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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Shartheth looked at the chest they procured and thought to himself of how they knew not of where they were, what had happened, or of what they were to do here. He then gave thought to what they could have instead but also desired the chest of "insert treasure" and add it to what they already have. As only for hush money though. "I will accept the money as a peace agreement and silencing fee." His voice taking on a more commanding and authoritative tone with eyes of one who was cunning. "What I do need however is information. What is this place and what equipment do you possess?" Gestures towards the car and the guns that were showing due to her torn dress.
"He's speaken English, but I don't understand a word he's saying." Conner grumbled quietly to Victoria. He didn't know what was going on, but apparently whatever was required needed a rather large chest.
Lupa watches Shartheth cautiously, though she didn't understand what he was saying she was rather well versed in the art of body language. She glances in the darkness behind the strange man, having a feeling he was far from alone. Her shoulders were tense and she was ready to pounce at any moment, her tongue runs over teeth, itching for a fight after the humans crashed the ball. She was still seething internally about that. She takes a deep breath looking back over at Victoria since she seemed quite able to converse with this strange....well stranger.
Victoria looked over at Conner.

"Apparently you were not around in the 12th century."

Fredrick returned with a smallish chest. She grabbed it from him.

"thank you Fredrick."

She opened the chest to show her companions the offering. It was full of gold coins, precious gems, and few expensive looking treasures. The contents were worth a small fortune. She turned back towards the mercenary, before she gave him the chest she answered his question. She pointed at the car.

"Horseless carriage."

She pointed at her guns when, she realized gunpowder was not around in the 12th century. She decided to go vague with this one.

"Small powerful weapons."

She realized how weird it sounded but, she didn't want to demonstrate one when they were trying to hide.

"This is a forest outside of the city. 'tis no longer the 12th century friend. 'tis the 21st century, ov'r 800 years from what ye art us'd to."

She held the chest out towards the man.

"thither is more whence that came from. if thou shouldst hest more later on."
Shartheth couldn't help but to grin and laugh loudly at the mention of the pistols being small and powerful. He wanted to show her his version of a true weapon but such would kill her for merely being in its radiant presence. He resolved then to telepathically call his engineer up front. He thought on the notion of them being ahead in time but questioned it as well. Nonetheless. The prospect of new boundaries intrigued him and he wanted to know all he could on what was here. He brought his right hand up to his mouth as he rubbed his chin and upper lip with thought. "We will take the small amount for an initial fee but you will render all information you own about this world to us. Including the allowance of our engineer, He said with a gesture to Muldrin as he came up and was already inspecting the pistol from a distance, to inspect your weapons and equipment so that we may craft our own and/or modify them to our liking." She would be able to tell that he was no longer speaking noble but was using a "common" form of his language.
"Oh really, well since you have agreed to keep your mouth shut."

She drew both of her pistols, pointing the buts at the person next to the man.

"One is loaded regular ammunition, the other is specially made for silver bullets. Both are empty, I got into a bight of a brawl."

She thought about the other weapons she uses.

"The only other weapons I use are swords and daggers."

She looked at Fredrick.

"Let them inspect the car, then you are dismissed for the evening."

He gave a slight nod then walked back to the car.
Lupa stiffened as Muldrin came over, she wasn't a fan of strangers and she was already in a tense situation. She lets her gaze wander back and forth to both of them, though Victoria seemed to trust them, she was still not so sure. She lets out a small huff in an attempt to diffuse some stress from herself. She was tempted to shift and sniff out whoever else was with Shartheth but that wouldn't show good manners, so she just continued to stand there, ready to act if anything went wrong.
Rethnuem flew down into the trees and landed atop a very tall tree after having spotted a shifting of movement amidst the ground. His keen eyes watching the area that had been disturbed. All the while, Saisha remained hidden, watching Lupa in case of her trying anything. The rest of the mercenary group approached and came into full view after Shartheth told them to group up in loose formation. All wearing their armors and wielding full sized weaponry. (See CBs for details) "What weapons do others use?" Shartheth could see she was biding time. As for what, he knew not of yet. He continued to press for information that would be helpful to him.
Conner saw the group emerge from the forest and almost morphed on the spot. But there was a negotiation going on, at least he thought there was. From past experiences, transforming into a large monster during negotiations often didn't end good. So, he had to content himself with just making sure his knife was where he remembered and ready to grab.
"They are werewolves, they do not need weapons."

She looked at their weapons. They were defiantly a different sort.

"I must say, you have some interesting weapons yourself."

She wasn't one for fancy weapons. The sword that belonged to Dracula was the nicest thing she owned.
"I was referring to the humans you were facing. Do you have any knowledge on them?" The group was ready, more than the others knew, for a fight. A bonus was that they also hadnt just come from a battle and were geared for war. "Our weapons are not up for inspection and I will let you know that we will need a place to stay and/or turn into a base.
"Ah, yes I will be right back."

She turned around and looked at Lupa and Conner.

"They are not enemies."

She walked towards the car grabbing the torch from Fredrick. She made the trek down to the mausoleum. She walked inside, it was full of coffins stacked high to the celling. She reached into one and pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment. Written on it was the current list of known weapons used by human hunters. She walked back up and handed the list to leader.

"A list of weapons that the humans use."

She knew they would not understand some of the more advanced technology. She was willing to let them figure that out.
Lupa looks at Victoria when she speaks to them. "I'm aware of that but that doesn't mean I trust them. I apologize for being paranoid but I would think you of all people know you don't immediately trusting people if you wish to live for a long period of time. I have no doubt that they won't attack but I still refuse to let my guard down just yet" She looks back at Shartheth. "And who's to say they don't want to know new technology to turn around and use it against us" She makes her way over to Shartheth, squaring her shoulders and looking straight into his face. "What is it exactly that you are planning to do with our weapons once you learn their use? Is it simply curiosity or do you plan to eradicate us?" She looks back at Victoria to translate before back at Shartheth, examining his face, she was pretty good at reading liars.
Upon her making her way over to him, his head turned to her having her heard the sounds of her swift movements and drew his blade in a flash as it was up to her neck with the deadly touch of an enchanted ice sword to her neck in his right hand. He as well moved his left hand up swiftly to stop the rest of group from doing anything rash as they had moved forward and Saisha was by now by his side with her ears flat and teeth bared growling. Her golden eyes staring intently at Lupa. Shartheth looked back into Lupa's face with a cold hard stare then spoke in a deadly calm and commanding tone in english. "You would be wise not to approach me in such a manner. Lest ye seek your death." All the while they had been conversing, the wizard had been probing the minds of the four silently for the knowledge of their language known as english and was feeding it into the groups minds so that they would be able to speak the tongue as well as understand it.
"There is no need for violence."

She stepped between the two. She looked at Lupa.

"I know we are a little on edge tonight but, we should not make eneimes of them."

She turned to the mercenary.

"Here, the only info we don't have is armor."

She shoved the parchment towards him. She just wanted to get to the underground safe house to change out what was left of her ball outfit.
Lupa's eyes did not shift, no fear showed in them. Her penetrating glare into his own eyes continued. She was ready to shift a moment's notice if Saisha decided on doing anything. "One leader to another. You'd be wise to treat me with respect I have no intention on harming you, only making sure you are not harming us in return. Surely that is a simple concept to understand" She says sharply before stepping back at Victoria's interference. "I have no intention of making enemies of them I just don't fully trust them yet, so I'm just making sure they're not going to betray us" She makes her way over to Conner while waiting for their next move.
"A wise move, not to trust them. I would've done the same thing myself." Conner told Lupa quietly. These were strange people. And he had a stranger sense of someone sifting through his head for useful information since he met these people. But that was impossible.
Tyrone woke up from his sleep. It was one that he would surely cherish after all the war was about to approach and so were the problems that come with it. Tyrone stretched getting up, soon heard his AI's voice. " Sir we seem to have tracked the leaders of the coven and the pack, they both seem to be together the satellite image gives a 62 % match ". Tyrone sighed and turned towards a humongous screen, " There you are " he said. Tyrone knew that he could not forget her face, " tried to make me your slave eh? keep trying !" Tyrone yelled. His hand touching the wound that had been inflicted by Lupa, it seemed that Tyrone had lost his cool maybe it was just that failure that he faced in the manor or maybe it was the grudge that he held against those pesky werewolfs.

Tyrone rushed out grabbing his gear and rushing out in a hurry. He was still tried his sleep was of a few hours and no more, but Tyrone never slept for more then six hours. " Rose to their location now! " he said, his voice cracking maybe in anger. Tyrone was going certain that he would first get back that knife then thrust it though each one of those werewolf's hearts.
Shartheth grins as his body shivers in delight of the feeling he had. The feeling was one of a near drawing battle as he relished it greatly. He then jumped back towards his group after taking the parchment. I would suggest that you all not stay here for long. "Ive been known to have quite an acute sense for battle and its only getting stronger. I can protect yall if you wish for an additional fee. However. I do have one condition. That ye seek shelter within the confines of your shelter and for Thine Vampuric lady to hide from any slit with light for the night shall become day soon. That I can guarantee thee." He said with a grin and then a maniacal laugh that howled into the night as his group began to prep their spells of destruction and malice while the hunter sent his hawk to the sky to search out what it was his leader had sensed drawing near.

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