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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Jax smiles. "Elizabeth will be fine as long as she keeps her wits about her and doesn't get too enraged and lose control. As for you...well...I'm not exactly sure what causes the dark energy to spread for you, it's a different trigger for everybody. Right now Elizabeth is in stage one of the corruption process, which is when it alters the mind. Once it gets past that stage...well...it might not be fixable. Stage two is when it alters the body, and stage three...let's not talk about that."
Jax starts to look a bit scared. "Well, if you can find out what is the source of the negative feelings then , well, you can find a way to stop them."
"I know what they are. I worry about my sisters everyday. That is why I work so much. So they can get by in life and not live on the streets. My grandma makes money, but not enough to get by. So I work hard so they don't have to. That is why I was excited to work for the Watcher. He was going to pay me more, but it ended up making matters worse." Tao said sadly.
She squirmed, panicking from the sudden grabbing of her body, being pulled back into the shadows, herself struggling to break free as her heart began to race.
Jax sighs and gives Tao a weak smile. "If you ever need anything just ask me and I will help you no matter what the problem is... there is something I want to tell you..." He stares at the ground, blushing. "N...Nevermind, I don't think it would help." (GTG for a little while, be back later.)
He let her pound on him, then started to speak. "Sorry luna... I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just wanted to come and see you because I can't stand being apart from you this long." a tear began to roll down his cheek, and he smiles even though he was crying.
"Because... I guess I fell for someone a little too much.." He wipes his tears from his face, and pulls her into a kiss, his eyes a neon pink.
As she was pulled in, her fists slowly unraveled against his chest, only to grip his shirt while he kissed her within the shadows.
Finally, after a while of kissing, he stopped kissing, but pressed his forehead against hers. "So, can you stop ignoring me now?" His eyes were literally half yellow, and half pink. "I would appreciate it." For the first time, you may or may not notice that Zero smells like a mixture between fresh apples and cinnamon.
Luna's eyes met his gaze, now finding it hard to lie to him, or even reject him. Realizing this she sighed, allowing her eyelids to cover her now shifting hues, of which were averting to a light green shade. "So. I take it as you do love me, huh?"
He would start laughing, and then look her straight in the eyes, even if they are closed, "More than anything, and if I didn't love you, I wouldn't have stayed up all night making that bag now would I?" He grins, looking so extremely happy that she now has finally allowed it to click.
Luna raised her eyelids, revealing her mixed hues, swirled with a bright blue and lime green."I don't know....I'm not so sure you can put up with me."
"You're right... I can only not put up with you ignoring me." Zero grins "I can put up with everything else. That is, if I can even call it that. Listen... I'll tell you anything you want to know, I will always protect you..." Zero leans in so close to Luna, that they're almost kissing. "So, give back a little, kay'?" His eyes are now drilling into Luna, so intensely focused on her.
She blinked, raising her right hand, only to extend her index finger out to poke his nose."Anything? Absolutely anything?" She lowered her voice to a whisper as she spoke, coding the little space between them until her lips met his, retracting back mere moments later.
She turned her gaze downward, a light blush developing upon her cheeks as she spoke, fumbling with her hands."Why...do you love me?"
"Hmmm..." Zero thought for a moment, then his eyes turned entirely pink. "Because... you're amazing." He paused, and continued, "Your hair is beautiful, you have an amazing voice, a great smile... and you understand me more than anyone else is. I can trust you with anything, and I know I will have made the right choice." He pauses, and continues yet again. "You're beautiful, have a great personality... and you're one of the first people I know to have just treated me as a friend when we met..." He looks at her, his eyes now pink and a slight shade of green. "I think it's about time I told you my 'truth'." He takes in a deep breath, and starts his story. "You see... I'm actually the 3rd son of a family of 6... there was my father, my mother, my sister, and my 2 other older brothers..." He looks almost sad now. "My father favored me for my ability with shadow manipulation, since it's a rare ability to receive, and especially useful in cases where you're ruling over shadows, my father choose me to be the next king, even though my oldest brother should've received that honor..." A tear streams down his cheek, and he continues his story. "My brothers hated me for centuries, until the second oldest brother committed suicide... The eldest made plots to receive my inheritance that should have been his..." The steams of tears now steadily flow down his cheeks. "My eldest brothers name... is mingx, the one I appointed king after I left. He planned for the shadows of that realm to start a riot, and hang me.. we left just slightly before that happened..." He falls to his knees, his hands on his face, "Mingx has all the wrong ideas of running a kingdom.. he uses cruelty wickedness to make things run... I am worried of what have happened to my subjects..." His eyes now a deep, ocean blue.
Luna was silent, only moving to raise her hand to wipe the steadily falling tears from his face with her thumbs. " Please.....go to your people...for me....and for them."
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