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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Kaname slowly nodded his head. Soon enough, his gaze shifted to look behind himself at Rin. Taking a moment to consider his answer, Kaname returned his gaze to his Uncle with a cheesy grin. He placed his right arn around Rin and pulled her towards himself, before replying. "This, is my girlfriend, May Rin."

Isabella slowly trailed her gaze away from Kuroh, allowing a breif cough to escape her lips. Afterwards, her gaze returned to Kuroh, and she curled up against him silently, shutting her eyelids halfway over her irises. In doing so, her knees were brought up closer to her chest, and her hands were clasped together by her chin.
“ I'll take you to my dorm for now. ”

...♆Kuroh spoke as he scooped Isabella up and vanished, appearing inside of his dorm. He sat her on his bed and sat across from her, staring at her. He muttered♆...

“ Could this be the after-effects of using that technique on that Demon..? ”

...♆Kuroh lay on Caden's former bed and propped his head up with his left hand. He opened a packet of chips and began eating them, reading a manga♆...



“ Eh. ”

...ΨKenji looked at Kaname with a blank expressionΨ...

“ I thought Mio was your girlfriend..? ”

"...!" May Rin's face turned a mortifying shade of pink. What?! Still, there must be some sort of reason behind it so she decided to trust Kaname and remain silent. Perhaps it was something for the sake of his uncle. If not she'd certainly find out after his uncle left. If it was anything but reasonable she'd make him take a physical arrow to the knee. May Rin looked away, waiting to see what would happen next.
Kaname shifted his gaze to Rin, then back to his Uncle. Bring that his Uncle asked entirely too many questions about any and everything, Kaname blew his breath and released Rin. "Mio said she liked me, but I barely spent time with her. Can't just assume things." Kaname then took Rin by the hand and turned his back to his Uncle. "Anyway, I have to show Rin here around the school."

Isabella sat up on the bed and watched him eat, her gaze following each motion of the food he held in his hand. Her lips were parted, showing her interest in the food. She didnt speak, but simply stared and watched him.

...♆Kuroh soon noticed Isabella looking at his food. He then looked down at his chips, then back to her. He held them out and spoke, looking away, a large blush appearing on his face♆...

“ Here.. ”



“ Gee, fine. Leave your uncle all alone. ”

...ΨKenji turned around and began walking away, skulkingΨ...

May Rin was confused at the interaction. I wonder why they're so hostile? Shrugging it off, she turned her gaze to his face as he led her along. It really isn't her business anyway but there was something that was. "You have an odd sense of humor." May Rin said briskly. She frowned at nothing in particular as they continued along.
Isabella had a large smile once he held out some food to her. She crawled to the end of the bed, soon snatching up the food held out for her. Settling back on her behind, she began to nibble on the chips, occasionally glancing at him.

Kaname blew his breath. He didn't care for babying his Uncle. Rolling his irises, Kaname shifted his gaze to Rin as she addressed him. "You'd be amazed by what people at this school title humorous."
...♆Kuroh stared at Isabella curiously. He held his hand out, feeling her hair on his fingertips. He got eye level with her and spoke♆...

“ What's wrong? ”



...ΨKenji vanished, appearing back in his room in the Fukushima Estate. He opened a book and began studying. He then spoke as he looked at the ceiling, clearly annoyedΨ...

“ Why am I the only one that needs to study..? ”

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Isabella continued to nibble on the chips she was given. Once done, she looked up at him and shook her head. She parted her lips to speak, but bit the inside of her cheek and then laid her head down on her arms, hiding away her mouth from view.

*walks in the room where Isabella and Kuroh is at*

''hey whats up guys?''

*hair changed from Blonde to white*
Mio got up from the bench with a deep sigh, her eyes closing a little. She gently patted her sides as she began to walk to the dorms.

Once she made there she immediately went to her uncle Cerin's room and entered it. Something stood out that made her brows twitch in aggravation; it was a mess and Cerin was no where to be found. She rolled her eyes and pulled her hair back into a pony-tail before she began to clean the room thoroughly.

When she finished cleaning, Mio sat at the computer desk and let her hair down. She started tapping at the keys to her laptop boredly, trying to kill time until the day ended. When she came upon some information that may be useful later on, she pulled her phone out and typed in the information into the phone to save for later.

Sixxx said:
" Hes not here" she huffed at little at the uninvited guest " yes i have food ,Taco casserole , and lots of leftovers from the past few days...why" she said looking puzzled

" Hes not here" she huffed at little at the uninvited guest " yes i have food ,Taco casserole , and lots of leftovers from the past few days...why" she said looking puzzled
Ansom tilted his head to the side. "Why? Because I am hungry." He smiled. "If you were asking why I need Han, It is really simple. I plan on killing him because he did not kill a certain goddess of destruction." Ansom laughed and clapped his hands. "I would love it if you would serve me some food. Maybe I will spare you when I destroy this pitiful dimension. Sound good?"
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Isabella continued to nibble on the chips she was given. Once done, she looked up at him and shook her head. She parted her lips to speak, but bit the inside of her cheek and then laid her head down on her arms, hiding away her mouth from view.

“ What's wrong? ”

...♆Kuroh got closer, moving his face within five meters away from hers. He soon continued, unsure of his previous verdict on what is happening to Isabella♆...

“ You can tell me.. ”

Sav wandered outside the school with her dragon right beside her. "You know something, Al? Being the new kid is not fun. Nobody's even here." Her dragon snorted sympathetically and rubbed her shoulder with his snout. "Aww. Sweetheart," Sav said, laughing and rubbing the spot between his eyes. "Ok, ok, I know. First day and everything, I never expected someone to be friends with me right off the spot." a snort from her dragon. "I'm trying to be patient!"
Isabella soon sat up on the edge of the bed. In doing so, she caused a stuffed figure to appear in her arms. She spoke in a gentle, hushed whisper, before finally burying her face into the head of the stuffed item, shifting her gaze sideways and blinking."Kuro-kun...."



ZackIsDead said:
(Sooooo Basically wat the hell is happening here)
(A hell of a lot)
Isabella slowly set down the stuffed figure. After doing so, she crawled closer to him, only to slightly tilt her head to the side and kiss his nose. After doing so, she retracted her face from his and smiled, whispering. "Hai there."
Jin opened his eyes tried to remember what happened when he was gone for this long Hahahah well i guess i should stand up and walk outside Jin stood up from his bed and opened his wardrobe What happened what happened to Shinji What happened to.... Jin quietly stood there for awhile quietly staring at the clothes he had he then made a move Jin took out one of the shirt and wore it Well i guess i should walk around and try to remember something Jin opened the door and laughed ahhhhh memories flowing in on me Jin walked out
...♆Kuroh blushed slightly as his nose was kissed. He didn't know how to react, so instead, he turned his face and looked away. He soon spoke, regularly looking at Isabella♆...

“ What's wrong? ”
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