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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

Meanwhile miles away a man grinned, Marcus had knew tyrone wouldnt let those two girls go no matter what kind of threats he made so he had put a tracker on his car when he had left that day after their little ah incident. The tracker had a invisible presence and did not emit any frequency except when marcus checked it when he got alert when the chip was moving. He got down and got in his own car, tyrone would lead him to his prey, it was just a matter of wondering if he should kill tyrone too when he got there.
Victoria nodded at the mercenaries words. Day light was soon upon them, the sky started to have a bluish tint to it. Fredrick approached the group.

'Madam, I just received word that two hunters are heading this way.'

She at looked at him. The lookouts must have spotted some hunters.

"Thank you Fredrick, you are dismissed."

She wanted him away from here so it was not suspicious that a car was out here. She turned to Lupa and Conner.

"You may stay and fight if you wish, I must go away before sunup."

She turned to the other group.

"Kill the hunters if you wish."

She started the trek towards the mausoleum, she needed to get inside before the sun came up.
Lupa gives a nod to Victoria before looking at Shartheth. "I get first pick though. I have two that I owe a greeting to and I have a small feeling that it may just be them who are coming." She stiffens before looking back at Conner to see what his decision was going to be. Whether to go with Victoria or stay out and fight with her though she had a feeling she'd know what his decision would be. She looks ahead again and rotates her shoulders a bit before shifting into her wolf form, awaiting the hunter's arrival. Whether it be Conner or Tyrone, she had every intention of spilling blood from one of them tonight. Hopefully they were the hunters making their way here.
Morphing, Conner stands ready by his leader. He may have taken some wounds fighting just recently, but he didn't trust these other humans 100% yet. it was something closer to 5%. Positioning himself just ahead of Lupa and to the side, he crouches behind some bushes, covering himself as much as possible, setting himself up to ambush anything that posed a threat
Shartheth looked to Victoria to see if she had made it back to her shelter yet or not then looked to the wizard as he nodded and the wizard created a shroud of darkness around Victoria before Shartheth spoke in a proud tone. "Ima gonna show you why The Sun will be coming early." He said with a grin as his body began to glow bright like the sun as it gives off the same solar and ultraviolet radiation. What came next was his body shifting into what seemed a different appearance all together as a radiant set of plate armor adorned itself over his formerly dark figure clad in gold and silver of a high caliber. 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Knight654654.png.c6d2e9d21c408c52827cd0b51d21d570.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Knight654654.png.c6d2e9d21c408c52827cd0b51d21d570.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Knight654654.png.9f746c797a5eabb1c72aa1cbb2ee98d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Knight654654.png.9f746c797a5eabb1c72aa1cbb2ee98d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Victoria disappeared into the mausoleum. She lit some torches in false rooms to throw off anyone looking to find her. She finally went into her underground home. She lit some candles lighting up the room. She walked into another room and changed into her usual brown outfit. She plopped onto a chair and stared at large portrait of Dracula. It was next to a portrait of her when she was younger. She had rubbed the bit off of the frame that revealed her last name. She grabbed a book and started reading. She was an expert at waiting.
((i was gonna wait for divyansh but im going to sleep and if there is no post tomarrow ill post))
As Tyrone closed in on the location he felt almost blinded, a huge ray of beam had erupted out of nowhere. " WHAT THE! " he said before pressing the accelerator even harder, something was fishy and Tyrone did not like not knowing what it was. He pulled up his claw parking his car at a distance from the location. " Time to fulfill my vendetta " he mumbled as he began to walk clearing the forest. Tyrone was indeed unknown of the adversary that he was going to clash into. He just peeked in the direction of the now ruined church, there he could see a bunch of people but specially a man, one who wielded a huge sword and wore an armor which seemed to be of gold and silver. " another hunter ? " he thought.
Meanwhile the second he parked his car akio drove just a bit off the main road and out of view and got out of his own car. He was whistling a merry tune and took out his swords, a spear, and a collapsible shield, and several dozen daggers. He hid the daggers and sheathed his sword and collapsed his shield and walked up with spear in hand. Unlike tyrone who took his time watching for a bit he simply walked up the main road till they came into view. "Strange i dont remember 15 of you, and it seems like were missing the vampire. Did she die?" He asked almost cheerfully as he walked into full view of the group. The spear was made of pure silver even the handle.
(Don't worry if Marcus ever gets turned or dies there's another char I can make. And remember Marcus is playing around, even if he wins he may not kill you.)
Victoria sat in her underground home. She was lost in her book until she smelled someone familiar. She looked up at the ceiling.

"Ah my disobedient friend you have come back to me."

Her patience grew thin. She wanted to hurt him so bad that, it was making her anxious. She started pacing in the living room. She couldn't go out, the sun was almost up. The responsibility of being the leader was also weighing on her shoulders. The vampire community had taken a hard hit and, she also didn't have a second. Vampires needed someone in charge or they go all rouge. She stared at the portrait of her former fiancé. Humans always took everything she cared about away from her. She sat back in her chair, frustrated that she was stuck there away from the battle.
Lupa caught both the scents of Tyrone and Marcus, she starts shifting her weight excitedly. She nudges her head against Conner before probing his mind with her own thoughts. "Seems like the humans missed us" Her voice rang through his head in an amused manner. She licked her chops slightly, crouching down in the bush as she waited impatiently. She couldn't wait to the see the face of whoever was the first one for her to spot and ambush. She glanced up briefly, cursing internally at the sun that probably still went through Conner's head since she hadn't broken their connection. Her coat was much more suited to blending in with the night rather than the brightness of day.
Tyrone moved forwards taking out he trusty rile. He was ready to shoot at sight ally or foe. He did not approach the person in Armour but instead began to circle around, often taking cover behind a bush or a tree. he was all ready. Tyrone pulled the AOG scope off the gun, and began to the iron sight at the person. He was ready o shoot any moment now but indeed he needed to gain some cover first, Tyrone was not foolish enough to give away his location. Tyrone hide in a group of bushes, silently loading up a clip. " Now now don't you move " He said in a very low tone ready to shoot the guy, but Tyrone was planning to monitor him till the teams arrive.
Lupa lifts her nose up and catches Tyrone's scent in the wind. A wolfish grin plastered upon her face. "Foolish move Tyrone. Being upwind of a werewolf" She silently stalks towards Tyrone, using her nose to find his location and her ears once she was close enough to hear what he believed to be silent actions. It took everything she had not to laugh when she heard his "now don't you move" comment because she was thinking the very same thing as she prowled closer to him, debating what she wanted to do. One quick swift bite to the neck or would she toy with a bit. She laughed internally, of course she was going to toy with him.  
(OMG I totally forgot I made a second character xD I'm a terrible author @Lady Luna Ravenswood would you have any problem if I just threw Tobias down there with you like he had been there the whole time xD I figured another vampire would be nice to have around)
(humpf noob!)

Tyrone's helm could register some sounds coming from his back, it was very high frequency and low pitched, Tyrone alone could have never heard them. Tyrone was indeed unsure if it was a just an animal or an enemy, still leaving his aim at the person who stilled rather strong in his bulky Armour could just result in a huge downfall for the mission but still Tyrone has always been a precocious one and so he just removed his left hand from the gun, he knew that the recoil would be too much but still he had to find out what might be following or preying on him. Tyrone grabbed his pistol, slowly taking it out hopping to not create any sound as he did. He tilted the pistol, it was facing Tyrone's back, well if someone was to prey on Tyrone now they better be ready for a surprise. Tyrone began to tilt his head slightly with curiosity to find the culprit begin that sound.
((since lupa hasent appeared im gonna fight mercenary's, also i already walked up the main road and just showed up xD ))
Lupa crouches down at seeing Tyrone pull out another gun. She could easily snatch one of his hands but she'd only get the other one turned on her. She would have to rethink her methods. "Conner could you kindly distract this bag of meat so I can pin him down" She watches Tyrone as she lays in tall grass. She kept an ear out for Marcus, knowing he was around by his oh so showy nature of letting people know where she was. But Tyrone was to be dealt with first since he crossed her first and then maybe she'd give Marcus half an ear as well.



Tobias looks up, things were growing tense not only from Victoria's pacing but he could feel it radiating down from above. He runs his fingers through his hair with a sigh as he curses vampire's need to stay out of the sun. He glances briefly at Victoria before turning his attention to the portrait of Dracula, admiring the talent it took to paint it.
Victoria looked at Tobias, she had almost forgotten that he was there. She looked at the same portrait he was.

"Did you ever meet Lord Dracula Tobias?"

She was trying to get her mind off of whatever was going above them. She decided to get know the young vampire since that was really all she knew about him. That and the fact that he wasn't exactly fond of werewolves.
"No I'm afraid I didn't have the honor. I'm too young of a vampire but to have a name that even humans remember in legends, he must have been something" He states before looking back at Victoria. "It's a shame what happened. Humans spoil everything it seems" He makes his way over to one of the chairs and places himself down into it. "I have to say, you have exquisite taste" he takes another look around the room. 
(Because @divyansh is pressuring me to attack him :tongue: (apparently he wants to get his ass kicked xD ) and I give in to peer pressure)

Lupa's patience wore thin while staring at Tyrone and she figured out an angle in which she could attack. She knew Cole wouldn't be far behind her if Marcus tried anything while her attention was on Tyrone. She let out a menacing growl as she coiled her muscles before leaping out of the tall grass, a flash of white teeth and claws, and onto Tyrone's side, pinning him down into the grass. She let out a snarl as she stared down at his face, putting one paw on his arm with the large gun to pin it down and kicks out the pistol with another leg.

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