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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"I have a way. Ever thought about being destroyed, before you even became a part of her?" Her voice started to echo throughout every single memory the corruption had, though didn't affect Elizabeth in the slightest. Every single moment the corruption remembered was suddenly becoming carved out of the corruption, and replaced with Midori's words, which sounded painful to the corruption. She was really angry now, ready to utterly destroy the corruption for how much harm it was causing to her mother. "In just a few moments, you will cease to have ever existed at any point in time. I'll destroy every last bit of you, before you could even take form like this. I'll make your very being suffer more than one could imagine for having caused such suffering to my mother...!"
The corruption shudders, releasing its control over Elizabeth. "P...please...I ju...just wanted a b....body of my own..." It pleads, begging for mercy.
"Then I'll give you one, just stop with your hold on anything related to mother, including memories." She lightens the painful voice in the memories, letting the being focus just enough to hold a proper conversation, and making the pain unnoticeable for a bit, though should the corruption even try and do anything harmful, would return completely. "You can have my body if you want, just quit harming my mother."
The corruption stares at Midori. "Y...you are weak...when normal...I will do it on one condition...you allow me to have your body and make you stronger..." It says, it somehow retained a bit of Elizabeth's want to help Midori, at least temporarily.
John sets Elizabeth down, bringing a simple human body, cloned. He leans into Elizabeth's ear, hoping she can listen. "I have a brain-dead body here. It can use it for now."
"Do whatever you will with my body." She was quite serious, to the point it would actually make one wonder if she was even sane.
The corruption changes it's mind when it senses a new body and hears John's words through Elizabeth. "I will release her anyway... there is a new body, one that can be mine and mine alone." It says, the corruption flowing out of Elizabeth's body and into the human clone's body.
Midori runs over to Elizabeth, hugging her tightly, crying a little. She then appears next to John, having cut all the ropes that binded the body. "All it wanted was its' own body, so leave it be." She crushed John's gun with her hand, not wanting anything to happen to the being now that it has its' own body and won't be harming Elizabeth.
The corruption fully takes hold of the clone and it wakes up with no memory. "W...Where am I...Who am I...Wh...wh...what is going on?"
"Lets see about that. It was bred to kill. You think I would let this one escape?" He looks for another weapon around the room.
Midori sends a few memories to the corruption, some happy memories and past to it that gave the person purpose to live, making sure each memory was unique to it, and leaving gaps to be filled by the being's own mind, as well as letting it create its' own name and appearance.
Elizabeth's fur and wings remain pitch black, but her eyes go back to her normal color as she wakes up. She coughs and smiles weakly. "I...Is it ov...er?"
Midori made sure to include in the corruption's memories that it was friends with Midori, and that this were their first time meeting the other people.
Elizabeth smiles and looks over at the body containing the corruption. "I h...hope that thing can live a happy life...All it wanted was a body to call it's own..." The corruption starts changing the clones body, adding cat ears and a cat tail and making the clone's hair black. (I am going to make a character sheet for her.)
(Ooh, can I give it an appearance...? ^^) Midori hugs the corruption's body lightly. "You're finally awake... Mother, meet my frie-" Her power flowed back out of her body, causing her to go weak and sickly once more, this time, her eyes almost lifeless as she falls back and hits the floor.
(Sure. I'll pm you the info and you create the CS.) Elizabeth gives Midori a startled look and hugs her tightly, hoping that she is okay.
Midori managed to sit up, hugging Elizabeth lightly. "I-I'm fine... It's just... side-effects of using... my powers..." Her body looked like it were drained of all life, but even so, one could tell she was mostly fine. "So, how's Oshoku...?" She looked over at the girl that she had helped give form and life to, smiling lightly as she sees the cute appearance.
Elizabeth gave a confused look and smiled. "So her name is Oshoku.." She says, wondering how Midori was able to find that out. Oshoku starts to move, rubbing her eyes and sitting up, wondering where she was and what was going on.
Oshuku smiles and hugs Midori lightly, memories flooding her mind. "Hey Midori." She says cheerfully, taking a quick glance around the room they were in. "Where are we?"
Jessica's eyes were closed. She sat in her wheelchair in a grassy public park. No human could see her, but other unnatural beings could. She relaxed in the grassy field. She hated not being seen by humans. It was seriously lonley.
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