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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

She knew he was young but, not that young.

"Indeed he was quite the man."

She didn't like his comment on becoming the stuff of legends.

"Sometimes it's best not become a legend among humans. They can be less then favorable."

Her mind wandered to the period of hysteria she went into after Dracula's death. When history knew her as the blood countess. She smiled at his comment about her décor.

"Thank you, I always like to reminded of my castle in Romania."

It was a like a Romanian castle but, with more Victorian furniture. Along with Dracula's portrait was one of her, and several smaller paintings. They were mainly portraits of other vampires that were members of the same pureblood line as her. She sat back in her chair looking at Tobias.
( i still hate you @xx0mittens0xx )

Tyrone unloaded his clip as soon as he heard the roar but sadly the pistol was pointed in a very different direction. Tyrone grunted as the heavy body of a werewolf collided with him. " Dammit " he said as he began to point his gun toward the werewolf but it got kicked away. Tyrone tried to pull up his gun but it seemed he had been pinned down well. " If it isn't my immortal adversary " he said with a sly grin underneath his helmet. Tyrone began to look around make for a way to escape but it seemed that there was only one, which was beating this werewolf down. It would be a mighty task not an impossible one. " which of my generous deeds have blessed me by your visit? eh Lupa queen of the wolfs ? "
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(You know you love me :bigsmile: )

Lupa stops her snarling and looks down at him with amused eyes. She tilted her head at his get-up trying to figure out a while to penetrate it. She chomps her mouth down on his arm finding she was making no head way with that. She growls frustratedly before starting to paw aggressively at his helmet in an attempt to break it. She was growing frustrated and bites down on his arm attempting to break through the armor again. She shakes her head violently only managing to shake his arm around. Her gaze falls down on his hands which seemed to be gloved in only leather. (at least that's what it looks like in your armor picture on your CS).If she was in her human form she'd be smirking dangerously. Conner.... would you be kind enough to sink your teeth into one of his hands.

(And no rush)
Shartheth gave out a howl of a deep echoing laughter while holding Sun's Deliverance in his right hand with his left held outward and his head held back slightly with the laughter. Upon his ceasement of the laughter, he snapped his thumb and middle fingers on his left hand. The wizard knew the sign and raised his staff high as he shouted out a spell that gathered the clouds for miles around, casting a dark shadow over the lands for miles to come. But this was but the first of what was to come. Rethnuem gave a loud screech as he circled above Tyrone. Mourdrin was swift to act as he drew his bow and a large grooved arrow with a solid arrow head that twisted in a spiral. He then took stance amongst the thick foliage, crouched low, took aim to where his companion had spotted movement and trained his eyes on the area until he noticed Tyrone taking aim at his leader. The clouds reflected more light down upon the area that radiated from Shartheth's armor.
Tyrone could not control his laugh on seeing the werewolf try helplessly to penetrate his armor. " its dog proof " he said with a laugh, well who wouldn't laugh at seeing his adversary frustrated, while you are yourself resting on the ground but it seemed that Tyrone's joy was short lived as she ordered her pup to bite Tyrone's hand. Tyrone knew that the fangs won't penetrate but he knew that his glove could easily be pulled out. Tyrone thought fast on the only possible way of escape that he had. " psst doggie " he said, as soon as Lupa peeked towards him, Tyrone's eyes grew vivid as it emitted a ray of UV light blinding Lupa. " foolish animal " he said using his free hand and legs to first punch then kick the heavy werewolf away. After doing so Tyrone rolled away grabbing his pistol and pointing it to Lupa. He had seen corner close by. " one wrong move and your leader would have silver for dinner" he said. Tyrone's other hand was set over at his other pistol just in case.
Marcus had only watched in curiosity of the 13 in front of him for awhile. That lead werewolf had not made a appearance and these 13 in front of him were strange in their own way. 'Their armor is one of older days, not forged by newer modern techniques, who are they?' Then his enemies did something even he could never expect. A spell, as he watched the clouds gathered he laughed loudly himself. "What is this, a spell. How are you able to gather the clouds, it's like the story's of old... Magic." He grinned excitingly. "Looks like I've found some interesting enemies, this is getting so much fun." He watched the archer drew his arrow, he watched him aim elsewhere, into the woods. Wait he Hasent seen Tyrone, did that mean." Suddenly he grinned as he looked into the tree and saw the glint of Tyrone's ridiculous armor and his opponent. In one quick moment he attacked a hook to the butt of his spear and then drew his pistol in two motions. He shot a bullet at the direction of the archer, not aimed at him but his bow. The bullet was high caliber and would easily punch threw the wood. Then he turned and in a single fatal movement threw his spear like a javelin at lupa's back and Tyrone. The spear was surprisingly aero dynamic and flew threw the air perfectly. Lupa's as focused as she was on her prey may not even reconigize the spear cutting threw the wind, especially if she was blinded by Tyrone. With how close she was to Tyrone if she dodged or even if she was hit full on the spear was all but guaranteed to possibly hitting Tyrone to if he didn't move. Proving further he had no care for Tyrone's life and may even be aiming for his demise. If there was one silver lining for the unexpecting lupa it was while he meant to sever her spine the blow was off and at best would hit her upper left back in a serious but not a game ending a blow.
Victoria grew restless each passing minute, she couldn't handle not being up there. She argued with herself internally before standing up and grabbing her pistols off a table she turned to Tobias.

"If you wish to join me in battle wear this cloak"

She tossed a black cloak at the other vampire.

"It deflects UV rays."

She pulled the hood up on her cloak and started walking down the hallway to exit the underground home.
(Yes his post states that you blinded Lupa so he knows that. My back would still be exposed in wolf form and he gives you the chance to move, but I got this)

Lupa whines as she was blinded and grunts as she's kicked away. Her ears took over with her sight taken away and she heard the spear and lets out a growl. She turns in time to grab it out of mid-air quickly breaking it in half if it was wood for the handle or denting it if it was silver, quickly dropping it to the ground. She was not alpha because she was some dumb pup, she always paid attention to her surroundings even when focused. "You'll have to do better than that" She licks her lips, a fear mechanism in wolves, because she was not fond of having her sight taken from her. Her vision slowly started to come back as she saw blurs and shadows, turning her attention towards Tyrone at hearing the click of a gun. A low growl emits from her throat, oh how she hated guns. Humans did not play fair. Her ears go flat against her head as she listens, still not able to see enough to make a move on Tyrone without getting shot or possibly getting Conner shot, both outcomes she did not want.

Tobias catches the cloak and slips it on with a grin. "I would love to join in all the fun" He states as he follows her through the hallway and towards the exit of the underground home.
Mourdrin moved his aim towards Marcus after seeing the werewolve get after Tyrone, only to find that Marcus was aiming something in his direction. He reflexively drew his bow close to him in his left hand and rolled out of the way before taking cover behind one of the larger trees. The dwarf had been watching Marcus for sometime through his glasses that allowed a greater magnification so as for him to see how Marcus shot the pistol then looked at the two in his hands and aimed them both at Marcus. After Marcus launched the spear, Muldrin, the dwarf, shot both and laughed at the similar sound and function of the two guns to his own. His aim was not spot on but definitely within the realm of nicking or whizzing past very closely towards Marcus. Thunder could be heard from in great claps and drum poundings as if the old storm gods themselves had taken interest in the fight after not having been summoned in so long. The thunder was soon followed for a heavy rainfall. Shartheth noticed the spear fly towards the two in the bushes then telepathically told Volcanos and Muldrin to retrieve for resources as Volcanos nodded then held out his left hand and the dwarf took hold then climbed up to his left shoulder pauldron, pulled out his rifle after stowing the two pistols, and took aim. Volcanos then began to glow a rick orangey red like fire as he made his tremendous way over to the two in the tree with axe and scythe in hand.
Conner waited patiently, waiting for a chance to leap out of hiding and rip mostly Marcus' throat out and watch him bleed out as well as suffocate. But then he heard Lupa's whine, and shifted focus to her and Tyrone. Before he could do anything a gun was pointed at Lupa and he was told that a wrong move would get her killed. The human may know he was there, but not where he was. So, ever so quietly, he began to shift around to behind Tyrone. Once he reached where he wanted, a swift jump would probably put the hunter down. All he bad to do was to hope a stick kr a twig didn't snap under his feet.
Victoria exited the underground home and jumped into a tree. She quietly moved closer to the battle. Making sure only to move when the thunder sounded. She remained hidden and then, she jumped from a tee and landed on Marcus. She pinned his arms down and leaned closer to him.

"I haven't converted someone since 1548."

She took one of his arms and started removing the coverings.
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Marcus watched as lupa managed to dodge and grab his spear. "Nice reactions!" He said loud enough for her to hear while watching from the corner of his eye at the archer in case he decided to retaliate. When lupa tried to bend the spear it seem to break easily, to easily. If she looked down at the spear she would see it in pieces connected by chain. It was a chain spear and one of the most mobile weapons in marcus's arsenal. Then he suddenly pulled and you see what he had attached earlier. A near invisible but strong string that he could use to pull his weapon back to him after he had thrown it. He pulled it back upwards and over and the spear flicked upwards suddenly dangerous again as it sliced at her chest on the way out back to marcus. Marcus pull it back in one strong pull and caught the spear and shortened the string, the string and hook were attacked to something in his wrist that controlled the strings length so it didnt get in the way in battle. He unhooked the hook and twirled the spear and turned as two bullet whistled past him, one near his ear and the other scratching his cheek. He looked too the shooter, a dwarf which was surprising. Still this team was well made, long range support, supporting magic, and melee fighters. "This really is gonna be difficult." He said thinking. Then suddenly something landed on his back and pinned his arms. He knew who it was the second he heard her voice. "So your alive, im glad." He said with a grin and then with impressive flexibility he bent his leg and brought it to try and kick her in the back hard followed by a immediate roll.

Victoria doged his kick and jumped on him again as he tried to roll away.

"I won't let you get away so easy."

She grabbed his clothes raising him up a bit before slamming his head on the ground. She pinned his arms again.

"I want you to suffer."

She grabbed his arm again exposing his bare wrist.

"A heads up, it will hurt."

She grinned showing her fangs as she went in to bite him.
((this may be the stupidest thing ive ever done in a rp but eh xD ))

"I didnt expect you too." He said a bit dizzily, that had hurt quite a bit. As she went to bite him he did something that was so unexpected, so utterly ballsy that victoria had probably never seen anything like it in her 1000 years. As she went to bite him he suddenly half sat up ducked his head under her chin and bit her neck hard. In this position she wouldnt be able to bite him as he would hold her in place. At the same time he was making sure not to swallow, ingesting her blood would not be a good thing. As he bit her neck he tried rolling so he'd turn her on her back and have the advantage of his weight on top of her and allow him to get his hands free.
(oh man you just messed up!)

She froze up as bit her. She let out a scream before grabbing his throat. She ripped him away from her throat. She was spent and needed back up. As she laid on the ground, deep red blood seeping out of a wound that was trying to heal itself. She drew her pistols and emptied them both at point blank range. She hoped it would be enough of a distraction to get someone to help. She grabbed a stick and started to drag herself away.

(When she heals you are so dead, forget converting she wants Marcus's blood bottled up for her collection.)
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((by the way when i said i bit hard i mean hard enough to take a chunk out of your throat.))
((hmm good to know, it may get into my blood stream still undecided on that. Also a sent you a private message about some questions))

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