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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She paused, peering around the hallway of which they currently positioned the!selves in. Once done examining their current placement throughout he school z she shrugged her shoulders before leaning her back against a nearby set of wall lockers.
The Watcher chuckles, wondering how Elizabeth could have ever raised such a mean kid. "No need to be rude." He says, taking his hand off of Midori's shoulder. "You may proceed to try to pass the test." He says, trying to be as vague as possible. Elizabeth smiles and stumbles to her room, making the bed neat and tidy and laying down under the covers with only her head showing, waiting for John.
Doesn't have any better ideas, so he does the same thing, and leans against the lockers. "I better concentrate my form... I don't think you will harm me so I should be okay." He would then close his eyes, and all the black smoke emitting from him would blast into him, and his eyes would turn crimson, however now he just looks like a normal human.
Yoshino laid on top Elizabeth, seeming to weigh nothing at all. She curled up, now mostly off of Elizabeth, her head rested upon Elizabeth's shoulder. She felt safe knowing her mother was there with her, and she made sure to leave plenty of room for John to get in the bed. Nanami on the other hand, was still hanging on John's back, seemingly refusing to get off.

"I'm not being rude, I just don't like people touching me. Last person who touched me tried to do a few things one wouldn't call legal... I guess you could call it attempted rape...?" She began walking again, taking a path that got her past quite a few hunters without being noticed by them. She then deliberately went towards a really strong hunter.
John climbs in the bed with Elizabeth and smiles. "Thank you, I-I don't even know what to say... I used to be in a hunters group... And now this."
She was silent for a mere moment before turning her full attention to him. "Don't...think that...please." After that statement she was quiet for a few seconds before forcefully pushing herself off the lockers and quickly walking off down the hall, disappearing around the darkened corner.
Nanami and Yoshino cuddle up with them, so tired that if one could keep them from waking up, they could easily get them elsewhere if they wished to be alone. The two girls were quite happy being with Elizabeth and John.
The Watcher gave Midori a confused stare. "Wow, I'm guessin' things get even worse in the future." He says, a bit nervous about even going near this hunter, mostly because of what it can do. What looked like Elizabeth fell down from the sky, landing face first in front of Midori and letting out a cry of pain that even made The Watcher cringe. Elizabeth smiled, moving a bit closer to John. "Well, here's something to think about." She says before kissing John on the lips.
Midori wasn't even phased by it. She wasn't afraid of anything, not even killing something that could possibly be her own mother. She thought of herself as the governor of time and space due to the powers she was given, though didn't act like she were superior to anybody. She did the same trick she pulled with the last hunters, except rather than making it out of darkness, making it out of existence itself, creating the strongest shield that could ever be formed, which would be able to stop, possibly even absorb if made to do so, The Watcher himself. "Things don't get worse in the future. I'm talking about three years ago in terms of my age. In fact, this occurred back about six years ago in terms of the current time of the world." The shield became visible slightly, becoming covered by spikes as the hunter gets close, piercing right through the head, chest, and shoulders of it without mercy.
The Watcher stares at Midori in shock, almost throwing up as the hunter gets impaled. "Y...You are a heartless monster...Wh...what if that HAD been your mother, huh? Y...You would have killed her, not even caring if it was her or not..." The Watcher says, walking away from Midori and disappearing into thin air, no longer willing to help Midori in any way.
The spikes pull out, not a single drop of blood. The hunter just falls down, unconscious. "I'm not heartless... I avoided causing physical harm... Besides... you're the one who taught me... not to show mercy..." She was a bit depressed, just laying down next to the unconscious creature, cuddling up to it. "At least I can be with a fake you... You never did have any time for me... I never got to experience your love... mother..."
The Watcher watches through the walls of the maze, wondering what the hell she meant about him being the one to teach her to show no mercy. He did end up losing control from time to time and being merciless, but that wasn't the kind of person he was. He shed a single tear, feeling sorry for Midori, and promised himself to make sure that Elizabeth allowed all of her children to experience her love. He created an exit from the maze to the left of Midori and waited for her to notice it, thinking that he had been a bit too harsh and quick to judge. Elizabeth hugs John tightly, her warm fur brushing up against him.
"W-wait!" He barely stuttered, but she already left. What did I do wrong this time... You always screw stuff up Zero! It's why you're Zero... leader of nothing, because you're worth nothing. Zero was still leaning against the locker, when he collapsed into a heep on the ground, just waiting for the bell to ring or for something to happen.

Wait a second... This is no time to mourn! This is exactly what you did last time! This time, you'll do it the right way. Go talk to her. Zero shadow travels as fast as his ability allows him, and rockets down the hall to try to find her, and find out what he had done to offend her.
"You know... I never really did get to feel her warm hug... It's not her fault though... As her cousin, you should know that she's not the kind of person to let one of her children go without love... I was the only one of us... All fifty of us... to go without love... It wasn't because I was forgotten about... It wasn't because I wasn't loved... It was because of my own selfishness... I threw away that love... I threw away the chance for a warm hug... For what reason though...? All I got out of it were these horrid powers that, even though most people would want them... They don't know the suffering... that they bring..." She hugged the hunter that looked like Elizabeth tightly, unable to hold herself back from crying all too much longer.
Jax decides to take a detour and go inside the school to see if he can find the principal, he wanted to discuss something that had been bothering him for a while. He was running down the hallways and ran straight into Zero, getting knocked over onto the ground. "Oww...."

The Watcher appears in front of Midori. "It is not too late to make things right, I can take you to her and you can fix all of this." He says, sounding a bit sympathetic. He wipes some tears off of his mask.
John looks at her, and realizes, that... Someone actually likes him. He is with someone. He thought he would be alone, just giving orders. But he was wrong. He felt Elizabeth's fur against him, adding warmth.
"No, it would make things worse... It's to the point, that I can't control my powers all the time... I'm only in control right now, because I know this isn't my real mother... If I were to see her for real... Who knows what would happen... I might end up killing myself and everybody around..." She slowly stood up, not even realizing she had tears all the way down her face.
Elizabeth looks into John's eyes, staring deeply into them. She had never had anyone that really liked her, or that she really liked. Heck, she didn't even have parents or family or any of that. But she loved John, and all she wanted at the moment was to be with him.

The Watcher creates a shadowy clone of Midori and puts his right hand on her shoulder, syphoning her powers and putting them into the clone. "There, now the clone has your powers stored in it and you can go see your mom without fear of hurting her. All you need to do to regain your powers is touch the clone, and they will be restored."
Midori falls down onto one knee, looking utterly drained. "T-that's... a bad idea... She painfully reaches to her clone, her arm dropping down before it could touch, though in more of a giving up way, rather than a failing to hold up way. "If you'd gone... even a second longer... I'd probably be dead... As a being of... pure element and energy... It's kinda bad to seal my powers...
The Watcher gives Midori a startled look. "So, you lack the ability to live without your powers?" He asks nervously, ready to, at any moment, move the clone close enough so that it is touching Midori.
"Well, for the most part, yes... I'd say... about a millionth of my life force... is my human life... The rest, is my powers..." She stumbled to her feet, looking like she'd just been through the world's most tiring day ever, drained entirely of energy.
Elizabeth smiles, hugging John as tightly as possible, her warm, soft fur rubbing up against him. "A bit tired...a bit confused...a bit surprised." She says, using one arm to point at her folded wings before returning to hugging John.

The Watcher places one hand on Midori's forehead. "Years ago, many years ago... I stole a power from your mother, the power to give life." He says, giving Midori energy and human life force through the palm of his hand. "Living off of powers is no life at all."
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