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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The hunter gives her a confused look and raises one hand as if preparing to slam it into her. Behind Midori another hunter appears, doing the same.
Zero walks by, and glances around, clearly looking lost. A dark, almost smokey, substance would emit from him. Then, he would sit down, and look at the ground. His cloak completely hides his face.
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Midori just continues to stand there, practically ignoring their existence. She already knew of the second one, but simply didn't care. She quietly blows down at the ground, which creates an impossible to detect field around her made of darkness, the fact the entire realm is of darkness just helping her hide it even more. Anything that were to collide with it would be forced to merge with it if pure darkness, making the two hunters nowhere near a threat. Not even The Watcher could really tell there was a field around her like that at first glance, and her blowing down was hidden from him as well.
Zero would now stand up, and vanish into thin air, just particles of black being left behind. He now appears in front of the school building, looking at it like he would need a war plan.

"Well... I suppose I've finally arrived at my destination..." His voice would be soothing, slightly deep and sounding with a hint of happiness.

Then approaching school, he would go in search of the principals office for a tardy slip, since he is late for school after being lost earlier.
Layla, being found momentarily walking down a dirtied pathway towards the building of which she knew to be the form of the foreign school she was to attend, fumbled with the silvered strands of her hair that continuously tumbled into the blood red hues called her eyes.

As she walked, she held nothing nor carried anything at all. She simply took herself alone to school, lost in the uncontrollably insane train of thought of which took place in her head. The two white ears settled upon her head, the source of their growth hidden within her head, slightly twitched every so often.
Zero, reappearing outside the school building, now looked very confused.

"Damn it all... I can't find the principals office... Wait is there one? I've never attended a school before... I suppose I'm going off of what i've seen and read...." He seemed to be talking to himself.
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Jax finishes eating and brings his plate in to the kitchen and starts cleaning it, wanting to help out. The hunters slam down again the shield created by Midori and dissipate, leaving behind an odd blue wisp. The clone of The Watcher claps slowly. "Well done! You defeated the weakest and dumbest type of hunter in the maze." He says sarcastically, laughing afterwards. "The rest of them aren't pure darkness, so that trick won't work."
Moments later, Layla finally arrived at the front of the schools campus, instantly taking sight of a male seemingly staring blankly at the school. Being who she was, Layla remained silent as she made her way towards him, making sure not to make her presence or very existence known.
Tao walks back out and picks up the triplet's plates and her grandma's plate. "I want more!" Toto shouted.

"Grandma, we have no more! Drink your juice! Tao shouted back. Tao looked at Jax. "Sorry about her. She is a little-" Tao whistles as she circles her paw around her head. "I AM NOT CRAZY!" Toto shouted.
"Whatever they are, I can handle them. After all, I did go through something similar back in my proper placement of time." She giggled a little, loving how similar this test was to the test she had to take to get into an extremely high school that taught supernaturals.
He then would disappear from the front of the school, and appear behind Layla, with glowing red eyes, however his face would still be just dark space.

"Who are you? You can't hide from me." He'd been keeping track of the shadows in a 50 ft radius of him, in which he sensed a disturbance. (this is how he found layla.)
Layla paused in her tracks, silently listening to Zero's comment and question. Although she felt the need to say at least her name, she simply remained still momentarily, before continuing her walk into the front doors of the school, disregarding his presence.
Would vanish again, and appear about 7 feet in front of Layla, walking backwards the same direction she was going.

"Do you know anything about the school? I'm a bit lost and need some help." His eyes would now turn green, his head slightly tilted.
Layla huffed, trailing her crimson red occuli upward towards Zero. "I....am new."

With that simple statement, she continued her journey, simply walking around him once she crossed that 7ft distance.
Would vanish yet again, and repeat the same process, appearing 7 feet in front of her and walking backwards.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He would laugh, and then black smoke would emit from his right sleeve, which then materialized into a white, pale hand.

"The name's Zero, and I would /really/ appreciate it if you could help me out." He would stop walking backwards, and outstretch his hand, as wanting to shake.
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"You know what. I should leave. I only cause pain to everyone near me, and you are someone I..." john looks st her concerned.
Seeing this, Layla couldn't help but momentarily reveal a slight smile in response to his comment on her attitude. As this happened, she quickly turned her back to him, hiding any sign of happiness from him

"Well, I guess I could try..." With that, she turned around to face him once again, this time extending her hand outward towards Zero's while she turned her head downward, turning her focus to her feet.
Shakes her hand, and then pulls his hood down, revealing:


"Do you know where our first class is?" His skin would be very pale, parts of him disappearing momentarily and replaced with darkness.
"John, don't go, please." Elizabeth says with a tinge of fear in her voice. The Watcher laughed and stared at Midori, having replaced the clone from the beginning without Midori's knowledge. "I have a question, and I want you to answer it to the best of your knowledge." The Watcher says mischievously, grinning smugly. "What is your mom, what is she really?" Jax chuckles quietly, he had a few things he wanted to ask Taokaka, but decided that now was not the time.
She paused to examine his face, tilting her head in a clockwise manner, before making her head upright once again to answer his question by shaking her head. "No....I don't."
"Listen... I-I don't know what to do. When I came here, all this trouble happened. I'm sorry... But I have to. You can come if you want but there will be only pain, and sadness." John looks at her, expressionless, but sad. "I wish it was different..."
"Time for bed!" Tao said to her sisters. "You too, grandma." Tao grabs the all the triplets in one arm and puts them to bed. She also puts Toto to bed. She left Toro alone because she is old enough to stay up later.
"If I remember correctly, she had wings, didn't she? That much I'm certain about. After that though, I didn't bother to pay attention, as I was always either alone, or on rare occasions, with my father." Nekimi and Mayumi walked up to John, hugging him softly, both talking together in a calm tone. "Please, stay with us... We need you to be with us..."
"Well, we should probably find out then." He would finally get to the door, and open the door for her.

"After you." He would gently smile, and wait for her to catch up.
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