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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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LonelyAssassin said:
Yoruichi was shocked by the sudden hug, but let out a laugh and hugged him back as a cat the best she could.
Sora chuckles "Hey. At least you tried to hug back" he smiles and looks up at the ceiling "Hugs are nice..."
Mamoreru sighs lightly as she reaches the school. After getting expelled from her last one, this was the only one she'd probably have the best chance at. She walked up the the school, a scarf hung around her neck, a long sleeve shirt and gloved on, a scirt with tights underneath and boots that go up to her knees. She wore outfits like this out of habit, even though she was sure she wouldn't need to at ths school, she just felt more comfortable in them. A purse hung off her shoulder and a head of a pet stuck out of it. It was her pet, Racoon. She reached down to pet Racoon's head as she entered the building, looking around and walking down the halls. She was nervous but excited, more than she has been in awhile.
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*Sigh* "It is like a nice warm relaxing bath don't worry i had them reserve us them you wont have to be with strangers"
"Turn me back." Roman said looking at Haiiro. "I don't like being a cat. I can't stop the urge to clean myself, nor can I resist kitty litter." Romab said putting his paws on his ears.


Han sighed, "Something safer ok." He held his hand up to his arm. "I think my burn is acting up." Han sat down next to Dylan. "Leta just rest ok?"

Haiiro grins, picking up Roman. "Maybe I will, and then afterwards I'll turn you into something else. That is, if I feel like turning you back." She says, walking back to Al, still holding Roman.
Slaxt said:
Sora chuckles "Hey. At least you tried to hug back" he smiles and looks up at the ceiling "Hugs are nice..."
"You complained last time." She referred to when she wasn't a cat, "Are we just gonna lie here all day?"
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro felt his neck being pierced and his eye twitched as he looked away, even though the was more used to being bitten like this, it still always stung like a bitch. He rested his hand on the back of Cerin's head and tried to relax himself.
Vex paused when he caught the vague scent of something familiar. Curious, he stood and started searching the house for what it was.

Cerin fed until something grabbed him by the hair and slowly pulled his head back. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Vex- it wasn't that he standing there, or even the pain stemming from the grip on his hair; it was the look on Vex's face that caused his sudden intrusion of fear. He tried to say something, but Vex had rammed part of his hand into his mouth the moment it opened and let go of his hair. Cerin was blinking whilst Vex began dragging him away from Mahiro by his jaw and almost dislocating it as he tossed him against the wall when Cerin bit him.

Vex pointed a finger at Cerin, and he tried to regain himself.

"don't you ever fucking touch him!"

Cerin tried to stand up, using the wall as leverage until Vex kicked his knee out of place. "Sit."

"SHIT! Stop freaking out! I didn't force him to!" Cerin yelled back at him and winced as he knocked his knee back into place the best he could. Dammit vex.

Vex seemed to calm for a second, glaring down at Cerin before shifting his gaze to Mahiro,"Is that true?" He didn't believe what Cerin said until the white-haired teen jumped in front of Mahiro protectively. So it was true. Cerin had fed off of Mahiro. MY MaHIro. A swarm of thoughts bombarded his head within a matter of seconds; though, he seemed to be completely still on the outside. The minute of silence was broken when he kicked Cerin from the side, cracking the wall of the room when he made impact with it. Vex looked perfectly normal except for the burning glint in his slanted eyes, and a thin grin that cracked his pale features at seeing Cerin slumped over and groaning. He'd probably broken a few of his ribs. This made him chortle.

Cerin stood and stepped forward, holding his ribs with his arm. "Vex..you have to stop..or-" Vex cut him off with a punch, breaking the wall to his home and sending Cerin rolling into the woods. He stood there, clasping a side of the gaping hole in the bedroom wall with nails digging into the rough material, huffing with rage.
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Roman just sat their in Haiiro's arms with a frowny face. "You aren't very nice ya know." He said laying in her arms and taking a nap.
Haiiro smiles. "And I don't like being nice, it isn't as fun as being mean. Maybe I'll turn you into something embarrassing after I change you back, if I change you back." She mumbles.
Mamoreru walked around for a little but, lost, but made her way to the courtyard. It was nice. She sat down in the grass for no apperant reason and pulled Racoon out of it's bag and set it in her lap. She spoke to it softly and rocked side to side. She had no clue what sh ewas doing but she didn't really have a reasson to.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex paused when he caught the vague scent of something familiar. Curious, he stood and started searching the house for what it was.
Cerin fed until something grabbed him by the hair and slowly pulled his head back. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Vex- it wasn't that he standing there, or even the pain stemming from the grip on his hair; it was the look on Vex's face that caused his sudden intrusion of fear. He tried to say something, but Vex had rammed part of his hand into his mouth the moment it opened and let go of his hair. Cerin was blinking whilst Vex began dragging him away from Mahiro by his jaw and almost dislocating it as he tossed him against the wall when Cerin bit him.

Vex pointed a finger at Cerin, and he tried to regain himself.

"don't you ever fucking touch him!"

Cerin tried to stand up, using the wall as leverage until Vex kicked his knee out of place. "Sit."

"SHIT! Stop freaking out! I didn't force him to!" Cerin yelled back at him and winced as he knocked his knee back into place the best he could. Dammit vex.

Vex seemed to calm for a second, glaring down at Cerin before shifting his gaze to Mahiro,"Is that true?" He didn't believe what Cerin said until the white-haired teen jumped in front of Mahiro protectively. So it was true. Cerin had fed off of Mahiro. MY MaHIro. A swarm of thoughts bombarded his head within a matter of seconds; though, he seemed to be completely still on the outside. The minute of silence was broken when he kicked Cerin from the side, cracking the wall of the room when he made impact with it. Vex looked perfectly normal except for the burning glint in his slanted eyes, and a thin grin that cracked his pale features at seeing Cerin slumped over and groaning. He'd probably broken a few of his ribs. This made him chortle.

Cerin stood and stepped forward, holding his ribs with and arm. "Vex..you have to stop..or-" Vex cut him off with a punch, breaking the wall to his home and sending Cerin rolling into the woods. He stood there, clasping a side of the gaping hole in the bedroom wall with nail digging into the rough material, huffing with rage.
Mahiro felt the sudden pull of his neck as Cerin was torn from his neck, he yelped and grabbed the bite that was still bleeding, usually it would be closed up afterwards. But Cerin was forced from him. By Vex. He watched with terror in his eyes, his love had turned so violently on them both. Mahiro saw the jealousy radiating off him, the anger and the hate.

"Vex Sto-!" Cerin was pummelled through a wall and sent flying through the woods, Mahiro's eyes widened and he looked at Vex standing by the hole in the wall, "VEX! Calm down, I let him..." He breathed heavily, the energy had been sucked from his body and he still bled, his hand clutched the wound.
" like what? "she said as his mother came back " she was still nevrous and hoped it didnt show but probally did . she hoped they liked her

LonelyAssassin said:
"You complained last time." She referred to when she wasn't a cat, "Are we just gonna lie here all day?"
"Well... I complained because you were naked also it was unexpected." He stops hugging and gets up "Well instead of lying here all day what do you want to do?"
Han sighed, "I'm tired." He said stretching. "Why dont we rest up for the next day?" Han said waving to his mother as she left the room. "Gah. Arm." Han sat down on his bed.
" whats wrong with your arm ?" she said taking his hand and looking at his arm concerned a moment later she droped his hand and she ploped behind him and rubbed his shoulders resting her chin on him kissing his neck and huging him

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