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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro laughed, it was so strange seeing all these Drea's and cerin's, "This is amazingly weird. Haha." He rocked to the sides.
Cerin chuckled as well as Drea, though she stopped and pulled away- muttering something in that language again before disappearing.

"Aw," Cerin frowned and dropped his hand, looking to Mahiro. "She had to go repair a part of the boundary," he huffed and scratched his head," was there something you needed?"
RomanTheFireGod said:
Han held Dylan's hand, "Blue was exhausted, I don't think her powers work when she sleeps." He said walking to the tree. "And there is my family tournament which has started already, so I can be attacked at anytime." Han said pulling Dylan closer to him.
( sorry finished my chorse)

she wraped her arms around his neck and pressing her self against him grinning"as long as im not in the line of fire id love to watch " she looked at him with a grin and kissed him

(Thank you ever sense i joined this RP i have had nothing but fun even when i got the crap kicked out of me which was alot xD )

(@shyland Do u have a twitter?)
(sry i'm back. what did i miss?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/283987_1250214805906_full.jpg.71ace4c6936d72cb5bfe0ee2aa393456.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/283987_1250214805906_full.jpg.71ace4c6936d72cb5bfe0ee2aa393456.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Han smiled, "It'd be nice to have someone for support." He said watching and aware of his surroundings, "If it comes to me in a unfair match.... lets say a 2-on-1 I would be able to use your help." He said as he started to climb the tree

( I have one, Roman. He's in the courtyard. @AriaTheWatcher )
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin chuckled as well as Drea, though she stopped and pulled away- muttering something in that language again before disappearing.
"Aw," Cerin frowned and dropped his hand, looking to Mahiro. "She had to go repair a part of the boundary," he huffed and scratched his head," was there something you needed?"
"Yeah there was something." Mahiro looked down at the floor, "I wanna feed Vex...but I'm scared, in case it goes wrong and makes it worse - Like you said."
shortyshot8 said:
(What do you mean?)
(Characters who aren't currently doing much/anything)

RomanTheFireGod said:
( I have one, Roman. He's in the courtyard. @AriaTheWatcher )

Haiiro smiles, wandering around the courtyard, she was finally out of class, no more having to listen to boring teachers talk about even more boring subjects, she could do what she wanted for the rest of the day.
The Watcher sighs, sitting in his office and tapping his pencil against the desk. "Being a principal is boring..." He mumbles, turning on his computer and starting to play one of his favorite games, FTL.
Roman still sat on his bench reading a book, he looked up once seeing the girl but ignored her keeping his eyes pierced in his book. "She's not a threat, hopefully." He mumbled.
" yeh sounds good but im a not sure how good a fighter i am all i can do is make them see things " she said looking down suddenly feeling ashamed of her powers

LonelyAssassin said:
"Yeah there was something." Mahiro looked down at the floor, "I wanna feed Vex...but I'm scared, in case it goes wrong and makes it worse - Like you said."
Cerin eyed him,"I see, I'm guessing he told you he was hungry." He rubbed the back of his neck in thought," well....all you can really do is try. "
Al walked outside with his hands on his head "God i still can't believe I've been here 2 days and almost died countless times"
"Make them see things then." Han said dropping from the tree. "You look sad about something. Whats the problem?" He asked in a low, comforting voice.

" my powers .... they suck ,i can make you see things and make things using my mind . " she loots down and climbed down and stood next to him she took his hand and grinned

Asphyxiated said:
Cerin eyed him,"I see, I'm guessing he told you he was hungry." He rubbed the back of his neck in thought," well....all you can really do is try. "
"I'm.... scared." Mahiro admitted, his heart was beating fast, "Cerin. Are you okay? If you're ever hungry I'll feed you, I'm just... afraid of Vex's state right now."
Han put a hand on her head and hugged her, "Atleast you 'can' do something. There are others who have no powers at all. All I can say is we were born lucky." Han said lifting Dylan to his shoulders, "You are so short." He chuckled.

RomanTheFireGod said:
Roman still sat on his bench reading a book, he looked up once seeing the girl but ignored her keeping his eyes pierced in his book. "She's not a threat, hopefully." He mumbled.
Haiiro glances at Roman, wondering who he was since she hadn't seen him before, not even in The Watcher's files. "Doesn't matter." She says to herself, shrugging and climbing one of the trees in the center of the courtyard.
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