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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"If that's the case, then..." Suddenly, the guy's head implodes, his body disintegrating. "He's probably the guy who tried to touch me earlier. Only saw the table he was holding though."

The two girls slip off to the sides, going behind Elizabeth and lightly petting the wings, in a way as to calm the tickling and help them close on her back. "There you go. Should be a bit easier to walk around now, and easy to avoid them getting tickled." "Every time you want to close them, just focus on that calming feeling that allowed them to close." "After a while, you'll be able to close them whenever." "We'll manually help your wings open until you've mastered closing them, then help you learn to open them on your own as well."
The Watcher gives a startled expression, after all, it isn't every day you see a human's head implode, shadows on the other hand... He starts wondering whether it would be a good or bad idea to bring Midori to the realm of shadows for the test he was planning for her. Elizabeth nods, wondering if she would ever get used to having wings. "You said that you got to mess around with having wings for a while thanks to your best friend back in your time. How is that possible? I haven't heard of anyone with powers that can alter others, at least in this time period in time, I don't think it's even possible."
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Elizabeth turns her head to look at John. She notices his terrified expression and tries to calm him down. "It's okay John, it's just me, there's nothing to be afraid of."
Kayla sat in utter silence, hoisted up on her kitchen countertop under the singular dimly shining bulb, enlightening the perimeter of the room. Layla herself didn't car much about how things looked, but more so about what they were meant for. Thus, she kicked her feet, occasionally lifting her right arm to her lips, revealing a silver cup, allowing it to crap across her lips before slipping between them both, causing a domino effect for her head to tilt slightly backwards, the liquid contents held inside sliding down her throat.

After a while she stood, slowly strolling through the enlarged living room, directly crossing straight onto the balcony, one of which she could see for miles, this distance including the school not too far from her housed location. Sighing to herself, she crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself as the chilling wind picked up pace.

"School....what's...school?" This she allowed to run wildly throughout her mind as she retreated to her room up the marble staircase, farthest down the hall and to the right. There, she dressed herself in the same white uniform of which she always tends to dress in whenever leaving the premises of her mansion.
(I forgot what I was going to post now... Why must the drafts be so cruel as to not save? Such cruelty that I shall never forget, nor forgive!)
Vanessa wakes up and walks upstairs where a single locket held her life story, it was a rectangular locket with picture of her mother, father, and little sister, Sage, if you knew her this would mean a lot, because again, if you knew her you would look behind her little sister's picture and would find a key. This key opens a door in her house behind her refrigerator that hides all the stuff that she couldn't live without.
The Watcher sighs, splitting apart the fabric separating the different realms to create a gateway to the realm of shadows. It took a lot of energy out of him to do it, and he couldn't hold it for very long. He stares at Midori. "Well what are you waiting for, enter through the gateway." He says impatiently, it was starting to hurt to keep it open. (@captain forever

I am still waiting on a reply.)
Midori snapped her fingers real quick, causing her to leave fifty afterimages in less than a second. she was already in the portal, literally holding it open with her hand, like it were some kind of door that closes when your hand's not holding it open. "Why are you so impatient...? I'm the one who should be impatient. Oh wait, I can just skip to when people do things, so I have no right to be impatient."
The Watcher glares angrily at Midori and steps inside of the realm of shadows, his left arm twitching in an odd way. "Allow the gateway to close and we shall begin." He says calmly, walking about ten feet and sitting down in a throne of shadows that had just appeared in front of him.
Midori moves her arm back, allowing it to close. "Next time, just let me open it so you don't hurt yourself any more than you already have."
The Watcher glares at Midori, unhappy about being lectured by a mere child. "Do not lecture me, I only have to open it for others. I can go in and out as freely as I wish." He points the sword into the distance and an enormous maze appears, spanning an unknown distance and going up endlessly. "This realm is outside of the flow of time, so your ability to manipulate it will not be of any use during this task. Your test is to make it through that maze. Simple, right? It will be as long as you avoid the hunters." He says the word 'hunters' mischievously, knowing that she would be unable to avoid them. "Do you accept the task?"
"Out of the flow of time, you say? That's not my only power, you know. Besides, even outside the flow of time, I can-" Her voice suddenly doubles over, then triples over, like it were her replaying time.

-"manipulate things easily."

--"flow of time, I can manipulate things easily."

---"Besides, even outside the flow of time, I can manipulate things easily."
The Watcher sighs, if she ran into the hunters even her powers wouldn't be able to help her. "Stop fooling around, do you accept the challenge?" He asks angrily.
"Well, seems you don't like to let kids enjoy their childhood while they can. I accept your challenge. One question though. Am I allowed to just manipulate space and warp myself to the end?"
The Watcher glares at her angrily, mostly mad at himself for not thinking of that. "No, nor are you allowed to manipulate the maze itself or the hunters." He says calmly, creating a shadowy clone of himself. "The only person that can call the hunters off is me, so my clone will accompany you, to make sure you don't get killed."
"I can tell there's something else you're waiting to see happen other than me reaching the end of the maze. I don't even have to infiltrate your thoughts to know this much."
The Watcher smiles. "It is all a test, now, I haven't said what I am testing, nor will I." He says calmly, shutting his eyes and completely clearing his mind.
She starts to walk towards the maze, putting her hand against one of the maze walls for a moment, giving her the location of any existence with physical form, which includes the maze, giving her the perfect route to get through without encountering a single hunter if she wanted, but she knew that it would be boring to do that, so she immediately headed for a hunter, it obvious she intentionally was headed towards one.
The clone of The Watcher follows her silently. A large, lumbering, shadowy figure with clawlike hands lumbers out of one of the walls in front if Midori and stops abruptly as soon as it gets halfway through. It glares at Midori, lumbering towards her slowly, one thought going through it's head. 'Kill'
"Pathetic," she mumbles under her breath. She lets the creature get right up to her, not moving at all. Rather than seeming frozen by fear, she seemed as though not even pure darkness could get her attention in the slightest.
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