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Fantasy Fantastical Island

Lilith looked very proud,"I pulled a couple of strings and asked for some favors so it's free for anyone knew who needs it.", she explained to her. She liked to help those who were kind. Also they didn't get many visitors so the hotels weren't used often.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Lilith looked very proud,"I pulled a couple of strings and asked for some favors so it's free for anyone knew who needs it.", she explained to her. She liked to help those who were kind. Also they didn't get many visitors so the hotels weren't used often.

"Thank you. Could you show me to my room?"
((Okay! I'm finally getting around to posting something! Sorry for the long wait... Some of you may already know that I was sick a while ago, but you probably don't know that I ended up having to stay in the hospital for a while because I had to get some operation done... Well, anyway! I'm back and I'm awake and I have internet access! ... And finals start in a couple days...))

Isa shook her head slightly as they finally reached the hospital. There were already a lot of others standing around out front, some of them human... "Hello. I suppose you two got washed up in the storm." She'd meant it as a question, but it ended up sounding more like a statement. Looking one of the humans over, the vampire supposed her human had gotten quite lucky. Those looked painful, even by a vampire's standards... "Shouldn't you be going inside the building and getting treated." Again, it ended up coming out as a statement, though the black haired girl tilted her head to make it seem a bit more questioning. 
((Okay, seriously guys, I believe in quality over quantity, but PLEASE keep one liners to a minimum. AND NO RESPONSES THAT ARE JUST ONE WORD!!!!! Thank you.))
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Rowan had begun to tire of listening to the group bicker rather than move forward and towards the town, though when they finally had arrived, she couldn't help but but feel a little wary. After all, God knows how many different creatures lived on this island, and it was human nature to wonder if she'd end up as dinner.

"Are we just going to have to wait outside here until someone tells us to go inside?" Rowan questioned Petia, all the while peering at the others surrounding the building. The pain of her abdominal wounds have eased somewhat, or maybe she was just getting used to it. She had been waiting quite a while after all.

(@ xXxAnimeBellxXx : Sorry, but I have no idea whether or not she was talking to Rowan, as Rowan was pretty injured, but I can't remember if there were others. Except if it was Rowan I'm assuming there'd have been something about your character seeing a person on a snake dude's back. xD Sorry, it's just kinda confusing.)
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Lilith looked very proud,"I pulled a couple of strings and asked for some favors so it's free for anyone knew who needs it.", she explained to her. She liked to help those who were kind. Also they didn't get many visitors so the hotels weren't used often.

Eden grumbled "Oh, for goodness's sake. Could you at least tell me the room number so that I can actually take advantage of the hotel room?"
Lilith nodded and told Eden her room number,"It's on the second floor, room 215", she said then handed her the key. She smiled,"I'm going to go and explore town for a bit!", she shouted to her brother before running towards the square.

Drake nodded,"Yes and I must be leaving as well. Goodbye ladies. Snake boy", he said with a sly grin. He walked to the nearest bar, which was quite a bit away.
Petia was glad that things had finally stopped trying to make him snap.

"Yeah, let's go in. It's not like there are many doctors out on the street who will heal you for anything less than a liver!" he said light heartedly. When the two cat people left with their goodbyes and Drake's last attempt at verbal bullying, Petia decided to give one last stab that could mean anything and see how the self-righteous cat took it "Goodbye kittycat!"
Eden thanked the pair and went up to her room. She set her stuff down and flopped on the bed. She quickly fell asleep.
Drake paused then walked just back,"I'm not a kittycat, over grown garden snake", he shot back at him. His kind is very prideful over what they are. Since Drake was technically high ranking, that have him more pride.
A voice drifted over.

"Wow. News to me. I guess those ears of yours are dog ears, or something?"

The speaker of this couldnn't be seen.
"I don't know who you are but I like you already!" Petia said with a smile on his face "Come out come out whoever you are!" Good, this is good. Now Petia won't wind up as the target for the Cu Cat Clan for partially ingesting a the son of the leader.
"Look over your shoulder!"

As this was said, a teenaged girl with long blue hair, eyes of nearly the same shade, and a simple white dress faded into view behind him.
Drake looked at the girl,"Listen Casper, I'm no dog either. Normally I wouldn't insult such a pretty girl but you said something first", he said with a grin. His attitude and weakness towards women would be the death of him. He then looked back at Petia,"If you were smart, you would back off.", he said.

Lilith had also noticed the insults and stopped walking. She had great hearing. For now, she would watch and let her brother learn his lesson.
"Well I usually try not to be too stupid but life has been pretty boring for the last few months sooo..."

Petia lunges at Drake, swallowing him down to his feet before spitting him out (I did a thing on Petia's anatomy in the Character sign up)

"Now that I believe I have made myself clear do piss off" said Petia in as sweet of a tone as he could muster
Drake coughed and squirmed a bit. He looked both pissed and slightly afraid. His eyes glowed and he hissed,"That's it snake. Maybe I could add a new skin to the wall", he said as his teeth grew sharper and his claws came out. He glared at Petia while covered in saliva.

Lilith decided now was a good time to break it up. She darted over and whispered something into Drake's ear. You could see him get calmer before walking away. She sighed and looked at Petia,"Good luck. Our clan will be watching you now.", she warned.
"Eh, life was getting boring anyway." Petia was looking rather pleased with himself and his handiwork, even if it had put him on a hitlist.

"And I hope you had fun Drakey." He said with a wink
Lilith darted in an almost blur and held a knife against his throat,"I will personally be watching you. Stay away from my brother. I'd advise you to be good", she said as her eyes flashed. She gave an air of intimidation, hoping to effect Petia. Lilith jumped back and put the knife away,"Don't take my family lightly."

Drake completely ignored Petia, for once, and just left to the bar to have some drinks.
"Uhh, Petia?" Rowan began, having still been clinging to him seeing as they hadn't gone inside yet. xD

"I think we should go into the hospital, now," she commented, pale hued gaze drifting over to the others that were entering the building, and feeling she should get herself checked out pretty soon. An infection in the wound she had received wouldn't be pleasant, and would probably be potentially fatal.
"Yeah okay let's go, that was fun seeing them try to scare me. I've been bored for months and now I finally have something to look forward to!" Petia said beeming. He realized she had been on his back the entire time and hoped she hadn't been hurt.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Lilith darted in an almost blur and held a knife against his throat,"I will personally be watching you. Stay away from my brother. I'd advise you to be good", she said as her eyes flashed. She gave an air of intimidation, hoping to effect Petia. Lilith jumped back and put the knife away,"Don't take my family lightly."
Drake completely ignored Petia, for once, and just left to the bar to have some drinks.

Michaela followed Drake. She asked: "So really, what are you if you aren't a cat? And why are you out here talking with a snake person? I've gotten the impression that cat people were rather speciest."
Drake looked at her,"I'm not a kitty cat, that makes me seem weak.", he said proudly,"And we happened to run into each other so we came to town together." He walked into a bar and ordered a drink.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake looked at her,"I'm not a kitty cat, that makes me seem weak.", he said proudly,"And we happened to run into each other so we came to town together." He walked into a bar and ordered a drink.

"The last guy I met would have insulted the snake guy, and then taken another route. Really, that man was a jerk. I'm thinking of haunting him and always singing annoying songs just to get him back for what he said to me."
((Hello. Sorry. I was dragged on a camping trip the moment finals were over and haven't had internet access since... I don't really know when, I've lost track of how long I was hanging out at the lake... Sorry again...))


Isa watched blankly for a while before turning and walking inside, bored and impatient to get the red haired boy looked at already. Walking up to the front desk, she told the receptionist the situation and asked about any doctors that knew about human anatomy. Apparently, there were five doctors (and several nurses) that were had studied humans, and three of them were on duty at that moment. Luckily, they didn't have many patients in right now, so the human could be treated immediately.

A few minutes later, a rather tall vampire walked over to Isa with a smile. "Hello Isa. I suppose this is the human that needs treatment?" Nodding slightly, the black haired girl followed him quietly down the hall until they reached his examination room, the nameplate on the door reading 'DOCTOR X. MAXWELL.'

Sitting in a plastic chair near the door, the younger vampire watched silently as Dr. Maxwell looked the human boy over, checking his wrists and neck for a pulse, applying pressure to seemingly random parts of his body and other stuff that Isa barely paid attention to. Until the brown haired man opened a door and brought out... some kind of pump...

"What are you going to do with that." She demanded bluntly. The doctor turned to smile reassuringly at her.

"Don't worry, this is just to get any water out of his lungs." And he began to set it up.


Slowly, green eyes began to blink open. The world was very blurry... He thought he heard someone speaking, but it was like he was underwater, and sounds were warped and unclear...

"... lungs are cleared up now... doesn't seem... concussion... be fine..." That voice, the redhead was pretty sure, belonged to a guy. An adult. Probably a doctor or something, based on what he could pick up of his words. He felt something being removed from his face, but... So...

He felt so... drained... He started to drift off once more...

"... can take him home... Where... to stay...?"

"... with me... -ank you, doctor..."

"... safe trip."

That was the last thing Luke heard before he was lifted into strong, surprisingly thin arms and his mind went completely fuzzy and blank, and the red haired human knew no more.
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Drake looked at her,"I'm not a kitty cat, that makes me seem weak.", he said proudly,"And we happened to run into each other so we came to town together." He walked into a bar and ordered a drink.

Michaela floated after Drake and asked: "Hey, I saw you with a human. What's up with that?"

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