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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Lupa relaxes and leans back against her seat. "Oh.... no I didn't know she had a son. Not that I know a huge amount of information about her to begin with" She looks out the window as it got brighter due to the lights of the place they were going to. She steps out of the car once it was stopped, looking over at the man who must be Victoria's son Alexandru. She wished she was meeting him in better form rather than looking ragged and injured from battle. She still carried herself with an air of leadership even if she was limping her way over to him.
Meanwhile marcus and meri drove away. "So master who were those two werewolves at the scene." She questioned. Marcus answered back quickly. "Lupa and one of her lackeys, leader of the lycans. They were fighting tyrone i dont know if he kicked the bucket or not." Mari raised a eye brow. "So our lead werewolf hunter may be dead, wonderful. And what do you plan to do?" she asked as he grinned. "Chase lupa and victoria to the ends of hell."
Conner of the car the same time Lupa did. His foot felt like it as on fire, but he gritted his teeth and limped to her side. He didn't know about this Alexandru, even if it was Victoria's son. Quite frankly, he didn't trust a lot of people at the moment.
Alexandru watched as the two werewolves exited the car. They were injured.

"Please come in, don't worry about the furniture."

He opened the door to the sitting area he had been occupying. It had Victorian-esque style and of course the portraits of Victoria and Dracula hanging behind the couch.

"If there is anything I can help you with please, do not hesitate to ask"

While he spoke with the same Romanian as Victoria his demeanor was much kinder then hers. As he walked in he noticed Victoria standing in the room. He quickly walked over to her.

"Mother please, you need to rest."


Victoria opened her eyes in a very familiar room. The last thing she remembered fighting Marcus. Her throat was still healing, her cloak was gone showing the brown dress she wore underneath it. She stood up and walked towards the voices coming from the sitting room. She was relived to see Lupa and Conner. She glared at her son.

"Do not tell me what to do Alexandru."

She loved her son but, she hated how overly attached to her he was. She sat down on the couch under her portrait.
"The bleeding's nearly stopped. I'm not leaking tremendously anyways. I just need to get these bullets out before the melt in or burn out... so if you have some sort of small forceps, brown adsons would be ideal" Lupa turns her gaze to Victoria once they were inside. "Well I'm glad to see you're alright. We obviously didn't stay long afterwards but I did manage to get my teeth into Tyrone" A smirk appears on her face, pretty proud of herself even though in the back of her mind she was wondering if she should've just killed him. That would have been just too easy.
"I would also like these bullets out of my foot." Conner said, face expressionless. He must remain strong, if the Alpha could bear it, so could he. "And while we are at it, let us discuss these hunters." And Tyrone. The last part he thought to himself. It would be rude to talk about it so soon, at least that is how he saw it.
Alexandru looked at the two wolves.

"I will fetch the first aid kit."

He walked into another room grabbing a bag with a red cross on it. It contained just about everything needed to tend wounds, he also grabbed a glass of blood for his mother. He set the bag down by the werewolves.

"You should find everything you need in there."

he turned to Victoria.

"Here, drink this."

He sat down next to his mother.

"The hunters, well.....Marcus the one who attacked my mother, is known for his less then appealing tactics. We should stay hidden for a while."

That was always his tactic stay hidden, change his look, new name, and go back into the world.


Victoria smiled at Lupa's comment.

"Tryone will learn quite the lesson."

She grabbed the glass of blood from her son. She rolled her eyes at his plan.

"Hide, that's all you do is hide. I think an ambush would be rather nice."

She took a sip. She wanted Marcus dead and his blood bottled for a party. Oh how cruel that would be.
Lupa looks at Conner. "I should've bitten Tyrone's foot for repayment" She states letting her gaze fall briefly to Conner's foot before back at Victoria and Alexandru. "As much as I love ambushes I think a couple of days to heal would be ideal at the moment. And I'd like to see how Tyrone is going to react. If he'll come searching or if I'll need to find him. But Marcus needs to learn not to mess with us. We're not some rogue vampire or stray dog as he seems to think he's dealing with" She picks up the first aid kit before looking over at Conner. "Take a seat and I'll get those bullets out of your feet and then you can get the one from my neck" She states authoritatively, not looking for any lip from Conner. She had every intention of getting the other bullets out of herself but she knew she couldn't easily get the one from her nape.
Conner was going to protest and say that it wasn't to important and that they should get the bullet out of her neck first. But one look at her face told him that she would have none of it. So, lifting the injured foot up so she could get at it, Conner sits there quietly. Well, except for his one suggestion. "I have already said this before concerning the war, but guerilla warfare would be our best option. We could stay hidden," he said and nodded at Alexandru, "and when the time is right, ambush them and sabotage strategic locations. Then, when they are weak and on their knees, not sure where we are going to strike from next, we finish them."
Lupa kneels down near Conner's foot, her kneel rather ungraceful as she tried to avoid her ankle which she was sure was shattered from the bullet and to not to put weight on the thigh that had a bullet in it as well. It was an odd sight, seeing an alpha kneel to a second, but it was what needed to be done and Conner was the only person she'd show a smidgeon of softness to. She smiles at his comment, because he was indeed right at this point. "I have to say I can't help but agree with that suggestion now. An element of surprise may be our only advantage at this point with all their silly gadgets. Seems like cheating to me. And we're wolves, stalking and ambushing should be what we do best" She looks back at Alexandru. "You wouldn't happen to have any whiskey on hand, or any drinkable alcohol really. It's good for disinfecting and good to get through the pain of having these things dug out"
Alexandru sighed at his mother's comment.

"Mother this is not the 1700's. we cannot just ambush people anymore."

He turned back to Lupa, he was not going to comment on Conner's plan. It sounded like something his mother would say. He stood up and grabbed a brown bottle off a shelf.

"A heads up, its a little strong."

He looked at them and realized something, he never introduced himself.

"I'm sorry where are my manners. I'm Alexandru Vladimirescu temporary second in command to my mother Victoria."

He remembered that his mom did not know of this. He looked at her.

"The Romanian coven asked me to fill in until you found someone."


Victoria wanted to laugh at Lupa's comment but ended up having a coughing fit. She gulped down the blood and cleared her throat.

"Sorry, just a reminder of how odd Marcus is."

She couldn't belive what he did. Having the blood of a pureblood in his mouth must have stung like hell.

"Yes, he treats us as if we murder everyone in sight. We are not that stupid."

She grinned when Conner said his comment.

"I like your thinking Conner."

She sighed when Alexandru informed her of what the Roamainan coven did. Why they always did things without asking her really pissed her off.

"They always do things like this."
Taking the bottle and taking a swig, Conner nods in thanks both for the drink and for the compliment. Cringing a little at the pain, Conner is still able to speak. "Alexandru, from second to second, whatever the alpha wants, you can say whatever you want, but that very well may not change their mind. And we cannot hide from something that is avidly looking for us. This is a war, not a game of hide and seek."
Lupa takes the bottle when Conner was done with it and takes a swig of it. She makes a slight face since it was indeed rather strong, even for her, she was no stranger to liquor not being exactly a "lady" as one would expect. She pours a little over the forceps before setting the bottle down. She takes his foot firmly in her hand to keep him from kicking at her and slips off his boot. She digs in after the bullets as he spoke, internally agreeing with his statement, distraction was always good when it came to these things. She was doing it as gently and quickly as she could, finally grabbing the last one out. "I apologize ahead of time" was the only warning she gave before pouring the liquor over his foot to disinfect it, feet weren't exactly the best place to have a wound.
Elsewhere the UN was in disarray, marcus's call to arms at the party had brought bloody fighting to the streets of the city. While many of the first cops and responders on the scene got massacred do to their smaller arms and lack of training vs super naturals the second wave of heavily armed swat lead by veteran hunters had equaled the tide. By their had been bloody fighting on both sides for those who couldnt escape and war would had been kicked into high gear. And this while tyrone couldnt be called in for contact and the lead vampire hunter hadent checked in ethier. It was in this situation that marcus walked in. At that moment the US ambassador was speaking loudly. "We must strike, we can not allow this to go unpunished." Marcus was dressed for the part, suit and tie with a business look, marcus came from a influential family and he had not come empty handed. "I couldnt agree more." He said with a flourish as he entered the room. Many ambassadors looked at him in shock. "How did you get in here!" One asked, the man representing egypt. He looked at the US ambassador nervously, "You told me the entrance was guarded by some of your top men!" Marcus just smiled. "It was, not anymore." Many in the room looked terrified but marcus ignored them, instead motioning mari to come forward with a suit case. "Only recently have we come in contact with the super naturals, they live among us in every corner of out society in every rank. We have done well in clearing them when we can fine them but a majority of the species is still in hiding, among the unknowing." Mari opened the case reveling a small machine, about the size of a small remote. "We have invented a way to find them, in this device that scans the infection in their blood. What i need now is permission and man power to scan the citizens of the nation and uproot them from the fabric of humanity." This was a surprisingly influential speech for marcus, the machine was designed by his familys scientists and it was state of the art, and just what he needed to start a open war. "I have already given several news crews a interview about this advice so your people and the supernaturals will know what is coming and that we will win this war. Give me your support, your ears, your supplies and i will give you this war in victory. After all where is your previous leaders, having done nothing but hunting strays." In truth he had killed had killed the leader of the vampire hunters himself and hid his corpse so he wouldent be found and was certain tyrone kicked the bucket so this was the time to act. He would drive lupa and victoria and all their kind into a corner, he would force them into this war so he could enjoy every bloody moment of it. He would kill both of them with his own hands. 'How will you react to this, oh leader of vampires and werewolves.' He thought to himself. The US ambassador cleared his throat and asked. "What do you want in return." Marcus smiled. "Give me command of the hunter organization by giving me authority over the council and allow me to wage war my way." The man nodded vigorously, this was a man who would take action and please his government. Soon many others expressed their agreement. Some reluctantly but soon almost everyone had agreed. Marcus it seemed would have his war, and he had made the first move. Soon word would reach lupa and victoria about the new machine and marcus's appointment to leader of the hunters.
Alexandru looked at Conner, it sounded like he called him a child new to war. He wasn't going to get into a petty argument over who has fought in more battles.

"Why I respect your opinion on orders from the coven I am to keep my mother alive and unharmed at all costs. She is very important to the vampire community."

He wouldn't say why no, to tell two werewolves they are sitting in a room with the last reaming pureblood Dumitru vampire was not something he was going to say so freely. Also, the wolves would most likely have no idea what that meant. He looked at his mother who was having another coughing fit.

"You need to rest. Please or the coven will worry."

He watched her walk back to her room. He was worried that the injury was too much for someone her age. Even purebloods had an expiration date.
As soon as the liquor hit the wound, Conner shouted several words of profanity before stifalling the rest of his words. Once the pain eased, he took the first aid kit and motioned for Lupa to turn so he could easily get at the wound. "I agree, Victoria. That cough does not sound healthy." And once he dug out the bullet, he quickly washed the wound the same way Lupa did to his foot.
Lupa watches as Victoria goes to get some rest, hoping she was going to be alright, they all probably could use some rest after a day like today. She grits her teeth as he pours the liquid on her neck, yelping/whimpering through her teeth before taking a deep breath. The continuous burn was gone from her neck it felt much better compared to the alcohol burn that had now subsided, lucky the bullet hadn't reached her spine. Lupa readjusts her position, taking the first aid kit and alcohol. She lifts up the side of what was left of her dress a bit to get to the bullet in her thigh. She digs it out and examines it for a moment, glaring at it before setting it aside turning her attention to her ankle, at least the one in her thigh was mostly in the muscle and wasn't as painful. She shifts her position again and attempts to take the bullet from her ankle but quickly pulls the forceps back, failing at getting to the bullet that had found it's way into the bone. She grabs the bottle and takes a big swig from it before another attempt at it would be made. Conner had several bullets in his foot, she just had one, it wasn't that big of deal, or so she kept telling herself.
"Let me help you wirh that." Conner said, taking the tweezers from Lupa. She was obviously struggling to remove the bullet, must be stuck in the bones.
Lupa let out a small growl, unintentionally. She didn't want to appear weak as to not be able to treat her own injuries. She sighs a bit in defeat and nods before taking a big gulp of the alcohol. "Alright. Just be quick..."
Getting her foot up so he could more easily and comfortably get at the wound he says. "Alright. One." then quickly yanked out the bullet. Taking the alcohol, he took a bit of his shredded shirt, drenched it, then gently dabbed at the wound. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Conner said, making a rare joke but keeping the straight face.
Lupa winces as he dabs the wound and chuckles a little. "I suppose it could be worse..." She leans back in the chair she was sitting in with a sigh, taking another swig of the bottle before offering it back to Conner. "Do you think my biting that stupid human was a good idea? Or do you think I've made a possible big mistake?" She asks, authentically wanting his opinion.

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