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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

(Tyrone made himself known, explosions, fight, now Conner, Lupa, and Victoria are in a car heading to somewhere.)
Lupa nods, looking out the window. " Congratulations and sorry for your loss. Quite a sentence" She chuckles before speaking about the meeting "Though I have a feeling we're all going to be in agreement on what to do with these humans" She sighs and leans back against her seat. Humans had never been this much of an issue before and Tyrone's reasoning for hating werewolves was bothering her. She could understand his hatred but she had not committed such an action against him. Though she had her reason for hating humans even if he wasn't the one who personally gave her that reason so it would seem like it'd be an argument with a wall in terms of getting either of them to see each other as the same.
Tyrone drove to his home, crashing at his bead as soon as he got below. Tyrone knew well what was coming ow and that this might be his last sleep. All he needed to do now was to find a way to postpone the inevitable war. As much as he despised the werewolfs he did hate his companions dying. Tyrone tried to sleep but all he could think of was that bunch of werewolfs, but for some reason one of them seemed different to him, maybe just Tyrone's imagination but still.
Victoria smiled at Lupa's comment.

"Yes, that was quite a sentence."

She looked out the window, she hoped they would arrive soon.

"Indeed, the humans need to be dealt with. I have tried many times to get them to let us be but, they never listen."

She wondered if the humans would ever just let them be. Her mind wandered to the inevitable war. She had survived them before, she was 1,164 years old. She had seen her fair share of battles and war. She looked at the two werewolves, wondering how many battles they had seen. Neither of them could be as old as her, even the former commander was younger then her. She was considered by most to be the oldest pure-blood alive. Fredrick addressed them again.

'We have arrived, I will check for trouble.'

He got out of the car. She nodded, they were in the middle of the forest.
"Stubborn creatures they are. But they'll regret it" She states before smiling as forest air enters the car when Fredrick opened the door to leave. She inhales for a moment, her favorite place was the forest. She could set up a house in the middle of a forest, untouched by anyone else and be perfectly happy. But she runs a pack and city life was her current fate. Maybe one day she'd step down and let someone take over and disappear on the face of the earth but as of now, she didn't see anyone else capable of doing her job. She turns her gaze over to Conner, making sure he was doing alright after his attack, even if he was on last breath she believed he would still say he was fine.
She sat patiently in the back of the car. She looked over at Conner.

"Is there anything we can do to help him?"

She wondered if they were like vampires. Needing something to help their bodies heal. She looked down at her legs which, were almost done healing. She was lucky to still have her legs, if her skirt had been made of any other type of fabric she surely would not have any legs to speak of. She was worried about Conner, she looked back out of the window and saw Fredrick walking back towards the car.
"Something to eat and sime rest is all I need." Conner said, trying to calm both of them down. He really wasn't in to bad a shape. Most of the holes were sealed up and they didn't hurt as much. "Now, assuming we are now allies after all that we just went through, let us come up with a plan. I suggest guerilla tactics, hit and runs, pick were we want to fight."
Twas now during dead hour, 3-4am, that the time of night was as the 13 and their Leader were progressing at a steady pace deeper into the vast forest when a light broke through the tree line and all of them instinctively crouched so as not to be seen. Twas the car of the vampires and werewolves that passed by in what seemed to be a hurry which sparked some interest in the Leader. When the car had sped away for a good distance, till he was sure they were out of sight and hearing, he raised his right hand up and gave a motion to move forward with caution as they began to follow the path that the vehicle had followed but remained within the forest itself.
"I have both of those at my home."

What she failed to mention was the fact that the safe house was her home. Filled with personal items of hers.

"We will make the plan soon enough. Lets just let the hunters think they killed a few more of us then they thought."

Waiting was a veary good tactic during war. Fredrick opened up the door.

'The area is secure.'

She stepped out of the car. She looked at an old abandoned church and a cemetery next to it. She pointed to a large mausoleum.

"That is where we need to go."

She started walking down a trail leading to the mausoleum.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/15-abandoned-churches-louisiana.jpg.4b4fe53055b36e14e6179620d85e0131.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/15-abandoned-churches-louisiana.jpg.4b4fe53055b36e14e6179620d85e0131.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Lupa gets out of the car behind Victoria and looks over at the abandoned church and cemetery. "How eerie... though I can't say I wasn't expecting it" She turns her gaze on the mausoleum before following the trail behind Victoria. "It would help if we could figure out what kind of weapons they had so we know exactly what we're dealing with, but I don't see that happening anytime soon"
She stopped and looked at Lupa. She couldn't believe that Lupa had never heard of the hunters list before.

"I have a list of almost every single weapon used by both hunter associations. It was put together by some of our top spies."

The vampire's had been busy gathering intellect on the hunters. The list was made with the help of some humans who sympathized with the vampires. They wanted a peaceful co-existence with the vampires. She leaned down and picked up a torch from behind a tombstone. She grabbed a match from on top of the tombstone and struck the match on the stone then lighting the torch. She looked back at the car.

"We should wait for Conner to join us."
The Leader had gotten everyone to a silent run to try and catch sight of where the vehicle had stopped when all had gone dark but the night held no bars on their senses. Shartheth had Mourdrin send Rethneum ahead to scout the area from above while he sent Saisha on ahead to prowl what may lay in wait while he resumed the silent running forward, keeping an eye on the road until they within view of the area and see a small flame alight. This caused them to crouch low and wait to see what happened while he had Mourdrin command Rethneum to keep an eye on what they did at the mausoleum while circling above.
Victoria looked towards the road, someone or something was out there. She couldn't put a finger on what the smell was. She looked at Lupa again.

"It seems we are not alone."

She hoped Lupa could identify who are what was currently watching over them. She knew werewolves had better sense of smell. The whole scene was a like an eerie painting. A werewolf and a vampire in an abandoned cemetery, in the middle of the night, with a torch for the only source of light. She knew Fredrick would be of no help, he was human and a vampire sympathizer. He offered to be her driver when she came here.
Lupa shifts into her wolf form, her ears pick up the flap of the wings on this silent night. She looks up into the sky at spotting the hawk, that particular type of hawk was not native to this area. A slow growl escaped her throat at the idea of being watched. She had no intention of letting spies stay in the area. She makes her way towards the forest, listening for any sound of someone hiding within it. Her dark fur blending in well with the night, the moonlight occasionally catch on her golden eyes but she was deadly silent as she stalked into the woods.
Amber yellow eyes watched her as Saisha had crouched low amidst a strong smelling bush of sorts while she watched the werewolve move silently through the forested area near where they were. Her body still as she was almost within pouncing distance but knew she was not to engage. Rethneum let out a sharp cry as he saw the two take notice of him which alerted the group to the others being on to them but the Leader knew the vampires and werewolves had no knowledge of just who they were in for a surprise of. The Wizard cast a shroud of darkness over Volcanos' body to shield the light of his primal energy.
Victoria followed Lupa into the forest. She could see bodies in the forest. One of them cast a spell making that area of the forest darker. She spoke to the area of the forest where she saw the most bodies.

"Be you friend, or foe."

She held the torch to the side only lighting half of her face. She didn't like the fact that people were spying on her. She was holding out hope that they were not bad. They needed allies.
The wizard let go of his spell as the full light of Volcanos gave way to shine light upon their group as they all stood in unison. All the while Rethneum and Saisha remained away just in case. The Leader then approached towards with a supreme confidence with his cloak still above his head but his ice sword ever ready. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/FujinSinn.jpg.06d37aa8966ac0dbb769202a4ba108b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/FujinSinn.jpg.06d37aa8966ac0dbb769202a4ba108b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Blade_of_Lost_Gods.jpg.23f6eafccee9f369347e5550bf644d92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Blade_of_Lost_Gods.jpg.23f6eafccee9f369347e5550bf644d92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"well now."

She looked at the group, all of them looked like they walked out of a time machine. She wasn't surprised by their outfits no, it was more that a group of them were in the forest, at night. She looked at the man that approached her. He was confidant with himself. He also looked ready to fight. She stood her ground, her voice remained calm.

"If you are not a foe then I am no threat to you."

Her yellow eyes starring at the man. If they were not a foe then, maybe she could convince them to fight against the humans.
Shartheth kept a noble posture about himself but did stop a good distance away from where the voices originated in the event of an attack as he did not understand the language that was being spoken to him as modern english was not spoken in the 12th century. What came next was a mix of Scandanavian, gaelic, and a heavy nordic accent. "What beith ye?" He said with authority and caution while he held tight, the grip of his sword. 
(headin to bed and wont be able to respond till the evenin tomorrow)
Lupa pads her way back over to Victoria before looking over at Shartheth, eyeing him cautiously. She tilted her head not understanding what he said. Other than English the only languages she understood was Russian and Persian and what he spoke was neither. She shifts back into her human, still watching the strange figure. "Do you speak English?" She also asks in Russian and Persian if he spoke either of those languages.
"Great." was the only thing he said as the strange human spoke a different language. At least they didn't want to kill them. But why did they have to be so tall? It rankled enough that Tyrone was taller than him, now a majority of these humans were. And he couldn't morph, he was simply to weak. And since he couldn't morph, the only extra muscle Lupa and Victoria had was a stronger than average man in a ripped up suit. Not the most ideal situation he's been in, but not the worst.
She smiled when the man spoke, his 12th century English brought up memories. This man was truly something different.

"A vampire."

She looked at the man she could understand what he had asked. She asked her question again maybe this time he would understand.

"And what art thou, friend 'r foe?"

It was very odd to hear a woman with a Romanian accent speak old English.

(I was trained in Shakespearean acting. Its not truly 12th century but, its all I know.)
Shartheth removes his hood using his left hand as it reveals a fair skinned man of lengthy silver hair. The dark brown eyes full of sights he had seen through his travels as he spoke in a less tense tone at the note of their being only 4 and one being a vampire while the other a shapeshifter. "Blade for Hire My Lady" He said formally and gave a soft nod of his head to her. He then sheathed his sword to show he meant no ill will and stepped forward towards them. All the while, the 13 were standing by ready to let loose hell upon the four should they try anything towards their leader.
A blade for hire...well now, this could be helpful.

She turned to the others.

"A mercenary, they could help us."

She was trying to remember the currency they used in the 12th century. Then she realized what could secure their alliance. She called to Fredrick.

"Fredrick, get me, oh a small chest full of treasures from my vault."

He nodded and headed off towards the mausoleum. She turned to the mercenary.

"I will pay thou handsomely f'r thy services also, to keep thou from telling of this place."

She was also concerned about them blabbing about a vampire, two werewolves, and an old man lurking around an abandoned church.

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