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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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“ The fate of those who seek revenge is grim. It's tragic. You'll end up suffering and hurting yourself even more.. ”

...♅Kuroh spoke as he slowly withdrew his sword. He then spoke as the sword finally left the male's body. He looked around and the male's blood shot onto his body and clothes. He sighed♅...

“ It just wasn't your day, was it..? What an idiot. ”

...♅Kuroh walked away as his form reverted back to his original, the blood soon vanishing at the same time as his sword. He then spoke as he sighed slightly♅...

“ Argh~ Now I'm hungry~ ”


((( I'll be going off in ten/fifteen minutes. )))
*disappears into the demon world and reports to the Council in my original form*

''you called me...?''

Director: ''well...yes...i have a new order...''

''that is?''

Director: ''eliminate Kuroh''

''......i see....fine but..why for?''

Director: ''if he has both demonic and angelic power...he is far too dangerous in the human world''

''i see...il do that then''

at this point, i just want to see Kuroh's power
xD )))
ZackIsDead said:
(Akira you can conrtinue if you want)
((( Yeah, I'm gonna have him get something to eat in this post. I'm probably gonna get off in an hour to be honest. I don't feel tired yet xD )))

...?Kuroh soon reached a dinner, soon collecting a large sum of food. He sat down and began eating. Soon using chopsticks to pick up and eat a pizza whole?...

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Just read his CS xD )))

i mean fight him lol)))

*Himeragi comes back to the human world in my original and comes to the dinner Kuroh was eating at, sits at a table a lil far away from him and acts like im thinking of what to eat but observes Kuroh*

Mind: after he eats...surely he'll be a bit slow in our fight...this might be an easy kill...but i shouldnt get to careless...

*takes out a magical box of make-up then puts it on, 5 seconds later, soon looks like a waitress and goes to Kuroh putting my box of make up away, then goes besides Kuroh and asks him in my voice that sounds like my original voice*

''how can i further serve you sir?''
''alrighty then, il be back with ur water''

*goes to the kitchen to get him a glass of water, then returns 5 min later and places the water gently infront of him*

''enjoy sir''

*smiled and gets a small needle in my hand behind him without him knowing and attempts to stab him in the back of his neck with the needle in his vitals*
...♆Kuroh picked up the water and began drinking it, his eyes soon drifting to the window. He then put his hand up and held the waitress' wrist. He then spoke as he slowly looked over at her♆...

“ You know, Himeragi-chan. If you wanted to be this close to me, you could've asked~ ”

“ You may be able to change your looks, but your presence will always feel the same. Plus you didn't even attempt to disguise your voice. ”

...♆Kuroh soon heard the needle drop. He stood up, still holding her arm and pinned her against the table by putting her wrist behind her back. He leaned in and spoke directly into her ear♆...

“ So tell me. Who put you up to this? ”
''h-hey..can we talk somewhere a bit more private...p-people are watching...''

*eyes drifted off to the left noticing a family looking over at us with a strange look*
“ Fine. Whatever. ”

...♆Kuroh soon left the shop and went into an alleyway. He soon continued as he looked at Himeragi♆...

“ Now. Answer my question. ”


((( Gonna be on for another ten minutes, then I'm going off. )))
Having gathered about ten books into her arms, May Rin began walking to the staircase that led down from the library. Her choices consisted of books like The History of Demons, Weapons and their Uses, Mythical Creatures, and The Three Little Pigs. The last one was for Cam. She always read him a bedtime story before they went to sleep. Some find this a silly task but she loves doing it. In fact, when she didn't for a few nights once, the little fox grew depressed. Cam decided to leap from her shoulder to the top of the stack. "Hey, Cam! Do you really have to do-- Woooah!" Losing her balance on the books, she tumbled forward, the books flying from her arms and tumbling down the stairs. Luckily she'd only fell a few steps.

''well you see...the director of the council i work for saw you as a far dangerous threat...''

*looks puts both hands behind my back as a blush a bit*

''and i was only close to you because they were orders from the council...from watching you to assassinating you s-so...dont think i was just watching you cuz i was jealous...i-it was only orders..''
“ I see. Why did they send you after me? ”

...♆Kuroh closed his eyes and thought. Soon after, a slight laugh escape his lips as he heard Himeragi finish talking. He soon replied, a smile on his face♆...

“ Ah~ Oh really? Then why are you blushing after saying that last part? ”

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname blinked. His form had returned to normal, just as the band hit him in the face. His gaze widened and he leaned his head back.

He couldn't gather what had just happened, before Mio turned and walked off. Without a second of hesitation, Kaname followed behind her,stuffing his hands into his pockets. While following her, he came to a stop at the door, of which she shut in his face. He coughed, before leaning against the door and blowing his breath. "Mio...."

Mio glanced behind her when she thought she heard her name, only to open it and peek out cautiously. She was very wary of these things thanks to Cerin, who would stand behind the door and accidentally scare her rather than beside the door. Gray irises blinked when she noticed it was Kaname, had he actually heard what she said? "Kaname?"
“ So. What's the consequences if you don't complete your assignment? ”

...♆Kuroh spoke as he curiously eyes Himeragi♆...
''w-well...nothing really....they understand your a powerful transcendent...so their just gonna not punish me in anyway...and they also probably understand that i cant kill you so their either gonna let the mission continue or cancel the mission and just demote you to a 'observation target' rather than an 'elimination target'...the director plans on having the mission go for...3 days or so...''
“ I see. They're located in Hell, right? ”

...♆Kuroh spoked as he looked around♆...

((( This is my last post. I'm going off now. )))
*looks at Kuroh with a bit of an annoyed look*

''its not hell, its the demon world!''

*then looks down a bit*

''theres a bit of a difference...''

ok good night~)))
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