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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The Watcher's left arm twitches in surprise. "Wait, how are you able to see my eyes?!" He exclaims, surprised and nervous at the thought that someone could see through his mask other than Elizabeth. Elizabeth takes a second to look at John before pulling out a necklace, it was a simple necklace with a silver chain, and it had a silver ring on it. She put the necklace on and started putting the weapons back in her closet.
"Not a single mask can conceal a person's true self from me. I stare not at the face or the mask, but at the soul behind it." She floats around in a back-flip, landing on her feet, the jacket she wars slowly floating down straight afterwards.
Elizabeth shrugs. "I have no clue." She says quickly, putting the last weapon back in the closet and shutting it. The Watcher gives Midori a confused stare, starting to wonder how she got such powers. He started thinking back to Elizabeth's true past, and the fact that she was a memoryless deity without knowledge of most of her powers, wondering if she regains them in the future. "You are one creepy kid..." He says jokingly, chuckling a bit.
Elizabeth blushes, not really wanting to answer that question, and starting to feel a bit...odd. A splitting headache overcomes her and she clutches her head in pain, trying her hardest to stay quiet. Something was wrong, something was really wrong.
"Glad you think that, as I did take after you most of all." She kept such a serious and emotionless tone, just showing that she meant she took after him. "I find it quite interesting that you haven't caught on yet. Should I just tell you what you're missing about what's going on right this moment around us?"
John walks over to her. "What happened. Are you okay?" He goes to the bathroom and gets a towel with warm water. "This will help."
The Watcher laughs, sceptical that anyone in Elizabeth's family would be able to have his powers. "Ok, sure, tell me what I'm missing right now, and we will see of you are correct. I will think of another test eventually, if you REALLY take after me, that will show just how much power you inherited." Elizabeth puts the warm, wet towel on her forehead, it wasn't helping at all though. She collapsed to the ground, the agony too much to bear, and fell unconscious. She would be alright, but something felt...different...about her, something big was happening even though John couldn't see it, but he could feel that something was changing.
"You're missing the fact, that you're talking to yourself. Just open your eyes." If he were to attempt to force his eyes open, what he would see would be Midori standing behind the counter, waiting for him to take his vodka she was actually serving to him earlier, as though everything past him asking for another glass had never happened, though he'd no longer be drunk like he was just as he ordered the glass of vodka.
The Watcher attempted to force his eyes open, seeing that he was back in the bar. "What the hell...how am I here again..." He said, a bit nervous, wondering if this was real or some realistic illusion.
"Trust me, it's nothing to wonder about. It's quite real, and so was that conversation. Seems you've already given yourself all the information that I'd normally tell about myself. This one's on the house, by the way." She slides him the glass of vodka, just seeming as though able to tell every single thing he's thinking at the time.
Elizabeth stayed unconscious, and she started glowing dimly, exuding an odd feeling of happiness. She stood up, even though she was unconscious, and walked into the bathroom down the hall, locking it behind her and glowing brighter. To Elizabeth it seemed like she was just dreaming, trying to wake up. Large, white, angelic wings started growing out of her back, slowly growing larger and larger until they barely fit in the room. Elizabeth collapsed to the ground again, lying down face first, and the bathroom door mysteriously unlocked and opened. The Watcher glanced at the vodka, trying to make heads and tails about what had just happened, it seemed like he had gone back in time, but that wasn't possible, even he didn't have enough power to turn back time itself. "Do you mind explaining what's going on?" He asks before drinking the glass of vodka and waiting for a response.
"Illusions mixed with a reverse flow of time. Allowed me to play out the events in your head, while simultaneously keeping us at the current time of which it started at."
The Watcher sets the glass of vodka back down, a bit angry at being toyed with like that. "If you ever try anything like that again on me without my permission then I will make your worst nightmares seem like the best dream you've ever had." He says angrily. "Now do you mind returning me back to the normal time I am supposed to be at? Please."
"This is the normal time you're supposed to be at. I reversed the flow of time for everything. Right about now is when we were outside and I was staring into your eyes, giving you my name."
"Wha...I'm so confused... How the hell did you get those kinds of powers?!" The Watcher exclaims, very, very confused. Elizabeth starts regaining consciousness, slowly standing back up, her new wings brushing against the walls of the bathroom.
"Oh, I should probably mention... We're in a triple-layered patch of fabric in time, though you probably don't know what that truly means." She snaps her fingers, them flying through a ton of images that were too blurry to even know what they were, suddenly him opening his eyes to return to just in the middle of asking for the vodka. "There, now we're back to the original layer."
"What the he....... HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" He exclaims throwing his hands up into the air, thinking to himself that those powers haven't been around ever since Jax was turned into a shadow. Even he and Elizabeth never had this kind of power, and it didn't seem possible for something like this to happen. Elizabeth stumbles out of the bathroom, halfway conscious, and stumbles down the stairs, having trouble walking because of her new wings. "Y...Yoshino? Nekimi? Mayumi?" She calls out, not sure why, just calling out to them.
"How is it possible, you say? Perhaps you should ask your shadowy friend Jax... He might know why, though I doubt even he does. Thanks for letting me know about Jax just now, by the way. I'll be sure to try and talk to the him before becoming a shadow."

All three of them slipped over to Elizabeth, helping her stand as soon as they see she's stumbling. Amazed, Yoshino commented on them and asked a question. "Such beautiful wings.... How come you never showed them to me before, mom...?" Nekini and Mayumi weren't focusing on the wings, more on the well-being of Elizabeth, as they quite loved her, enough that even if she had blood on her her hands, they wouldn't think about stepping away from them.
The Watcher gave Midori a surprised look. "But, how, what.... How the hell did you know that... and how did I let you know?" He asks angrily, still trying to figure out what was going on. Elizabeth smiled weakly, still disoriented. "I didn't have them before..." She says cheerfully, it was a bit hard for her to walk, and her huge wings kept brushing up against the walls of the staircase. "D...Did any of you see what happened? All I remember is having a splitting headache and then....nothing until I woke up"
"Well, it's pointless for you to try and figure out what's going on. If you want to find out, then it'd be best to just look at your thoughts rather than search your mind for a viable answer." She notices a guy sneaking up behind her, him instantly stopping as she began to talk, her eyes closed and a slightly pissed look on her face, which could tell one she was mad at perverts. "You even move your finger an inch towards me, and you're dead." The guy slowly backs off before making a run for it.

"I don't know, mom... We were all in the kitchen cooking until just now..." Yoshino's voice was filled with worry, her scared that something might have happened to her mom. Nekimi and Mayumi gave gentle, motherly smiles to their own mother. They speak together. "Your wings are beautiful. You should lay down though, in case something's going on in your body. We wouldn't want you to make anything worse. We can teach you how to use wings though, if you want. We did get to mess around with having wings for a while thanks to our best friend back in our time."
Shadowy hands appear out of the ground underneath the guy running away and flip him over, slamming him into the ground hard enough to crack his skull, it wouldn't be fatal though. "I remember a bar fight... that idiot hit me over the head with a chair." He says, his voice lacking emotion or any signs of sympathy. The hands disappear, reappearing on the roof and rearranging everything that got messed up during the fight, putting it back where it belonged. Elizabeth giggles a bit, it tickled when her wings brushed against the wall. "I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I wouldn't mind learning how to use my new wings though." She says, trying to stop giggling.
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