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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han noticed the girls too, but ignored it. "I'll get the door. " He grabbed the door holding it open for the two to go in.
Han nodded to Daniel and remained to hold the door for Blue. "Your welcome, Daniel."

blue looked up at him her eys were grey and empty looking" thank you " she said as she slipped past him she slooked down as she walked through her dorm geting the kitchen ready for her to make the dough she stayed quite as she worked

Dylan fell asleep under the tree , the fire remained in a tight circle around her ,not spreading but was there none the less
I stared out the window of blues apartment deep in thought of what had happened with blue "what did I do" I quietly said to my self before turning around and going to help blue
Han started to get the pizza sauce ready. "Hey, does anyone notice the fire outside?" Han said walking to the window. "Its not a big or dangerous fire, but I wonder if there are any others who use fire element based powers..."
(sorry had to finish stacking wood )

Blue worked silently , smileing a small smile at Daniel when he helped " i dont know , i think it was that new girl , the one Daniel was with , that do you know about her ?" she said turning to him

@RomanTheFireGod @Daniel reaver
"She's strange that's for sure. I can't tell what she is plus I guess she can tell if some ones close to being a god or not" I said smiling back at blue
Han walked back into the kitchen and finished prepping the pizza sauce sliding over to prep the pepperoni. "Well, guess I'm fire elemental."
"She's not an elemental and she's not a beast" I said coldly as I reached for some toppings "she smells like a human but she's not"
Blue shurgs " she probally dosent know what she is yet , i mean i dont know but eh its part of the fun , you spent the most time with her , what could she do ?" she mixed the inegdients and started making a really big pizza with the dough

"She stoped a bullet that she shot at her self then made it explode and freezes the explosion right in front of her face then proceeded to change the colors of that explosion before removing it from existence" I said as I grabed some cheese "then she turned a tree into chocolate and took a bite then turned it back to normal" I said as I shredded the cheese and heated up the oven "I've never seen any thing like it"
Han eyes were wide. "That sounds familiar...but I'm not sure." He said passing the cut pepperoni to Blue. "Yo, here you go."
"I've never seen any thing like it" I grew my claws and shredded the cheese on to a plate then breathed fire into my hand then held it into the oven to heat it up quicker "cheese is done" I said looking up at blue while still heating up the oven with my hand
Blue spread the sauce on the dough and put a ton of cheese and pepperoni on it . sh put some garlic and butter on the crust and a little on the rest of the pizza " there , now we wait a few minutes " she looked over at the window where the girl sat and slept , surronded by a ring of fire " shes a manipulator she can change anything around her to do anything she wants , if shes really good she can manipulate your mind , see what she wants you to see do what she wants ou to do "

I stood up and put the fire in my hand out and turned my hand normal "she said some thing about being a manipulator but she said she was some thing els" I said as I looked out the window with blue "hopefully she's not as sycotic as some of the other manipulator a I've seen" I mumbled
"Dan has a point. There are crazy ass manipulators out there." Han said going to sit on the couch arm. He thought about what he said earlier about fire manipulators.
Kaname, being transported along with his father and Mio, calmly brought his gaze directly to his brother as soon as he stood in the room. Kaname envied his younger brother only slightly, simply because he always received news first. Growling within his throat, Kaname shifted his gaze to his other father. With a now relaxed mentality and a raised brow, Kaname eyed his other father. "So. Where is my mother?"

Isabella held a gentle and playful pout on her lips while Kuroh complained. She enjoyed messing with him, discovering how beings from his location acted. With a now serious expression upon the entrance of who- from what she heard- was the elder brother, Isabella wasn't quite sure, but the male didn't look to be happy in the least. Another emotional expression through actions perhaps? With a blink of her irises, Isabella rested her head against Kuroh shoulder.
“ With Luna. I believe she's taking Layla to her father, or at least, that's what I'm suspecting. I'm not entirely sure, however the direction they're going is heading directly towards his current location. ”

...♅Akira spoke as he looked over at Kaname, seemingly expressionless. He soon continued as he analysed Kaname's current demeanour♅...

“ Are you angry at me? For allowing this to happen? ”



...♆Kuroh blushed more as Isabella rested her head on his shoulder. His blush soon faded when he heard Akira talk. He began thinking as he observed his father finishing his sentence...

“ Dad.. ”


@Mashiro Shiina
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" again she probably dosent even know her self , what she is .Shes here for a reason , just like each of us . Han is a purely elemental manipulator ,most of your ability's are based out of fire , she and manipulate anything if she practices , either way she will be entertaining "

Dylan woke up and the fire went out and she stretched and stood her book disappeared and she walked over to a different tree and touched it , all its leaves turned to yellow canaryis and they flew away leaving it bare she smiled and let the leaves grow back
"I have to use the bathroom" I said as I turned twoards the bathroom. I walked in and turned the fauset on and washed off my face then looked up at self in the mirror then lifted my shirt up to look at the white marking on my chest not noticing that I didn't close the door all the way
" ok " she say quietly and started making home made ranch and when she was done stuck it in the fridge then she pulled out package of oreos and other ingedients and made dessert

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