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Fantasy Fantastical Island

Eden made her way to the center of the deck, and held on for dear life. She thought that she heard a loud crack, but it was probably her paranoid imagination.
Emilia relaxed and went back to what she was doing. She quickly made the fire and stabbed a stick through the fish after getting the scales off of it. She began cooking it by holding it above the fire, hoping she could get that done before the rain came to the island.
Hikaru stopped dead in his tracks, sniffing the air 'A Vampire?' he looked around in a panic to find this person, he looked off to the ocean and saw the gigantic ship, 'Fresh Blood' he thought, he stopped himself again, drinking some of his own blood in order to contain the inner monster.

Slowly, the redhead awoke to find that he couldn't find steady ground. Everything was shaking and tipping over. He got to his feet after a few failed attempts and stumbled out of his cabin, tripping his way to the deck once more. He had no idea where he got the bright idea to go out there in the middle of such a violent storm, but he soon regretted his decision as he was washed away by a particularly violent wave...


Isa watched as the boat was rocked and pushed by the waves, head tilted slightly to one side. She smelled an odd mixture of vampire and wolf nearby, but she paid it little mind, instead remaining focused on the human ship. The storm was getting worse at a rather alarming rate. Soon, the humans would either have no choice but to abandon it and perhaps make it here, or stay on board and drown.

Something caught the black haired vampire's eye and she moved towards it without thinking. It seemed to be a... human boy... Probably washed up by one of the waves, and carried by the water to a point where she could see him. He seemed to be unconscious, about halfway between the boat and the island... Making a split second decision, Isa ran towards the waves and dove into the frigid sea. She would help that boy. Thankfully, air wasn't required for her, so she didn't have to worry about drowning herself. Grabbing the back of the red haired boy's shirt, she began pulling him back to the shore. Hopefully she wasn't too late...

Fima washed upon the shore, still unconscious from the strike. He was far away from where Luke had landed, and his clothes were ripped. He had lost his books, but his pocket-knife was still in his pocket. There, he lay unconscious, for an few minutes, maybe an hour, Laying in the sand, being bombarded with waves.
Hikaru found a washed up body, he checked to see if the Human was still alive, he dragged the human to a cave where he started a fire. Hikaru sat on a rock near the unconscious human and awaited his awakening.

"I woke up in a cave, with mild amnesia from the strike. I saw a man, With red eyes and black hair. Soon, I would discover that he was not just a man."

"'Who are you?' I Asked. 'My name is Fima Semyon Orlov, but you can call me Simon.' My head was tilted slightly to the left when I said the second sentience."
Eden held on tight, but her fingers were numb. She heard another resounding crack and supposed that the boat had struck something. She spotted an island rather close by, and decided that her chances of survival were better there than on the boat, especially given that all her stuff was waterproofed.

Before she could change her mind, she closed her eyes and threw herself to the waves.

Eden could swim, but it was all she could do to keep her head above the water. The storm tossed her like driftwood, and she just focused on staying alive. She was eventually tossed up to a beach on the island. She spotted a small cave nearby, and crawled into it. She would shelter there until the storm passed.
"My name is Hikaru Satō, everyone calls me Oshoku, I hate it" Hikaru sat near him "So, tell me what happened in that boat?"

"And so, I exclaimed to Satō, 'It was horrible. The boat was rocking heavily, and rain and hail bombarded the boat. I was struck by lightning, and I was lucky to survive. I guess I fell off the boat and washed up here. Can't remember much, though. Must've been the lightning.' And then, a sigh of relief over-came me."
Hikaru smiled, "Well, I hope you enjoy your stay, I have to attend to other survivors" Hikaru started to walk out of the cave, "If you ever see a white wolf, bigger then the average Lion or big dog, stay away" Hikaru began to exit the cave until.....
Eden managed to find enough dry wood in her cave for a fire. Lighting it with the lighter that she'd brought along, she huddled closer, glad for its warmth. By its light, she could actually see the cave, which, she supposed would be her temporary home. She could already see a good place to put the blankets and pillows that she'd snagged from her cabin.

"You can just call me Eden Crusoe." she thought wryly.
Emilia looked up from her fish and saw bodies being washed up, and some people she knew were native to the island drag them further inland. Forgetting her food again, and got up and went to the lady with the red-haired man curiously. She turned into her fox form and watched them closely.
Hikaru sniffed a bit then ran off, when he was clear from sight he transformed into a gigantic white wolf again, he decided to hide in the forest until he saw fit to help again.

Fima was sitting across the fire, Drying off from the fire. He thought about Satō. He wondered how he got here. He thought there might've been an earlier Shipwreck, but Satō just Seemed off. Mostly because his clean clothes and overall cleanliness. He didn't even have any hairs on his chin. He Just seemed off. And besides, who has red eyes?

After she'd finally reached land, Isa pulled the boy into her strong arms, beginning to carry him off towards the nearby town. While humans weren't commonly seen here, she was confident that the doctors here could help him. He didn't appear to be too damaged, but Isa was no doctor, so she couldn't really be sure.
Emilia followed Isa. She did not know the lady, but was too curious not to follow. She stayed in her fox-is form as she did, ears perked all the way up. The little fox had to jog a little bit to keep up with her.
Now appropriately warmed up, Eden set about making her cave a little more homey. She set out her bedding stuff (a camping roll and the pillows and blankets) in a sandy corner, blocked by a outcropping of rock from the wind. She set the rest of her stuff there too, and dug out some of the snacks she'd packed.

"I need to start foraging," she thought. "I do have food, but it won't last very long, and the Intelligence division only knows if there's anyone on this island. I certainly don't."

But that would be for tomorrow, when the storm had abated. For now, she was just grateful for shelter, and that she had saved some of the stuff from her cabin.
Petia hadn't had anything to do for the last few days, he had a large meal three days ago so he didn't need to hunt for a while and it hadn't been hot out enough recently for him to sunbath and warm himself up. During this time he had been sleeping in his makeshift home on the edge of a small clearing with a nice rock in it, which was absolutely useless now but when it got hot out it was fantastic for a nap, god this island was boring. When he heard the commotion out on the beach he found his opportunity for some action so he grabbed his makeshift sword of scrap metal and went to the beach as fast as he could.

"WHO THE HELL WOKE ME UP!!" Faking extreme anger to try and create any sort of situation where he could fight off his perpetual boredom.
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Lilith was watching everyone from far away while Drake was holding her back. Her first instinct was to go an inspect the new things. Her tail flicked around in the air behind her.

Drake looked at her,"Lil I know what that look is...don't...do...it", he warned while looking through the bushes. He kept an eye on her though, his sister was very curious and it wasn't safe for her.

Lilith pouted and started to move a bit closer, she was more and more interested by these new things.
Eden, in her cave, also noticed the commotion. She grabbed a gun (loaded of course), and quietly crept out to see what was going on.
Elsieth, unlike most who were probably freaking out and running around for their dear lives, simply watched the storm get closer, and closer. This couldn't be a coincidence. And if it was, it would be a grave one. She could hear the attendants trying to calm the others and some were shouting instructions. But that was the end of what she could sense. The ship rocked only once, and it was enough to send her off the boat. A gasp escaped the girl, before she'd close her eyes, fall into the deep water...

And all was black.

* * *

"Argh!," Elsieth sat up, coughing water out of her system. She seemed to be in land. And she seemed to be alive. It was better than staying under the sea breathless, wasn't it? With a tired grin, she tried to stand, but fell trying to. "Shoot," she muttered, back to her sitting position. Elsieth scanned her body for injuries, and she somehow regretted it. Her clothes were torn, and so were the skin on her whole body. If she wasn't used to pain, that would've hurt a lot. Just where was she thrown over and about?

"A beach...," she mumbled, slowly trying to stand again. It worked this time, but the pain still stung all over her. She removed her tattered shoes, and walked through the sand barefooted. She needed help. There was no denying that. But where could she get it? This island... if there were residents... that seemed to be another thing to worry about.

It was a little too much, now.

She was too dizzy to think, and she fell on her knees on the sand. A few meters from where she was just drifted to, and she'd lose her consciousness again? That was low. But it still happened.


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