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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Isabella had a sly smirk on her lips. The closer he got to her, the brighter the light shone. Soon enough, he was a foot away. In the split second that he was preparing to push the blade through her chest, Isabella was engulfed in white light. Clashing rung through the air as the reflecting sounds of metallic instruments hit the ground below, not visible to any eye but the one of the heavens. With a sharp scream, Isabella drew two of her holy swords, ones of which were given to her personally from her father, Isabella inflicted them both into the neck and back of the monster. Rather than pausing to see if she had succeeded, she drew more swords, so much that it created a large array of light to be shone, with the golden hilted weapons raising down on the unsightly creature. Her irises were replaced with golden light, both her hands being pointed towards him. All weapons flying, the breeze picling up with incredible speed while being slashed by the flying weapons. The power she was revealing was minor, being a skill she learned from being by her fathers side. It required energy, and plenty of it. Regardless, she kept her ground, waiting for the monster to disappear

Sheoxaro was seriously hurt and had no choice but to escape back into Caden hoping to escape but it all went wrong. Sheoxaro was so injured that he was stuck switching between Caden and himself. Caden was in an enormous amount of pain. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" Caden pleaded crying on the ground. Caden's powers activated uncontrollably fire shooting randomly, the trumpet playing without Caden even touching it, and crying the the black goo he used to make demons.. Caden pointed towards his sword which had shrunk down to its original size. "Please...Please..finish me" He said weakly.
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom stared at the girl before smiling. He could tell she was uneasy. " Where is Han?" He didnt wait for an answer before walking into the cabin. He sniffed the air before laughing. "You have food?" He turned to the girl, his eyes were big and his childish demeanor had returned.
" Hes not here" she huffed at little at the uninvited guest " yes i have food ,Taco casserole , and lots of leftovers from the past few days...why" she said looking puzzled


AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom stared at the girl before smiling. He could tell she was uneasy. " Where is Han?" He didnt wait for an answer before walking into the cabin. He sniffed the air before laughing. "You have food?" He turned to the girl, his eyes were big and his childish demeanor had returned.
" Hes not here" she huffed at little at the uninvited guest " yes i have food ,Taco casserole , and lots of leftovers from the past few days...why" she said looking puzzled
Isabella slowly walked to stand over the enlarged dent made in the ground. With her left hand extended outwards towards the sky, a golden light emitted from the palm of her hand and extended towards the sky, shooting right through the darkening clouds above.Seconds later, the light disappeared. She had removed any remaining threatening actions to come from what she created. Her irises were still replaced with the golden light, and she slowly dropped her hand back down to her side. No blood was drawn, but she felt lifeless. Silent, Isabella placed her right hand on her torso, shifting her golden gaze sideways towards Kuroh. She didn't answer his question, but instead shifted her gaze back to the ground and soon walked away, departing from the damage she made. Children, dead,because of her doing.
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“ Your wish... ”

...♆Kuroh raised his sword into the air. He then continued♆...

“ Has been granted. ”

...♆Kuroh brought his arms back and pushed his sword forward, impaling Caden's chest, at the same time releasing a golden glow. The glow soon vanished. Caden's blood splashed onto Kuroh's clothes and face. He stared at him for a few moments with an emotionless gaze. He soon muttered quietly♆...

“ Goodbye.. my old friend. ”

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((Lol i was killed twice could it be edited so the sword goes through his chest i have a pic that i would like to use))
LOLMAN101 said:
((Lol i was killed twice could it be edited so the sword goes through his chest i have a pic that i would like to use))
((( I edited my post to include the stab :D )))
*goes to the demon world*

''its been awhile since i was in Lanox...the place where i was found...its nice remembering ur childhood...sometimes...oh well''

*hangs out at the lil water fountain*

-Theme thats playing and the village picture is in the video-


((Do I get to choose what death I want? Since Isabelle finished fight with Sheoxaro I'm gonna choose Kuroh.))

Caden sighed just sighed. The pains gone the pains gone He repeated in hi head. Sheoxaro said one last thing to him. You have been a worthy host I will make sure In hell that you will be raised up to my power as a Opast and not tortured like the human souls. You may even return to the human world one day but it will be without me as you will have your own power. "Thank you" Caden said out loud to both Kuroh and Sheoxaro as he tilted his head to the side and died. Caden's body changed with Sheoxaro gone Caden's body reverted back into its normal human form before the possession. His wings and his talons dissapeared and his hair turned back into the original light brown it used to be. All that remained of the Demonic Caden was the trumpet.


((Picture of Caden before Sheoxaro came into his life. He looks younger because it was around 5 years ago.))


((Would be cool if someone kept the trumpet it still has the power in it but now can be used by anyone.))
...♆Kuroh looked down at the corpse. He removed the sword from it's chest, the blood that was on his clothes and sword soon vanishing. He kneeled down and picked up the trumpet, soon talking to Caden as he moved his hands over his eyes, closing them♆...

“ I'll look after this for you.. ”

...♆He then sighed and stood up, turning around. He began walking, following Isabella's trail♆...
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Isabella continued walking, soon stopping as the breeze toyed with her hair. Scratches were seen on her face, arms,and chest. She appeared calm,and her irises had returned to normal. Her facade was blank, while her gaze remained fixated on nothing. She was standing in the area she destroyed, pondering absolutely nothing, in absolute silence.

“ What's wrong? ”

...♆Kuroh walked up from behind her. He spoke as he looked at the ground with a blank expression. The scratches were still on his body and they hadn't healed. He sighed slightly and spoke, his voice being devoid of all emotions♆...

“ I can reverse all of this damage and bring back the Humans that have died. ”

*reports to the Deman Council Director*

''sir...it may have seem the Opast Sheoxaro has been eliminated by 2 formal students''

Director: ''so it seems...Kuroh a transcended being...and Isabella, a goddess...seems that they are capable of defeating that thing...''

''Director, you say it as they are a possible threat to the human world''

Director: ''it is possible...that is why i want you to watch over them and make sure they dont get carried away...especially on Isabella''

''ok...i guess that makes sense...''

*goes back to the human world and appears in Kuroh's dorm*
Isabella shifted her gaze towards Kuroh. A gentle smile formed on her lips. Not even a second later, a whipping pink light whipped around her form. It was creating such a vacuuming gust of wind, that her hair itself was stuck flowing skyward. While the light and wind whipped around her form, she spoke in a calm, barely audible tone to Kuroh. "I can do it, myself."

“ Part of this is my fault as well. I was the one who killed the people with the toxic atmosphere. You only damaged the city. You can repair the city, I'll bring back the dead. But no matter what, don't intervene with what happens. ”

...♆Kuroh extended his right arm, holding it out. He finger tip glowed as he made two signs, which was visible in the air. Kuroh spoke♆...

“ Regrowth. Begin. ”


...♆At that moment, a flash of golden energy flowed around the area, latching onto all of the dead Humans. Kuroh coughed up blood and dropped to the ground as the Humans slowly stood up. Dark purple marks began showing on his skin. He lay there motionless as the golden light soon vanished♆...

Isabella's form was soon engulfed completely in the swirling light. She didn't hear a single word Kuroh had uttered. All her senses had been sealed as soon as the light consumed her body. Minutes later, the light turned white , soon bursting to fall aoart , the specks falling to the ground. As it broke, a new form was floating in the air, curled up in a ball. In that aspect, as soon as the light broke, a second later, the form moved. Green hair was flipped backwards as her head went back, turning to look over towards Kuroh as it did so, revealing lime green irises. Wrapped cloth his her mouth away from sight, as she scanned the area for a second, only to shut her eyelids over her irises while turning her head back to where it was as she continued to fall, soon landing on the ground.

...♆Kuroh slowly staggered to his feet, slightly weak. The dark purple marks soon faded, as did the blood on his mouth. He soon saw Isabella fall towards the ground. He broke into a sprint and dived, catching Isabella and turning around, allowing his back to his the ground instead of her. He released her and rolled to the left. He soon sat up and looked back at Isabella, laughing slightly as he spoke♆...

“ You know. You're... a lot heavier than I thought. ”

"Your whole life huh? Do you like it here?" May Rin whispered. Suddenly a man came up behind Kaname and placed his hand on his shoulder. May Rin backed up a little. From the looks of it, Kaname seemed a little hostile about it. I wonder who this person is?

@Mashiro Shiina
Mio watched Kaname leave with someone, a girl, opening her mouth to say something, but the words slipped away. She couldn't really blame him, having made him wait for a response, and understood this. Though, the skin of her face face still began to redden as she bit into her lip.

Her thoughts were stopped when a hand suddenly popped down on her head, shaking it around a little. She looked up to see a familiar face.

"You know I enjoy making a ruckus, but I don't think you would."

Shizuya stood next to Mio, stuffing his hand back into his pocket when she shook it off. His expression was the same blank mask he always wore, but it broke slightly when he tried to smile as if to comfort his friend.

Mio kept her mouth shut, staring out at the scenery before her with an aggravated sigh. Her gaze quickly shot up to Shizuya when he inhaled a breath to speak- "I don't want to talk about it if that's what you're going to ask," she cut him off, crossing her arms along her chest.

Shizuya only sighed and rolled his eyes,"I already know what happened, Twerp. I was going to ask you if you wanted some ice cream."

"Oh," Mio let loose her arms, shifting in her steps as she looked at him.


"Why not.." Mio shrugged, her upset state still evident with a frown.

"Then come on, and keep up because I will not slow down for you," Shizuya spoke whilst turning on his heel and beginning to walk off towards the cafe. Mio followed, silence hanging between the two with a growing awkwardness.

Once they bought some ice cream, Mio sat on one of the benches outside while Shizuya stood, swaying on his feet.

Mio licked at the cream while she stared at her shoe-covered feet. The silence had grown heavy as both of them ate the ice cream cones.

"I guess I should thank yo-"

"I don't want you to thank me, and I don't want you to speak of this to anyone. People think I'm mean, and I like that because they avoid me. The last thing I want is unneeded attention from the god squad and whimpering children," Shizuya glared at Mio, who seemed surprised for a moment, but she then smiled gently.

"Ok Shizu, I won't say a thing about this," she traced an x across her chest as if saying she promised, biting into the cone after she cleared it of ice cream. "You know, if you showed your soft side you'd probably have a girlfriend already."

"I don't go about looking for girls, so that wouldn't matter," Shizuya shrugged and threw the rest of his ice cream away. He wiped his hands and glanced at Mio,"I'm going to go do something now, don't worry to much about it. Dwelling on such minor things will only lead to trouble."

Mio nodded to him, calling out just before he walked off,"thank you!" She grinned and finished eating the cone. knowing he didn't like ice cream in the first place helped her prove how much of a good friend he was, and made her smile to remember she still had people to talk to when she was down. Mio sat there kicking her feet while she looked out at the courtyard whilst Shizuya went off to the dorms.
Isabella slowly reopened her gaze and brought her sight to look at him. She didn't blink, but rather stared at him. Her face held that of a blank expression as she studied him, only listening to his words.


Kaname shrugged his shoulders. There wasn't much of an answer he could provide her with, but he did so anyway. "I suppose so. It isn't bad." Kaname then returned his attention to look at his uncle. Chuckling quietly, Kaname rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. "I see you're doing better Uncle."
May Rin wasn't sure what to make of his answer. Does he really think so? She watched their interaction, observing quietly. Then, she noticed Cam nearly sliding off her shoulder. She lifted him up and noticed he looked drowsy. "Silly fox." May Rin murmured to him. She held him in her arms until he fell into a slumber once more. I really care for ya' Cam.
“ Not the reaction I was expecting.. Here, let's get that thing off your face. ”

...♆Kuroh spoke as he kneeled down, touching the piece of metal that extended her face. The metal seemed to vanish♆...

“ There we go. Better? ”


“ Yeah. I still feel like crap, though. ”

...ΨKenji spoke as he sighed, cracking his neck. He then continuedΨ...

“ Who's this? ”
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