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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...♆Kuroh seemingly dodged the kick, slamming his foot into Himeragi's stomach, sending her spiralling backwards. Kuroh then heard a gunshot, however when he attempt to dodge it, it was too late. The paralysis bullet struck his chest and he fell to the ground. He spoke as he managed to lift his head so that he was facing Himeragi. He spoke♆...

“ Why, Himeragi-chan..? ”



@Himeragi Seiker

((( You do realise Kuroh won't be paralysed for long, right? He can't be affected by power-based attacks for long, not to mention he grows immune of it after he is exposed to said power one time. Meaning the next time, the paralysis bullets won't work. Also, I'm only gonna be on for another half hour, then I'm going to sleep xD )))
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*looks at you and smiles a bit and voice goes into an innocent-like tone*

''why...? hahahaha...why? what a silly question hahaha..!''

*then looks at him seriously then tilts my head to the side and smiles again with the same tone*

''because Sheoxaro is my master now...hurt my master and i may torture you to death''

*she then winks and mouths (like moving my mouth that form words but you cant hear them, u can only read lips)*

*mouths ''
its ok...'' then looks at Sheoxaro then says in a serious tone*

''may i kill them now? this one's pretty annoying...i want to rip his voice box out''
((( We should probably leave off here, so that Isabella and Caden/Sheoxaro have a chance to reply. I'm gonna go sleep, I'm way too tired xD I'll see you -and everyone who is currently in the RP and reading this- in around seven, eight or nine hours, depending on when I wake up. Bye!~ )))
(Dx I'm still stuck

Tasuke needs to reply to Luna

I have to reply to Akira

And Mio gotta relly to Kaname)

Layla blinked, but remained calm. Her irises shifted her the side, and she grabbed a notepad along with a pen and began to write things down.
May Rin walked steadily into school, inspecting everything with appreciation. "Isn't it wonderful, Cam?" She turned to the fox that rested on her shoulder with a smile. Noel did say this school was far better than the last one. This way I can become even stronger. Glancing around again, uneasiness swept through her. Come to think of it, I have no idea where to go. I hope I haven't missed too much! Clutching the fox on her shoulder so he wouldn't fall off, she raised her pace to an easy sprint and entered what appeared to be the courtyard. Spotting a couple people not far off, she sighed with relief and headed over. "Um, pardon me, but could you help me please?"
Kaname had been awaiting a response from Mio, before a strange girl came through the front gates of the school. His attention was on Mio for the time being, but he could still see her from his peripheal vision. She seemed to be sprinting towards him, and before he knew it, she was already standing before him. This caused Kaname to blink and shift his weight. His gaze seemed to hold a dumbfounded expression, himself neglecting to answer her question. Even so, his violet gaze didn't waver from Mio, which would soon be interrupted depending on what was to be said next.

Realizing she had interrupted something and that it was likely her question would not be answered, May Rin backed away slowly, embarrassed at her rudeness. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just needed some help with directions but uh... I see you're busy. If you could just point in the direction of a front office perhaps or a place I could get assistance, I'd be very grateful..." May Rin shifted her bow around awkwardly wondering if she should just walk away now.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Dx I'm still stuck
Tasuke needs to reply to Luna

I have to reply to Akira

And Mio gotta relly to Kaname)

Layla blinked, but remained calm. Her irises shifted her the side, and she grabbed a notepad along with a pen and began to write things down.

“ Uh.. ”

...♅Akira sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. He decided to looked at the ceiling, unsure of what to do♅...
Maxwelle said:
Realizing she had interrupted something and that it was likely her question would not be answered, May Rin backed away slowly, embarrassed at her rudeness. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just needed some help with directions but uh... I see you're busy. If you could just point in the direction of a front office perhaps or a place I could get assistance, I'd be very grateful..." May Rin shifted her bow around awkwardly wondering if she should just walk away now.
Kaname eyed her briefly, before a small smile played at his lips. Soon enough, he pushed his hands into his front pockets and closed the space she had made between them. "No, don't panic. You're alright, I can show you." Kaname hadn't thought much about where everything was himself, and thought it to be a chance to speak with another person and figure out what they knew that he already didn't. Kaname soon stopped to stand at her side, his gaze falling to observe the small fox she had on her shoulder. Odd, but amusing all in the same.

Luna tilted her head and raised her brow. Soon enough, she stepped out of the bathroom and crossed thd hall into her room. In doing so, she turned the corner and closed herself up in her closet. She wanted to develop her attire in peace, without any sign of interruption from Tasuke, or any other imbecile who would interfere.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname eyed her briefly, before a small smile played at his lips. Soon enough, he pushed his hands into his front pockets and closed the space she had made between them. "No, don't panic. You're alright, I can show you." Kaname hadn't thought much about where everything was himself, and thought it to be a chance to speak with another person and figure out what they knew that he already didn't. Kaname soon stopped to stand at her side, his gaze falling to observe the small fox she had on her shoulder. Odd, but amusing all in the same.
Luna tilted her head and raised her brow. Soon enough, she stepped out of the bathroom and crossed thd hall into her room. In doing so, she turned the corner and closed herself up in her closet. She wanted to develop her attire in peace, without any sign of interruption from Tasuke, or any other imbecile who would interfere.

Tasuke stayed in the bathroom even after drying. He clapped his hands together and formed an Ice Clone beside him, he looked at it and pondered before nodding and the clone takes his clothes off. Tasuke takes the clothes and puts them on, the clone then shatters and he walks out of the bathroom.
"Ah... you sure? Well, thank you." Recovering from her momentary fluster, she gave him a warm smile. May Rin wasn't sure how to feel about him. He seemed nice enough but somehow observant and insightful. Looking up at him, she noticed he was eyeing Cam. "Oh, this is Cam by the way. And I'm May Rin. What's your name?"
Kaname shrugged his shoulder. "Don't sweat it. Its no big deal." Kaname's gaze had fallen back to the area before him as he began to lead her towards the office of the school. Soon enough, she realized what he had been doing, which oddly enough caused for her to reveal her identity to him. This brought a sense of confusion to his thoughts, but he simply shrugged it off. "Pretty name of yours. And your fox looks nice. I'm Kaname, pleased to make your acquaintance."
...ΨKenji sat on his bed, looking at the door. He was now fully healed. With a groan, he stood up and walked over to the door, opening it. He sighed slightly as he vanished, appearing in the courtyard. He looked at all of the students, changing into his regular form. He wore a look of surprise as he spokeΨ...

“ Wow, there's so many new faces! ”

'Why does he look confused?' With a small chuckle, her smile widened. "Thank you. Pleasure to meet you as well." May Rin watched him with curiosity as she followed him. He doesn't seem too open. I wonder why? Of course, some people are just that way. Being as open as she is, she sometimes forgot everyone wasn't that way. Making a mental note to restrain herself a bit, she soon became distracted with her surroundings. The school seemed so big! Will I fit in here?
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*looks at you and smiles a bit and voice goes into an innocent-like tone*
''why...? hahahaha...why? what a silly question hahaha..!''

*then looks at him seriously then tilts my head to the side and smiles again with the same tone*

''because Sheoxaro is my master now...hurt my master and i may torture you to death''

*she then winks and mouths (like moving my mouth that form words but you cant hear them, u can only read lips)*

*mouths ''
its ok...'' then looks at Sheoxaro then says in a serious tone*

''may i kill them now? this one's pretty annoying...i want to rip his voice box out''


...♆Kuroh began moving slowly, showing that the paralysis bullets' effects were wearing off. He was trying his hardest to run, yet he could only move slightly. Suddenly, Kuroh shot out at full speed, appearing ten meters behind Sheoxaro. He looked back at them both and remained silent♆...

“ ... ”

Kaname took a moment to dwell in silence, before finally speaking up. It seemed as she needed some type of conversation. And being her guide, he wouldn't want to inflict a bad first impression. With a gentle cough, Kaname shifted his gaze to the side and spoke up. "So what brings an innocent girl like you to a school like this?"
*looks back and sees Kuroh has escaped*

''ah jeez...as expected...*sigh* fuck it, plan B''

*jumps on the wall then cuts Sheoxaro's face with my gun blade jumping into the other wall and cuts his face again jumping back to that first wall i jumped off, jumped up and comes down at him and slices the back of his neck, you can say i did this Attack on Titan style...(Attack on Sheoxaro)*

*also, gives isabella an antidote for the paralysis and carries her toward Kuroh*

''well...my plan wasnt rlly supposed to be planned like this but...i guess it would work...''
"Well, my Onii- er... I mean brother recommended the school to me. I want to become strong enough to protect him like he does me..." May Rin became lost in thought for a moment and bumped into Kaname. "Oh, sorry!" she stuttered. Looking over at Kaname again, she hoped she could make friends here like Kaname. She'd been told some people here could be harsh but really she knew next to nothing about the school. "So, how long have you been here?"
“ Hm. Oh, there's Kaname-kun~ ”

...ΨKenji walked behind them, being as quiet as he could. He put one hand onto Kaname's shoulder suddenly and spoke eerilyΨ...

“ Ka-na-me-kun~♪ ”


...♆Kuroh sighed heavily and watched the events unfold. He administered the paralysis antidote onto Isabella's skin, then reverted his vision back to Sheoxaro and Himeragi. He spoke♆...

“ There is one sure-fire way to beat him.. ”
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]and i just AoT'ed Sheoxaro owo))

((( 進撃の巨人'd xD Oops, my keyboard was in Japanese, I meant Shingeki no Kyojin xD )))
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