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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro sighs. "I'm not stupid, where's the real one?" She asks, seeming very nervous. She had some embarrassing pictures on there and she didn't want anyone to see them.
LonelyAssassin said:
"Hello Cerin." He stuck the spoon in the Sundae and wave, "Well I did tell you what was going to happen." He pulled the spoon out again and ate some more ice cream a small blush forming over his cheeks, "This is good. Want some?" He stuck his arm out holding out the Sundae towards Cerin, the spoon in his other hand also extended outwards.
"No, thanks." Cerin shook his head before turning and slowly limping back down the hallway to the stairs. This mess was it, He'd had enough of being confused and worried. He traversed up the steps, growling quietly at the pain stemming from his knee. Each time he took a step with his right foot he mumbled and winced, but continued on to the rooms. Drea was still moving things around in the guest room so he went to Vex's only to find the space where Vex had been asleep, empty.

Ramona checked her other hand, "Wait. It was right in this hand." Ramona's face went pale. "I may have dropped it." She said nervously smiling. "Thats not a bad thing is it?" She asked. She pushed Haiiro off her. "You look down there I'll see if it slid over here." Ramona was lying she put in her materialization inventory.
Haiiro stands up, crossing her arms. "You're a terrible liar, you know that? Well, until I find out where you've hidden my camera you're coming with me." She says, snapping her fingers and sending Ramona and herself to her realm, cutting it off from earth. "Welcome to my realm."
Asphyxiated said:
"No, thanks." Cerin shook his head before turning and slowly limping back down the hallway to the stairs. This mess was it, He'd had enough of being confused and worried. He traversed up the steps, growling quietly at the pain stemming from his knee. Each time he took a step with his right foot he mumbled and winced, but continued on to the rooms. Drea was still moving things around in the guest room so he went to Vex's only to find the space where Vex had been asleep, empty.
Tasuke followed Cerin, he looked in pain, but he couldn't really do anything about it himself so he didn't say anything and just ate his Ice Cream. When they reached Vex's room Cerin looked in to find an empty bed and Tasuke also blinked, he cursed for a good reason and he looked at him.

"Well. I'm guessing you have no idea where he could've gone?"
Ramona sat down on whatever, and secretly copied all the camera's pics to her phone. She finished the copy and slid her phone back in her pocket. "Here take your stupid camera." Ramona said handing Hairro the camera. "Now take me back to the real world." She said frowning at Haiiro for bringing her here.
Haiiro smiles, taking the camera. "Alright, now delete all of the pictures on your phone, I'm not taking any chances." She says as a tree next to her bursts into flames. "Ignore that tree, it does that every ten minutes."
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke followed Cerin, he looked in pain, but he couldn't really do anything about it himself so he didn't say anything and just ate his Ice Cream. When they reached Vex's room Cerin looked in to find an empty bed and Tasuke also blinked, he cursed for a good reason and he looked at him.
"Well. I'm guessing you have no idea where he could've gone?"
Cerin shook his head,"no, I have an idea..." He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and looked at his swollen knee, listening to it slowly heal since he brought the pressure from it. There were a few ideas of where he would've ran off to, but only one seemed to fit the bill. "Our family home. Well, what's left of it. He and Soren used go there when something was troubling them."
"I dont have any pictures in my phone." She said looking at the crazy tree. "Can we go already? This place looks like it might explode in ten minutes." She said scooting away from what she was sitting on before it might explode on her.
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin shook his head,"no, I have an idea..." He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and looked at his swollen knee, listening to it slowly heal since he brought the pressure from it. There were a few ideas of where he would've ran off to, but only one seemed to fit the bill. "Our family home. Well, what's left of it. He and Soren used go there when something was troubling them."
Tasuke nodded and placed the Glass on the side with the spoon in it, "Lets go then. I believe Vex has a bike? You know how to drive one right?"
Haiiro starts laughing. "It only explodes on Saturdays, and thenI have to fix everything, but seriously, prove to me that there aren't any pictures on your phone." She frowns when Xev gives her the pictures and fades away. "What in the hell?..." She mumbles, wondering who Xev was and how she had got a picture of that.
Sixxx said:
Blue huggs him " theres gotta be a loop hole , dont worry there is always a loophole and we willl find it and do just about anything for it " she smiled a little and kissed him . a few minutes later she takes his hand and they return to the library " and the search begins "
@Daniel reaver
"Yeah blue" daniel said with a small smile as tears still ran down his face as blue took his hand and pulled him back to the library so they could search form any sign of a loop hole in the ticking time bomb of power that he had become (sorry fell asleep)


Thanos had gotten sick of waiting so he stood up and stuck his arms out to the sides and let tendrils of shadow and darkness take him to the yard befor they dispersed into giant masses of natural shadow "mama.....mama where are you" thanos called out as he started to look around

LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke nodded and placed the Glass on the side with the spoon in it, "Lets go then. I believe Vex has a bike? You know how to drive one right?"
"Bike?....Oh, that one he got from Soren." Cerin shrugged,"I know how, but I haven't driven one in a long time. You'll have to excuse it if I go too fast or forget to stop." He stopped talking when his knee healed and let out a relieved sigh before standing.

"C'mon.." Cerin was reluctant to go back to that place, but opened the window to the back yard and hopped outside.
Asphyxiated said:
"Bike?....Oh, that one he got from Soren." Cerin shrugged,"I know how, but I haven't driven one in a long time. You'll have to excuse it if I go too fast or forget to stop." He stopped talking when his knee healed and let out a relieved sigh before standing.
"C'mon.." Cerin was reluctant to go back to that place, but opened the window to the back yard and hopped outside.
When Cerin jumped out the window Tasuke shook his head with a smile, "That idiot." He followed Cerin out of the window and landed in the back yard. He walked over to the Bike and waited for it to be started up, "How long is the Journey?"
Oh. I didn't see a reply. >~<))

Racoon looked up from it's slumber and looked at the intruder.
'Who?' Racoon thought. Racoon started to squirm a bit. It didn't know who this intruder was and it didn't lik ehim currently. Picking Racoon up right away wasn't a really good idea. It got frightened when someone did that unless it was it's master. Although, the pets felt nice and so he sunk into his arms, rubbing the side of it's face against his chest.
LonelyAssassin said:
When Cerin jumped out the window Tasuke shook his head with a smile, "That idiot." He followed Cerin out of the window and landed in the back yard. He walked over to the Bike and waited for it to be started up, "How long is the Journey?"
"That depends on how much energy I have." Cerin walked over to the bike and straddled it, turning the key that was left in its socket and watching as a bit of light left his hand. He didn't bother grabbing a helmet for himself, but offered Tasuke the one that hung from handle bars as he gestured for him to sit.
Ramona shows Haiiro some some puctures, "See told you. There is nothing but my selfies of me wheb I was a guy." She said smiling triumphantly. "Now lets leave." Ramona said nudging Haiiro.
Asphyxiated said:
"That depends on how much energy I have." Cerin walked over to the bike and straddled it, turning the key that was left in its socket and watching as a bit of light left his hand. He didn't bother grabbing a helmet for himself, but offered Tasuke the one that hung from handle bars as he gestured for him to sit.
Tasuke took the helmet and place it on the floor, sitting on the back of the bike he wrapped his arms around Cerin's stomach with a grin, "I don't need that." Now wasn't really the time for flirting, but Tasuke had an itch to do it.
Haiiro reluctantly nods. "Alright." She says, reconnecting her realm with earth as her and Ramona appear back in Ramona's dorm room. She really hoped that Ramona wasn't lying to her, some of those pictures were really embarrassing. "You do know I was kidding about putting that picture up all over the school, right?"
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