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Fantasy Fangs, Claws, and Technology

((lol i was kind of wondering considering you were on and saw nothing, btw weve gone like 8 pages forward in a wolfy arrangement as well.))
(I know I still have to catch up on that one @_@ )

Lupa couldn't help but let out a snarl at this pompous human. He was working her last nerve and it was getting harder and harder for her to keep her mouth shut. She hadn't corrected Conner, grateful he was alright. It would be a pain finding another second, no one had been as loyal as he had been. Lupa laughs at the human's introduction. "Someday is going to be a very long time for you. I've not been around for over 200 hundred years because of luck. Maybe someone like you would do well in our ranks. How about it? Do you want to be a vampire or a werewolf" She asks with a dangerous grin ready to change. "Though anyone who has to call all human authority in the tri-city area is a coward. Perhaps you don't deserve either."
He looked at her. "You know for all your subordinates work you really make it seem like your the alpha, if for nothing else the authority you speak with." He said looking at her. He shrugged off her insult about him being a coward. "The humans are just to make sure several packs dont fall on to me, i may be reckless but im not stupid. As for becoming a lycan or a vampire." He looked at her with a taunting smirk. "If you beat me i may just consider it." Strangly it did not seem like he was lying.
"Well I am second in command so I do have authority. The only one I listen to is the alpha" She states playing the mix matched roles game. She glances over at Victoria for what she was going to do before she decided to engage in a battle with this human before turning her gaze back to Marcus. "I suggest you make your decision soon because I have every intention to make you choose one" She narrows her eyes, disappointed she may have to ruin her dress tonight, it was one of her favorites.
"Actually i believe you are alpha because you just answered when i said for all your subordinates work without correcting me." He said making a observation. "So are you gonna fight as well, also i have given my name it would be rude not to give yours." He teasing chided. "As for my decision im staying here, ive yet to be entertained enough."
"I believe I corrected you when I said I was the second. Are you daft? Do you need a word by word correction. Though as a silly human it seems painfully so. How naive you all are. Always violence but I do not wish to disappoint. If you beat me then you may have my name but it's not going to be willingly given to you" She states with a growl before shifting into her pitch black wolf form.
Tyrone had just bandaged his neck and had crashed on his couch about to switch on the television maybe to watch today's match but soon he heard some static noise from his radio. He pulled it close to hear what was it. It was some guy calling for reinforcements. Tyrone's hand raised to his temple as he pulled the radio to his mouth. " Anyone who dare to go for the last call shall pass me his resignation by tomorrow. " He said in a rather anger tone. Tyrone then threw the radio at the wall breaking it. Tyrone was normally calm but he knew who had called in it was indeed Marcus. A foolish warrior but a strong one never the less and so an important asset. Tyrone smashed his fist hard over the table next to the couch and so creating a huge bang. " DAM! DAM! DAMMIT! Where did he get a radio ! " He yelled as he hurried to get into his suit. Tyrone had to rush back to the ball, not to fight but to stop one. Tyrone had already did a lot of damage and if Marcus was to kill anyone of a high position the humans got run into an all out war against the vampires and the werewolf together. " That fool can never think of anyone other then himself can he ! That bast*rd ! " he cursed as he got into his suit and then towards his car. Tyrone had to go to the hell hole that he barely escaped from. He had to go there alone this time as none he could no longer call for help now could he? He only had a solitary radio and no spares.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you just wanted to talk." And with that, he morphed. Muscles bulged and bones grew and shifted, fur covered his body and a tail and muzzle grew. It all took but a second, and there was the largest werewolf Conner knew of, for he had yet to look up to one. Holding his animalistic urge to sink his claws and teeth into the human, he waits for Victoria to lead the charge.
"You corrected that you spoke with authority because you were number two but you didnt correct when i said subordinates which was something you answered subconsciously so i cant help but be suspicious." He said. "I only have to beat you to learn your name, fine by me." He says prepared.
"You are so foolish"

She looked at the Conner who had transformed. She raised her gun straight up over her head a fired one shot. Suddenly the room shook and alarms sounded from around the castle. She gave a twisted smile as she lowered her gun matching it with the other.

"I hope you are prepared hunter, you would make an excellent vampire."

she looked at the wolves.

"Let's teach this human a lesson."

She fired a few shots in his direction.
With a snarl, Conner goes to all fours and charges the human. He would rip his throat out and tear him limb from limb. He'll grab the humans skull and crush it like an over ripe melon. But first he had to get close to him first.
Lupa started to circle the group while Victoria and Conner made a loud distraction she had every intention to strike when he was not paying attention. Three against one, especially a human seemed rather unfair but at this point he had spoken too many words that angered her. She stayed deadly silent as she waited for her opportunity.
He just smirked. "The one whos the fool will be learned from this battle." He said as the alarms went off. As she fired at him he ducked low and shot across the ground so low his stomach was almost scrapping it. He was now directly in front of the werewolf now so it was impossible to shoot him without hitting him in the back. Putting one hand down to balance himself he put his weight on that hand and pushed down and flipped his body as he pushed up so he was suddenly above the werewolf just out of bite range even if he looked up. When he was passing him he sent a kick at his rump to use him as a spring board though if he missed he'd just propel himself off the ground and flew straight at the gun wielding vampire. Throwing a knife at her so she couldnt just stand in place and shoot at him then throwing a hidden second one but hiding it in the shadow of his arm till he threw it with deadly accuracy. Without pausing he stopped turned and stepped forward to he was within sword range of lupa. One of Marcus's deadliest techniques was the lightning strike invented in feudal japan to end a blow in a single fight with a quick draw of speed to be reckoned with. Marcus often surprised his opponents with the speed of this deadly but not complicated technique and due to its surprise factor many find it near impossible to block. With one hand on the sword he drew it in seemingly less then a blink of a eye at Lupa's torso with more then enough power to cut her in half. 'If she doesent block this she doesent deserve my interest.' He thought as he struck, while the blow was deadly it was still on of his lesser techniques, relying on mostly surprise to kill. However due to lupa planning to attack when he was occupied with the other two she may be more surprised how quickly he went threw them to attempt to strike at her allowing even a greater chance for her to get hit or at least glanced. (the blade is edged in silver btw)
Conner was shocked at the humans speed, it was simply inhuman. But when he got close to Lupa... Leting out a howl to try and distract, Conner once more charges at the human, but this time to block the blow. If he couldn't get there in time or Lupa blocked, he would just barrel into the human to bite, rip, and in general mess up the humans day.
Lupa leaps back with a slight twist, she had dealt with katanas, swords, etc... and had trained in dodging them. She had no intention of being sliced in half nor having a paw sliced in two for attempting to block. How was one to block such a sharp object without something being sliced in two. She managed to jump the side with a slice right down the middle of her right ear to her head and slicing some skin and fur off her right shoulder, having moved before it was able to cut down in a deadly manner. The silver however, though not administering a deadly blow burned like hell. She had to hold back a whine and took her paw over her head and rubbed it over her ear though it did no good to stop the pain. She looks up at Marcus, her stare full of hate and rage. An injured animal was much more dangerous than a healthy one. She looked in Conner's direction glaring as he howled, he was going to get himself killed for drawing attention to himself like that.

(If Marcus turns to Conner, the next line occurs, but if he ignores him and keeps his focus on Lupa ignore it)She ran for Marcus' foot to drag him away from doing serious damage to Conner.
(sorry had to log off for a bit real life is a pain at times)

Hearing the back and forth between the human and Victoria. She ran into the other room and told the other vampires and werewolves what had happened. Then she came back and stood at Victoria's side."I'm not leaving." She drew a blade she'd always kept in her boot and stood ready to battle.
(alright since im gonna be fighting 4 people after the 3rd post i will wait for 7 min to see if we can get teh 4th and then post so we dont get held up here. Btw all my stuff is silver just letting you know unless i state otherwise)

He had watched carefully as lupa dodged, she wasent bad. She had obviously been trained to deal with swords and blades. He heard a howl on his left and almost sighed. 'This one on the other hand is too reckless, im surprised hes still alive if he lets his enemy's know his position like that.' Then again this was a special instance, because at least one of these wolfs was high ranking (he guessed lupa now though he didnt know her name.) They felt a need to protect each other. Wolfs unlike vampires relied heavily on pack instinct and group work so seeing their equivalent to a commanding officer hurt would send them into a frenzy. 'But those in a frenzy are easily led into blows.' Without looking at conner he suddenly turned his blade and pressed it against his forearm so the tip stuck past his elbow and shifted so that when connor stuck him he'd run right into his silver which would be equivalent to shoving a silver knife into his own ribs. He could hear his footsteps and tell he was going for speed rather then planning so he knew were to aim. If connor rammed into him on this path he'd be struck in the chest. Meanwhile he bent his knee's low and held his elbow at a upwards angle to brace himself to hold fast vs conners charge. He then quick drew his pistol at speed cowboys and bandits wished they could have done and shot a near point blank shot at lupa before turning the shooting directly to his left at connors charging from which may have already hit his sword so this would be adding a second injury. he ren turned on his heel ever so slightly so that if conner was impaired on his sword he'd be turned to face lupa and Marcus sent a shot at the other vampire at victoria's side.
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Right before hitting the hunter, he saw the blade and. Anaged to twist so that it just went into his arm, going clean through. And as the shots hit him, right in the stomach, he involuntarily flinched but kept going. The shots went clean through him as he continued to push towards the hunter, now clawing at him and attempting to bite his head off, spittle flying from his lips. How dare he hurt the alpha. He would make him pay.
Tyrone had been mad and pissed off about Marcus's actions, he can always be a trouble to deal with. Since changing into his suit he had gotten into his car and rushed out of the cave and the highway towards the manor. It was pretty much like going back to hell after reaching heaven. " Tsk that fool! " he yelled as he got out of the car parking it away from the manor. " You know what to do rose " he said before walking towards the manor. He grappled to its top and peeked below from the glass roof. Tyrone had brought his knife, two pistols a DMR and a couple of uv bombs. Tyrone also had a bottle of wolfsbane with him. He gazed around and soon saw that fool fighting 4 adversary at once. " A fool indeed " he thought but soon glanced at the radio that was far away. Even Tyrone and Marcus could not kill a coven and pack together specially at night. he slowly grappled down the roof not making any voice. He could not see what was happening around but the helmet of the suit provided a well detailed image of his surrounding. He reached out for the radio and picked it up secretly before looking towards Marcus but what he saw was a pair of eyes. They were blood thirsty was it Lupa? he wondered
Lupa let out a snarl before she was on Marcus in an instant at seeing him stab Conner. That was not going to fly by her. She went to sink her teeth into Marcus having every intention to finish him if she was going to bite him but the shots at point blank hit her in the right shoulder knocking her back a bit so her bite was unsuccessful. She couldn't help but yelp at more injury to the already injured shoulder. She uses her left arm to swipe Marcus' feet out from under him in an attempt to distract him momentarily so he couldn't finish Conner.
Tyrone picked up the radio and yelled. " STOP NOW ! " his words loud and clear. He spoke to Marcus. He might be powerful but he would not dare to fight humans,vampires and werewolf at the same time would he? Tyrone had pointed his rile towards Marcus but could move it towards someone else in no time. " You wish to start a war eh? You fool! " he yelled. Tyrone was indeed raged.
She dogged one of the knives and the other grazed her. She watched the werewolves fight the human. She realized the human sent a shot at the vampire by her side. She took the shot to her leg and slumped to the floor. She called out to others.

"Get around me! I have an plan."

The floor just around her was rigged, a trap door led to tunnels she just needed the others to get near her. The manor was no longer safe. Then the man from before appeared yelling at the human.

"We will let you go if, you let us go."

She was able to stand, the wound was healing itself. Looking at the man who had slipped through her fingers not long ago.
Lupa ignored Victoria's command at hearing that voice, which was probably foolish, and quickly looked around for the source of the voice from the radio. She knew that voice and she wanted that voice gurgled from her teeth on his wind pipes or that voice saying "yes ma'am" to her. Her head dipped low in a predatory manner, sniffing the air for his location, keeping her good ear towards Marcus ready for his next attack. Her nose and what was left of her right ear, which was about half was focused on finding Tyrone before her eyes land on him and she licks her chops. "Tyrone.... you couldn't stand to stay away could you"

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