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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

She stood up with Conner's help, she was still experiencing pain in her legs.

"Thank you Conner."

She braced her arm against the wall.

"Do you think you can convince your leader to trust me."

She looked at the pile of ashes that were once vampires, her leader was among the victims.

"I have a safe house that we should go to."
"Shouldn't be to hard." he grunted out. And it shouldn't be, after all she did help them. 'Now where is that extra help.' Conner thought angrily to himself. Seriously, he had several wholes in him, most caused by silver bullets and the one threw his arm by a silver sword. The silver sword was a bit opd school, and Conner wasn't sure to be glad the old ways are still alive or not.
Lupa makes her way over to Victoria and Conner, having made it in the catacombs at the last possible moment. She knew Conner was right about it being foolish to go after Tyrone, even if it did take everything she had not to go after him. "I trust you. It's not like I have much of a choice" She says with a small laugh. "especially compared to humans." She takes a deep breath, half her right ear was missing and her shoulder was sliced open pretty deeply but it was already starting to heal, though her ear wouldn't grow back but it would soon be closed. "Seems like this ball will be the talk of the town" She says with another chuckle before looking at Victoria. "So where's that safe house of your's?"
Tyrone crawls as a few drops of blood fall from his nose. " Rose car..... " he says in a rather miserable tune. Tyrone was indeed feeble right now but had not given up. He knew that the alpha team was about to move inside the mansion anytime and so he had no intentions of looking like this. Tyrone grunted as he pulled himself up using his claw as a support. He was the last one left in the dreaded manor it seemed. " DAM YOU! " he yelled as he realized that the one who grabbed his neck was no other then Marcus.
She pointed to a rusted gate.

"At the end of that tunnel is a car that is waiting for me. It will take us to the my home."

She started walking that way her legs could support her weight now.


She gestured for the others to follow her.

She walked to the end of the tunnel. She opened a large door and there was a black town car waiting. An aged man with grey hair opened up the door.

'Madame Victoria there is a note from the Romanian coven for you.'

She nodded

"thank you Fredrick, my friends will be joining me."

she got in the car, Fredrick waited for the others to get in.It had a red interior and plenty of seating for all three of them. As she sat in a seat that faced the back bench seat. She grabbed a wine glass of blood, she needed it if she was to finish healing.
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With his ice sword sheathed, the leader stood from around the light of volcanos and began to wander while the rest of the group had already begun to fan out and take up positions as they were using their entry point as an outpost. The leader wondered what force brought them to such strange lands and wether or not it would be possible to return to their home. Upon thinking such, a new thought occurred to him. What if this new land was more bountiful of adventure and interest than his old? It was certainly less feral by the lack of nature upon the open lands.
Vivian watched in horror as the floor gave way and some of her packmates, along with a few vampires, fell. She calmed down once she saw it was a way for them to escape. Vivian made her way to the back of the room, trying to find a back door or window to sneak out before the police got there or worse a werewolf hunter take interest. She concentrated on making small movements. One thing she remembered from her human life was her father's tips on killing werewolves, he had always said if they make sudden movement you best shoot them. It meant they were important to the pack. Though Vivian now as a werewolf was unsure of her father's logic. She recalled Lupa being one of the first to the fight. I guess he was correct in some way. Vivian made herself as small as possibly with the dress on. This dress is going to be the death of me. She sniffed the air in hopes of picking up one of their scent.
Meanwhile while all of this happened marcus had gone to get information about his prey. While the order had been given to retreat more then a few vampires and werewolves were moving slower then the others and it was them marcus fell apon like a storm. After that he says he will kill them unless they can tell him the names of the 4 he had seen. He planned to kill them right or not but no harm getting info out of them first. He describes them carefully and then await his answers. He did get some info, the female werewolf and the one who had called herself the leader of the coven were famous in their own rights in their respective clans.
The supernatural sensors that some of the humans have, that were working, would have picked up on the temporal explosion off on a dark and forested hill and recorded the anomoly with a notification/alarm. Twas at this time though that the leader decided to walk back to the group and with a circular hand motion but with a his right pointer finger held up as a sign for caution. He knew not whether the locals would have picked up what caused this hole or wether they had scouts in the area. To the reports of his companions however, he guessed they were not very strict with their patrols or something else had caused them to be drawn away from the area. Upon his return, Saisha came pounding up to him then leaped up onto him in the form of a hug as he smiled and hugged her in return. When everyone had gathered around, he spoke in a mixture of nordic and scandanavian. "Let us leave this place as soon someone may come to search" The 13 nodded as Saisha got down from him and stood next to him. The leader then walked away from the city and deeper into the woods while the others followed.
Lupa paces around where she could smell Tyrone and Marcus above, how she would have loved to have Tyrone down here screaming for mercy. That Marcus figure was dead in her eyes. After slicing off half her ear she was not too keen on letting him live, there was still a dull ache in her ear and shoulder but it wasn't burning nearly as intense as when it had just happened. She licked her lips at the thought of getting her teeth on him. She snaps out of her vengeful mood and turns her attention on Conner. "Are you going to be alright? I'm assuming you'll live but I know how you like to hide wounds from me" She states giving him a quick glance over before going in the direction Victoria had went, soon arriving to her town car as she climbs in. "Nice getaway vehicle" She says with a chuckle while waiting on Conner. "Conner should be here momentarily. I think he was following me anyways. Humans always have to ruin everything. For what's it's worth, it was a spectacular ball"
Tyrone finally got up his face drenched in his own blood. " Car..." he said in a low tone. Shortly before the alpha team's entry Tyrone had got his helm on. Luckily now none could see his pathetic state. " Why were you all so late! " he yelled in anger knowing that they just missed a pack. Tyrone moved towards his car before pointing towards the escape tunnel. " GO CHASE! "he yeleld. none of them gave a excuse for the delay they knew that Tyrone was furious, he might not be very powerful during is calm state of mind but when he loses it all and flushes is mind and fills it with brain, Tyone can be one of the deadliest foes but it can also be his weakness.
She smiled at Lupa's comment.

"Yes humans always ruin everything."

her mind drifted to her former fiancé Dracula. Humans always took away everything she cared about.

"At least someone enjoyed the ball. Personally, I am not a fan of them."

She grabbed the letter that the Romanian coven had sent her. It seems she was right about the fate of the leader of the vampires.

"It seems I have been, promoted."

she crumbled up the letter and tossed it aside. Now she needed a second, all of her first choices were killed during the attack.
((You could always attempt to turn someone, my guy wouldn't care as long as someone beat him first xD ))
"Of course I am." Conner muttered under his breath before following. Once h reached the car, he stood beside the door patiently, but eventually he couldn't take it. "I suggest we leave. We only bought ourselves some time." And with that, he opened the door and motioned for them to get in before he himslef woukd enter.

(Sorry I haven't posted. Internet trounles.)
Victoria watched as Conner got in. Fredrick shut the door before getting in and driving the car off. They remained in an underground tunnel before finally merging on a freeway heading towards a forested area.

'We shall reach the safe-house in 12 minutes'

Victoria looked towards the front of the car.

"Thank you Fredrick."

She returned her attention to the two werewolves.

"It seems we can have the meeting when reach the safe house."

She was still dealing with the fact the former leader of the coven had been killed in the first battle against the humans.

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