goes into full red alert lockdown, surprising even The Watcher.
Tao walked up to the entrance and heard the alarms. She pulled her claws out and ripped the door open and proceeded to walk down them.
Midori's powers flow into her body inside the dream, her blasting the other Elizabeth with it, though just couldn't bring herself to make it enough to actually try and kill it, only temporarily knock the being back, possibly knock it out for a bit if the attack went right through. "I won't let you harm my mother...!" Midori was full of rage towards the corruption that assumed the form of her mother. "I'll destroy every single thing that even tried to hurt her...!"
The Watcher appears in the main area of the bunker, waiting for Tao. The corruption stopped itself, growing in power and laughing like a psycho. "You don't get it do you, I was made from her DNA, if anything I AM HER!"
"You weren't made from her DNA. You were made from a mere copy of her DNA. There's one thing I know for certain you can't have. Because you're not her, you definitely don't have her love, her heart. I'll even make you a deal, just to prove you're not her. First of all, stop with the power for a moment. If you can make it impossible for me to tell the difference, between you and the real person who's my mother, I'll allow you to have your way."
The Watcher stands still, seeming a bit nervous and regretful. "I'm sorry, but calm down, don't let IT take control. Don't do anything you might regret." The corruption pauses for a second and grins. "I know more about her than even she does. I have her hidden memories, I know everything about her." The real Elizabeth lets out a scream of pain and her fur starts becoming pitch black, just like the corruption Elizabeth. "Love? Heart? What do those matter! They are things of the soul, not of the mind, and I AM HER MIND!"
"Thought it wouldn't happen... Listen, if you let her go, I'll give you a stronger body. Trust me, we have made some. Just in case." John looks at the creature, staring it down.
"No, you're not." She was suddenly on the corruption's back, now in the process of crushing the being's head. "If you were her mind, then you would know something that only the real her could know about me. I'll give you one chance. Prove that you're her mind, or I send you through fifty dimensions of hell, in an infinite time loop!"
(@captain forever This battle against the corruption is going on inside of Elizabeth's dream -.-')

The corruption slips away from Midori, growing again. "Alright then, if you want proof I can give you it. I know every single thing about Elizabeth's past, ask and I can tell you things even she can't remember. Or, if you wish, I could show you all of her major memories in chronological order." It says calmly. The Watcher walks towards Tao. "Listen to me, I know you're still in there Tao! Fight back for your family, for your friends, for Jax who loves you more than anything in existence!" He exclaims.
"Tell me, the very first word that came to Elizabeth's mind when she saw me, before even getting my name and the knowledge that I'm her child." She seemed confident, like she herself somehow knew what it was, but a being that was there when Elizabeth thought it didn't know.
(So how can John see the creature of corruption?) The corruption laughs and says the exact word in the exact way Elizabeth had thought it. "Honestly that was too easy." It says afterwards.
"You're not her brain after all." Elizabeth's own mind is brought back to a thought that crossed, even before those of which the corruption remembered. The corruption couldn't go back to the thought with it. It was a thought that Midori herself threw inside of Elizabeth's head by literally going back in time as she presented her proposal to the corruption, adding the thought even before the corruption answered,which was a simple name; 'Midori'. "I'm sorry, but I have to destroy you now." She leaps at the corruption, slamming her hand through the being so hard, it starts to rip it to pieces before even actually touching, tearing it in half as her hand first touches, then blowing it up completely, aside from the head, which landed in a way it looked like it was still in-tact, just buried in the ground. "You can't remember it all, now can you? Mother, tell this corrupt being what the true thought was so I can destroy it."
Elizabeth weakly says, "Midori." The last bit of the corruption laughed. "You can't get rid of me completely without destroying Elizabeth's soul, you took to long. Now I am part of her once again." It stops laughing and reforms itself in an instant. "Go ahead, destroy me again, you can't get rid of me." Elizabeth screams in pain and her eyes become blood red.
Elizabeth becomes overcome by the corruption and pushes herself away from John, landing on the ground with a loud thump. The real Elizabeth felt the pain, but the corruption felt nothing.
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