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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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she dosent say a word , she comes in and flops on his couch " they didnt turn on my heat "she adjusts her blankets and yawns " im cold im grumpy and i didnt have the brain functions to make myself look cute for you "
Han eyes grew wide. "For... me? Did you say that by accident?" Han handed her some coffee as he sat down next to her grabbing his blanket.
"Huhh..?" Jun leaned his face into his palm, resting his elbow onto his knee cap. He tapped his feet which rested on either side of the guy's head,"what does this matter have to do with what you thought about me?" He inquired, prodding the guys forehead with his free hand.
"Ah he who bring me coffee is now more god like than ever, hail Han the coffee guy " she said siting up and sipping the coffee " and no not by accident " she looks at him " i bad when it comes to having a filter , i say what on my mind "


a while later Blue woke up and sliped out from the comfort of his wings and started making breakfast quietly

@Daniel reaver
I woke up a little later and looked around to find my self laying with blue on the couch. I blushed uncontrolably as I looked at here while smiling a little bit
Han sipped his coffee looking at Dylan."I'm totally the coffee guy." He said turning off his TV. "Now about getting "cute" for me..." he said with a smirk on his face.
I woke up a little later and sat up rubbing my eyes and looking around confused because I had forgot that id fallen asleep with blue in her dorm "whe-where Am I" I said as I streched my arms and wings
"hey there sleepy head" she said siting up with a smile and a yawn" sorry i fell asleep on you like that"

dylan made a face" dont get too cocky coffee boy , " she tucked some hair behind her ear and blushed a little and noticed him looking at her " what are you lookin at " she sipped her coffee and adjusted her blankets around her

I turned my head around then remembered how i ended up in blues room and blushed a little while smiling "it's ok. It was comfy" I said happily then blushed some more and slightly looked away fully realizing what I'd said
Jun stopped poking him when he yelled and grinned, waving his finger from side to side while his tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth with a few 'Tch Tch Tch'.

"Ask nicely~," he said in melodic tone, resting his hand onto his other knee.
"Coffee boy, that one will stick. And me cocky? Your silly." He sipped his coffee again. "I alao notice a blush." He said not even laying an eye on Dylan.
"ok good , you coulda just put me in my bedand left , im sorry if i caused you any trouble , you were comfy to lay on so dont worry" she smiled and made coffee

Dylan smirked " what can i say in noticeable , wheres your bathroom?" she said standing up ,not really awake enough to remeber what she was wearing , a sports bra and some shorts she set down her coffee and waiting for his directions
blue smiled " iactually slept good , remind me to sleep on you more often " she giggled and handed him some coffee and a muffin
Han pointed towards the hallway. "Second door on the right, have fun." He said watching her walk pass. Han stretched out on his couch and sighed and fell back to sleep.
I smiled and blushed a little "I'll be sure to do that" I sadi as I took the coffee and muffin "thank you" I said happily before taking a small bite of the muffin
Dylan went and used it fixing her hair a bit before coming back out to find him asleep on the couch she grabed her blankets and found his bedroom and curled up on his bed falling fast alseep in a matter of seconds


Blue looked out the window as she sipped her coffee , fixing all the broken trees and healing he hurt animals ,the plants in her dorm perked up and bloomed beautiful flowers and Blue smiled
I watched blue with happiness in eyes as she healed every thing and her flowers perked up when she did. "Your cute when you sleep" I said not meaning to and blushed uncontrolably after I said it
Han popped up quickly. "Dylan! Dylan, you still here?!" Han yawned. He figured he didn't get enough sleep. He walked in his room to get dressed, but what he seen was Dylan asleep in his bed. He quickly changed clothes hoping not to wake Dylan.
"Jun," He said and shook his hand slightly before putting it back at his side.

(Last post for the night. I'll be on tomorrow. Good night you guys)
with her face in a pillow"why in this earth are you yelling" she rolled over and saw him half naked and covered her eyes and hid under her blanket turning bright bright red" um hi...."

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