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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Look the last thing i remember through our mind link was Haiiro snapping her fingers and then this mark appeared on my chest"
"Usui!" Moriko called after the girl. "Oh dear" she frowned as the flowers on morikos hair turned blue. I wonder what happened to her? She thought.

@Princess Ktyria
"You idiot" she said as black tendrils of shadow wrapped around the boy "I can't defeat her what makes you think you can" she said in he cold dead voice as she still held onto shade
i do not care who or what did it the deserve to die shade says more angery as a orbe of wind and shadow forms around her destroying every thing in her path as she goes to where she last saw al on the serch to find the so called god who killed him
"Wait Shade!!....I will help you when Al died i absorbed all of his power..........And his souls so in a way Al will be helping you kill her"
shade stoped and droped from the orb and walked over to the boyand grabed his coller "it was a girl who killed him " shade says with glowing red eyes
"um yeh i think so ..... how are you gonna fix it ?" she said looking up at her Dylan wasnt sure how she felt about this and was a little panicked


Blue kissed Daniel and then kissed down his neck and chest before hoping out of bed an grabing his shirt and a pair of shorts , she used a hairtie to fix the shirt and kissed him" dont move ill be right back " she said sliping on flipflops and fixed her hair on the go , finding dylan and a girl han and the little girl outside she forgot about the little girl and almost wanted to cover the thousands of scars but desiced if she asked she would tell her " hey dylan , girl Han . whats up ?" she smiled , her hair was a little messed up and her cheeks were flushed

@Daniel reaver
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom frowned because a sudden rush of happiness enetered his body, but he quickly released it thanks to his psionic shield. "Usei!" He called out once she ran away. "Does my breath smell." He breathed into his hand and sniffed. "No...not that. Hmmm...." He shook his head. "Well, Moriko. Maybe we should go after her." He stood up and began to jog towards the school.
Usui continued to run until she reached a window in the school at the end of the hall. She took a deep breathe and looked into the mirror. 'Happiness- good.' She thought, letting out a breathe of relief. She wouldn't have ran if she knew what it was. "Well..." She muttered, her face turning a deep read as she covered her mouth. 'If I go back it's only going to be more embaressing.' She thought, sighing slightly dramatically. She turned the power off and blinked, her eyes were less glossed over and she could see objects more clearly.



Whack said:
Jace's brows raised from their surprise and he rubbed the back of his neck as he continued to walk. "I can understand animals, it's a gift." He dropped his hands to his side and looked ahead curiously.
Racoon jumped off of Mamoreru's shoulder and ran around Jace's ankles. "Finally! Somebody who can understand every word I say!" It says happily, running around in circles next to him.

Mamoreru didn't mind it. It was a nice power to have if you had any pets but it didn't seem as if he did, so it felt like a waste of gifts to her- but what could she do about it? Mamoreru finally reached the gates of the school and opened them. "Here we are." She said quietly like always.
shyland said:
shade stoped and droped from the orb and walked over to the boyand grabed his coller "it was a girl who killed him " shade says with glowing red eyes
Will started to feel weird as something arose inside of him he had half of the dragon god inside of him "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"
Daniel sat up after blue left and swept some of his hair out of his face with a smile "I love you blue" he said to him self as he streched his arms than looked out the window "hurry back my love" he said softly to him self

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Usui heard Ansom's calls and giggled slightly but didn't know what to do. "No, it wasn't something you said." She said, peeking around the corner to see him. "Did you feel a rush of happiness?" She asks curiously. If so, that was good. She didn't put fear or anger inide of him- which may have been bad for certain reasons. The main one being he was the God of Chaos.

[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]
Usui continued to run until she reached a window in the school at the end of the hall. She took a deep breathe and looked into the mirror. 'Happiness- good.' She thought, letting out a breathe of relief. She wouldn't have ran if she knew what it was. "Well..." She muttered, her face turning a deep read as she covered her mouth. 'If I go back it's only going to be more embaressing.' She thought, sighing slightly dramatically. She turned the power off and blinked, her eyes were less glossed over and she could see objects more clearly.


Racoon jumped off of Mamoreru's shoulder and ran around Jace's ankles. "Finally! Somebody who can understand every word I say!" It says happily, running around in circles next to him.

Mamoreru didn't mind it. It was a nice power to have if you had any pets but it didn't seem as if he did, so it felt like a waste of gifts to her- but what could she do about it? Mamoreru finally reached the gates of the school and opened them. "Here we are." She said quietly like always.

Jace watched the raccoon scuttle around in circles and chuckled,"yes. You're lively, Hm? What's your name?"

He looked up when they reached the gates and gazed at the school,"honestly, it's not as big as I thought it would be."
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]
Usui heard Ansom's calls and giggled slightly but didn't know what to do. "No, it wasn't something you said." She said, peeking around the corner to see him. "Did you feel a rush of happiness?" She asks curiously. If so, that was good. She didn't put fear or anger inide of him- which may have been bad for certain reasons. The main one being he was the God of Chaos.

"Happiness...yes. Was I happy....not really." He smiled to show that it was a jest. "You know, most people run much faster away from me." He laughed. "Anyways, I am starving. I went to eat earlier, but I never got the chance."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Thana called out to the boy through a mind link "id get away from her quickly" she said through the link as she layed her head on watchers chest sadly

The Watcher frowns, having no idea what is going on at the moment.

Haiiro stands completely silent and still before disappearing, going to her realm.
After waking up from my nap I decide to walk around the school and see if any new students are arriving.
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