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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](thanks where is your character)

(He is walking aroung outside the school)
Dylan smirked " your beautiful Ally ,Han has every right to be over protective , just wait till prom , he will be super protective then " she chuckled imagening the arguments about dress lengths

AsongOfIceandFire said:
(Yeah, sure. Whatever.)
(I will use my character Shiroe instead)Shiroe used a portal to go to the supermarket get some food Uhhh this is gonna be a disease Shiroe said as he walked into the portal and accidentally fell down Uhhh fuck
Lumina said:
Elyse was full on laughing like it was normal, her demeanor significantly improved. This Everest guy. Pretty cool in her mind. She leaned back, her hands resting on the couch, and of course the couch started to turn to a shiny metal. She retracted her hand as as soon as she realized what was happening, and looked at Everest smiling apologetically. "Oops."
"Oh that's no problem... this was something I "constructed" so I can modify it at will..."

Swapping couches so he was on the same couch as Elyse, he placed one hand against the couch and snapped the fingers on his other hand. At the sound, the couch changed back to normal, and smiling, Everest said,

"Don't worry about accidentally changing anything in to metal here, i created almost all of it, so i can change it back no problem! and dont worry about me either. Now that I've worked with it a bit, this field is getting easier to hold up... actually... I think I may be able to extend it if I try... hmm..."

Closing his eyes in concentration, the silver field around his hang began to shift and expand. Soon Everest's entire body was surrounded in a thin silvery glow. Grinning like an idiot he said,

"There, now im 100% Elyes proof!!!"

Grinning like an idiot at how stupid that sounded, Everest grabbed another slice of bacon and stuck it in his mouth next to the first.
Daniel reaver]"N-n-no it's not that" daniel said frantacly as he grabed her hand to stop her then blushed more "I just though that you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen so I kinda zoned out on you" daniel said with some embarasment in his voice [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7449-sixxx/ said:
(well that was adorable )

Blue gasped and hugged him "but ...." she sighed " my scars ...their really exposed ..." she said looking down embarrassed " i look like Frankenstein" she said looking down

@Daniel reaver
Lumina said:
Lumina takes it, exhaling a breath of relief. "That's good to hear. I don't know if my body could take much more of that." She begins eating, smiling at the amazing taste.
''ah dont worry...if we ever get attacked, i told Add to teleport you to a place we call the 'secret garden'''

*Himeragi winks at Lumina and she turns to her normal form and Zephyr and Emiko finishes their live-web cam stream for their band's combined blog*
"I Think if any thing they make you look even more beautiful" he said as he hooked her chin with a finder and got her to look at him "I love you blue"


(Night every one)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](I will use my character Shiroe instead)Shiroe used a portal to go to the supermarket get some food Uhhh this is gonna be a disease Shiroe said as he walked into the portal and accidentally fell down Uhhh fuck

Serenity walked into the supermarket. "Hmm..pie crust, where tis you be." She looked over and saw a guy lying on the floor. "Hmmm...? Is that the new thing?" She pondered to herself.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''ah dont worry...if we ever get attacked, i told Add to teleport you to a place we call the 'secret garden'''
*Himeragi winks at Lumina and she turns to her normal form and Zephyr and Emiko finishes their live-web cam stream for their band's combined blog*

Lumina watches as Himeragi walked away. Secret Garden, huh? She glanced over at Zephyr and Emiko, finishing their livestream. She envied them a bit, jealous they could be so carefree and happy. She placed her plate down and went to go change into something soft and oversized.
Hanna was imagining a whole bunch of funny things as she drove... She felt that she'd have to do some damage.

(( What she was thinking


Ally smiled, "Thank you. Your pretty too Big Sis!" She said cheerfully. She started to imagine thinga too.

(( What Ally imagined it'd be like during prom

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]
"Oh that's no problem... this was something I "constructed" so I can modify it at will..."
Swapping couches so he was on the same couch as Elyse, he placed one hand against the couch and snapped the fingers on his other hand. At the sound, the couch changed back to normal, and smiling, Everest said,

"Don't worry about accidentally changing anything in to metal here, i created almost all of it, so i can change it back no problem! and dont worry about me either. Now that I've worked with it a bit, this field is getting easier to hold up... actually... I think I may be able to extend it if I try... hmm..."

Closing his eyes in concentration, the silver field around his hang began to shift and expand. Soon Everest's entire body was surrounded in a thin silvery glow. Grinning like an idiot he said,

"There, now im 100% Elyes proof!!!"

Grinning like an idiot at how stupid that sounded, Everest grabbed another slice of bacon and stuck it in his mouth next to the first.

Elyse looked in awe as Everest did his thing. It was amazing to her. Nobody had ever been able to actually deal with her powers before. She felt like she could exist somewhat normally. And she had never felt like that before.
Blue smiled " i love you too" she wrapd her arms around his neck and kissed him

@Daniel reaver

Dylan smiled and thought of what she would wear to the prom and dancing with Han when he was a he again falling asleep as she thought and drove


its almost midnight here , i gotta go to bed i have 4:30 alarm waiting to pounce night night))
Lumina said:
Elyse looked in awe as Everest did his thing. It was amazing to her. Nobody had ever been able to actually deal with her powers before. She felt like she could exist somewhat normally. And she had never felt like that before.
(i keep accidentally hitting the like button instead of the reply button, but i would feel like an ass if i unliked it, even because its a good post anyway...)


"So i got to ask... Is it just your hands I need to be careful of, or is the rest of you going to try to turn me in to metal as well?"

Grinning, Everest glared playfully at Elyse's hands
Lumina said:
Lumina watches as Himeragi walked away. Secret Garden, huh? She glanced over at Zephyr and Emiko, finishing their livestream. She envied them a bit, jealous they could be so carefree and happy. She placed her plate down and went to go change into something soft and oversized.
*As Zephyr placed away the webcam, he then layed on the couch*

''man...our fans are sure gonna enjoy that''

''haha yeah..''
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Serenity walked into the supermarket. "Hmm..pie crust, where tis you be." She looked over and saw a guy lying on the floor. "Hmmm...? Is that the new thing?" She pondered to herself.
Shiroe didnt notice the girl and stood up Uhhh what should i buy Blood or Souls Shiroe said as he looked around and saw the girl staring and him
Serenity gave the boy a questioning look before turning away and walking down one of the aisles. "Some people..." She muttered to herself as she started filling her basket with various groceries.
Roman made a Mario Pipe in front of the store door. He hopped out and dusted himself off. He then walked through the doors and waved at the cashier, "Hi." He said as he continued to walk on.

(( Dont judge he can materialize anything he wants xD ))
Roman said:
Roman made a Mario Pipe in front of the store door. He hopped out and dusted himself off. He then walked through the doors and waved at the cashier, "Hi." He said as he continued to walk on.
(( Dont judge he can materialize anything he wants xD ))
sounds allot like what Everest can do.... cept he can change it on the fly and use parts to mix and match and make new things.
(( Yeah Roman can literally make anything he wants. Its crazy because everything he makes looks like steel. Buts it only breakable by him. Also comes in handy because he's a assassin ;p ))
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Serenity gave the boy a questioning look before turning away and walking down one of the aisles. "Some people..." She muttered to herself as she started filling her basket with various groceries.
Shiroe looked at the girl and followed her from behind Dont think i'm a stalker Dont think i'm a stalker Shiroe thought
Serenity glanced behind her. "Dammit." She muttered, but did not worried. If the boy tried anything, Serenity could freeze him in place and call her brother, Ansom. Please try something. I want to see Ansom tear a guy's head off.
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